The American journal of gastroenterology Tran Danielle, Tagliaferri Ariana, Chandra Subhash, S4941 NSAID-Induced Diaphragm Disease on Capsule Endoscopy: A Case Series 119:10S, p. S3113 - S3114 2024
The American journal of gastroenterology Tran Danielle, Tagliaferri Ariana, Chandra Subhash, S3804 Over-the-Scope Clips for Hemostasis in Post-Variceal Banding Ulcer Bleeding: A Case Series 119:10S, p. S2493 - S2493 2024
The American journal of gastroenterology Ashley Scholtens, Hughes Brett, Vyas Neil, Chandra Subhash, Savio Reddymasu, S3326 Isolated Duodenal Varices: A Rare Presentation of Occult Bleeding Managed With Endoscopic Sclerotherapy 118:10S, p. S2204 - S2204 2023
Foregut (Thousand Oaks, Calif.) Rezaie Aida, Mittal Sumeet, Reddymasu Savio, Chandra Subhash, Latorre Andres, Topic: Esophagus Benign-GERD, Achalasia, MotilityAbstract ID: 90Automated Calculation of Mean Nocturnal Basal Impedance Performs Similar to Manual Calculation in Diagnosis of Reflux Disease Spectrum 2023
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Scholtens Ashley, Sotoudeh Kayvon, Kang Paul, Reddymasu Savio C., Chandra Subash, Abusaleh Rami, Ansari Zaid, Sa1105 TRENDS IN INCIDENCE, DISEASE STAGING AT DIAGNOSIS, AND SURVIVAL RATES OF GASTRIC CANCER IN THE UNITED STATES 164:6, p. S-282 2023
Foregut (Thousand Oaks, Calif.) Chandra Subhash, Reddymasu Savio, Symptoms Evaluation After Anti-Reflux Surgery—Gi Perspective, p. 263451612311705 2023
The American journal of gastroenterology Hughes Brett, Chinonso Ilo, Chandra Subhash, S3576 Collagenous Gastritis: A Rare Cause of Anemia 117:10S, p. e2244 - e2245 2022
The American journal of gastroenterology Hadiatou Barry, Kayvon Sotoudeh, Hughes Brett, Aida Rezaie, Keng-Yu Chuang, Chandra Subhash, Matthew Barvo, Chinonso Ilo, Mustafa Alani, S2590 Endoscopic Sengstaken-Blakemore Tube Placement for Variceal Hemorrhage: A Case Series 117:10S, p. e1717 - e1718 2022
The American journal of gastroenterology Chinonso Ilo, Matthew Barvo, Hadiatou Barry, Venkata Pulivarthi, Chandra Subhash, Sarabdeep Mann, Bianca Varda, S175 Colitis on CT Imaging: Do the Radiographic Findings Correspond With Direct Visualization on Colonoscopy? 117:10S, p. e127 - e128 2022
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Abusaleh Rami, Alani Mustafa A., Chandra Subhash, Reddymasu Savio C., Abuasbeh Jumanah, Ansari Zaid, Mo1168: TRENDS OF ESOPHAGEAL ADENOCARCINOMA INCIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES: IS THERE A DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT? 162:7, p. S-722 - S-722 2022
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Jain Shalini S., Reiche Will S., Schutte Bryce, Gapp Jonathan J., Chandra Subhash, Su1190: ESOPHAGEAL EOSINOPHILIA: GERD AND EOE OVERLAP IN A MIDWESTERN US COHORT 162:7, p. S-538 - S-538 2022
Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery Gapp Jonathan, Crigler Christine, Ansari Zaid, Mittal Sumeet, Reddymasu Savio, Chandra Subhash, Nandipati Kalyana, Transpyloric Lumen-Apposing Metal Stent for Gastroparesis Is Associated with Significant Complications 2022
Endoscopy International Open Buddam Avanija, Rao Sirish, Koppala Jahnavi, Rangray Rajani, Abdussalam Abdullah, Mukherjee Sandeep, Chandra Subhash, Over-the-scope clip as first-line therapy for ulcers with high-risk bleeding stigmata is efficient compared to standard endoscopic therapy 9:10, p. E1530 - E1535 2021
Internal and Emergency Medicine Alam Syed Mobashshir, Buaisha Haitam, Qasswal Mohammed, Ashfaq Muhammad Zubair, Walters Ryan William, Chandra Subhash, Ileus in Acute Pancreatitis Correlates with Severity of Pancreatitis, Not Volume of Fluid Resuscitation or Opioid Use 16:7, p. 1905 - 1911 2021
The American journal of gastroenterology Moore Natalie, Vance Laura, Walters Ryan, Chandra Subhash, S1085 Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Hospitalization for Alcohol-Associated Hepatitis 116:1, p. S513 - S513 2021
The American journal of gastroenterology Yazan Addasi, Avanija Buddam, Jenkins Erin, Chandra Subhash, S2078 A Case Series of Esophageal Intramural Pseudo-Diverticulosis 116:1, p. S897 - S898 2021
The American journal of gastroenterology Alam Syed M., Qasswal Mohammed, Ahsan Muhammad, Walters Ryan, Chandra Subhash, S639 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Increase Risk of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding When Used with NSAIDs: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis 116:1, p. S290 - S290 2021
The American journal of gastroenterology Picking Christopher, Avanija Buddam, Chandra Subhash, S1723 Rectal Perforation; A Rare Complication From Anorectal Manometry: A Case Report and Literature Review 116:1, p. S765 - S766 2021
The American journal of gastroenterology Vance Laura, Moore Natalie, Walters Ryan, Chandra Subhash, S1222 Predictive Performance of Age and Initial Serum Albumin Compared to Traditional Prognostic Scores in Alcohol-Associated Hepatitis 116:1, p. S563 - S563 2021
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Gorantla Ram G., Chandra Subhash, Walters Ryan W., Reiche William, Cheek Anna L., Alaber Omar, ID: 3524600 EFFECT OF INCORPORATING SIMETHICONE IN BOWEL PREP ON POLYP AND ADENOMA DETECTION RATE IN NON-CLINICAL TRIAL SETTING 93:6, p. AB97 - AB97 2021
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Qasswal Mohammed, Chandra Subhash, Kassim Thamer, Walters Ryan W., Su606 STIFF-SNARE FOR ESOPHAGEAL SOLID FOOD BOLUS DISIMPACTION; SAFE AND EFFICIENT 160:6, p. S-753 - S-754 2021
Digestive Diseases and Sciences Osman Ali, Walters Ryan W., Chandra Subhash, Albashir Manal M., Nandipati Kalyana, Esophagogastric Junction Morphology on Hill’s Classification Predicts Gastroesophageal Reflux with Good Accuracy and Consistency 66:1, p. 151 - 159 2021
Digestive Diseases Lu Ray, Kassim Thamer, Dave Devashree, Klair Jagpal Singh, Ashfaq Muhammad, Chandra Subhash, Murali Arvind R., Diagnostic Yield of Colonoscopy in Young Adults with Lower Gastrointestinal Symptoms in a Multicenter Midwest Cohort 38:6, p. 484 - 489 2020
The American journal of gastroenterology Alam Syed, Buaisha Haitam M., Qasswal Mohammed, Ashfaq Muhammad, Walters Ryan, Chandra Subhash, S0128 Clinically Significant Ileus in Patients With Acute Pancreatitis Is Associated With Severity of Pancreatitis, Not Volume of Fluid Resuscitation 115:1, p. S63 - S64 2020
The American journal of gastroenterology Buddam Avanija, Vellanki Meghana, Chandra Subhash, Rangray Rajani, S1723 Pseudomembranous Colitis in Ischemic Colitis Secondary to Methamphetamine Use: A Diagnostic Challenge 115:1, p. S889 - S889 2020
American Journal of Gastroenterology Buddam Avanija, Abdussalam Abdullah, Mukherjee Sandeep, Andukuri Venkata, Chandra Subhash, Koppala Jahnavi, Rao Sirish, Rangray Rajani, Use of Over-the-scope Clip for Ulcers with High Risk Stigmata is Effective and Efficient without Added Cost 115:1, p. S299 - S299 2020
American Journal of Gastroenterology Buaisha Haitam M., Alam Mobashshir, Pitta Neethu, Koppala Jahnavi, Qasswal Mohammed, Ashfaq Muhammad, Kizer Robert M., Dufani Jalal, Walters Ryan, Rangray Rajani, Chandra Subhash, Addition of Serum bicarbonate and Anion Gap to Bedside Index of Severity in Acute Pancreatitis Score do not Improve Its Predictive Performance 115:1, p. S65 - S65 2020
The American journal of gastroenterology Toivonen Christopher A., Rao Sirish, Walters Ryan, Nandipati Kalyana, Chandra Subhash, Addasi Yazan, S0443 Impact of Barrett’s Esophagus Risk Factors on Gastroesophageal Reflux and Esophageal Mucosal Injury 115:1, p. S221 - S222 2020
The American journal of gastroenterology Addasi Yazan, Toivonen Christopher A., Rao Sirish, Nandipati Kalyana, Chandra Subhash, S0437 Impact of Incorporating Mean Nocturnal Basal Impedance as a Supplemental Metric to Acid Exposure Time in Patients With Esophageal Symptoms 115:1, p. S218 - S219 2020
Clinical Endoscopy Masadeh Maen, Keech John, Parekh Kalpaj, Abiad Rami El, Gerke Henning, Chandra Subhash, Klair Jagpal, Nau Peter, Experience with Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy for Achalasia and Spastic Esophageal Motility Disorders at a Tertiary U.S. Center 53:3, p. 321 - 327 2020
Gastroenterology Rao Sirish, Nandipati Kalyana, Walters Ryan W., Chandra Subhash, Establishing an optimal cut-off for distal mean nocturnal baseline impedance for abnormal acid exposure time 158:6, p. S - 1069 2020
Gastroenterology Vellanki Meghana, Koppala Jahnavi, Walters Ryan W., Chandra Subhash, Water filled rectal balloon versus a rectal probe in left lateral position to assess for anorectal dyssynergia in functional constipation 158:6, p. S - 386-S-387 2020
Gastroenterology Koppala Jahnavi, Aurit Sarah, MukkaiKrishnamurty Devi, Chandra Subhash, Relationship between ileocecal resection and postoperative clostridioides difficile infection 158:6, p. S - 979 2020
Gastroenterology Koppala Jahnavi, Alam Mobashshir, osman ali h., Rao Sirish, Vellanki Meghana, Walters Ryan W., Baker Elliott, Chandra Subhash, Buaisha Haitam M., Mukherjee Sandeep, Direct-acting antiviral agents for infection with hepatitis c virus genotype 1-6 in an ambulatory setting among gastroenterology, infectious disease, and primary care clinics 158:6, p. S - 878 2020
Gastroenterology Koppala Jahnavi, Aurit Sarah, MukkaiKrishnamurty Devi, Chandra Subhash, Bowel anastomosis is associated with increased the risk of post-operative clostridioides difficile infection in patients undergoing colorectal resection 158:6, p. S - 977 2020
Gastroenterology Koppala Jahnavi, Walters Ryan W., Rao Sirish, Baker Elliott, Alam Mobashshir, osman ali h., Chandra Subhash, Mukherjee Sandeep, Racial disparity in chronic hepatitis C treatment success with direct acting antiviral agents 158:6, p. S - 494 2020
Buaisha Haitam, Walters Ryan W., Chandra Subhash, Clip or Not to Clip After Endoscopic Mucosal Resection 2020
Gastroenterology Rao Sirish, Nandipati Kalyana, Walters Ryan W., Chandra Subhash, Distal mean nocturnal basal impedance as a differentiator for functional heartburn and esophageal hypersensitivity 158:6, p. S - 1068-S-1069 2020
Clinical Endoscopy Masadeh Maen, Nau Peter, Chandra Subhash, Keech John, Parekh Kalpaj, Abiad Rami El, Klair Jagpal, Gerke Henning, Experience with peroral endoscopic myotomy for achalasia and spastic esophageal motility disorders at a tertiary U.S. Center 53:3, p. 321 - 327 2020
The American journal of gastroenterology Lu Ray, Dave Devashree, Klair Jagpal S., Kassim Thamer, Ashfaq Muhammad, Chandra Subhash, Murali Arvind, 200 Diagnostic Yield of Colonoscopy in Young Adults With Lower Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Multicenter Midwest Cohort 114:1, p. S122 - S122 2019
The American journal of gastroenterology Dave Devashree, Lu Ray, Klair Jagpal S., Kassim Thamer, Ashfaq Muhammad, Chandra Subhash, Murali Arvind, 128 Prevalence and Predictors of Adenomas in Young Adults Undergoing Diagnostic Colonoscopy in a Multicenter Midwest U.S. Cohort 114:1, p. S76 - S76 2019
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Kassim Thamer, Gapp Jonathan J., Walters Ryan W., Reddymasu Savio C., Chandra Subhash, Mo1185 ESOPHAGEAL DILATION AT THE TIME OF FOOD BOLUS DISIMPACTION IS SAFE AND EFFECTIVE BUT INFREQUENT, OBSERVATIONS FROM LARGE MIDWEST US COHORT 89:6, p. AB454 - AB454 2019
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Buddam Avanija, Hermes Joy-Marie, Chandra Subhash, Eganhouse Matthew, Walters Ryan W., Gapp Jonathan J., Mo1684 RAPID INTAKE OF BOWEL PREPARATION IMPROVES QUALITY: AN OBSERVATION FROM LARGE MIDWEST COHORT 89:6, p. AB521 - AB521 2019
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) osman ali h., albashir Manal, Nandipati Kalyana, Chandra Subhash, Tu1178 – Association Between Gastroesophageal Junction Morphology and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 156:6, p. S-973 - S-973 2019
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Klair Jagpal S., Ashat Munish, Arora Sumant, Onteddu Nirmal, Guturu Praveen, Soota Kaartik, Chandra Subhash, Murali Arvind R., Palacio Jose G. Machain, Johnson Dane, Gupta Ashutosh, Gunderson Alan, Samuel Ronald, Bilal Mohammad, Buddam Avanija, 275 – Determination of Benchmarks for Serrated Polyp Detection Rate and Advanced Adenoma Detection Rate from a US Multicenter Cohort 156:6, p. S-54 - S-55 2019
ACG Case Reports Journal Klair Jagpal Singh, Chandra Subhash, Johlin Fredrick C., Melanosis Coli due to Rhubarb Supplementation 6:5, p. e00092 - e00092 2019
The American journal of gastroenterology Chandra Subhash, Anti-Reflux Mucosectomy After Failed Fundoplication Is Feasable and Effective 113:Supplement, p. S1626 - S1626 2018
The American journal of gastroenterology Al-Tamimi Ahmad, Kassim Thamer, Chandra Subhash, Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis With Energy Drinks Consumption: Rare but Definite Association 113:Supplement, p. S828 - S828 2018
The American journal of gastroenterology Osman Ali, Sirineni Gopi, Reddymasu Savio, Chandra Subhash, Hepatic Inflammatory Pseudotumor Associated With Multi-Organ Thromboembolism and Pyogenic Liver Abscess With Streptococcus intermedius Bacteremia 113:Supplement, p. S1348 - S1348 2018
The American journal of gastroenterology Kassim Thamer, Hermes Joy-Marie, Abdussalam Abdullah, Aly Ahmed, Buddam Avanija, Chandra Subhash, Fenofibrate: A Non-Lithogenic Means of Recurrent Drug-Induced Pancreatitis 113:Supplement, p. S812 - S813 2018
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology Chandra Subhash, Holm Adrian, El Abiad Rami G., Gerke Henning, Endoscopic Cyanoacrylate Glue Injection in Management of Gastric Variceal Bleeding 8:2, p. 181 - 187 2018
Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases Pennington Kelly M., Kennedy Cassie C., Chandra Subhash, Escalante Patricio, Lauzardo Michael, Brito Maximo O., Griffith David E., Seaworth Barbara J., Management and diagnosis of tuberculosis in solid organ transplant candidates and recipients 11, p. 37 - 46 2018
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Gapp Jonathan J., Walters Ryan W., Kassim Thamer, Chandra Subhash, Hall Alexander, Jahann Darius, Reddymasu Savio, Mo1234 - Recent Trends of Incidence and Health Care Utilization in Acute Pancreatitis: A Nationwide Study 154:6, p. S-713 - S-713 2018
American Journal of Gastroenterology Masadeh Maen, Chandra Subhash, Johlin Frederick, Livorsi Daniel, Silverman William, Evaluation of Biliary Bacterial Resistance in Patients with Frequent Biliary Instrumentation, One Size Does Not Fit All 112, p. S36 - S37 2017
Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives Chandra Subhash, Bansal Reena, Agarwal Dipti, Holm Adrian, Murali Arvind, The Bedside Index for Severity in Acute Pancreatitis: a systematic review of prospective studies to determine predictive performance 7:4, p. 208 - 213 2017
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Chandra Subhash, Murali Arvind R., Silverman William B., Johlin Frederick C., Mesadeh Maen, Mo1069 Endoscopic Biliary Sphincterotomy Alone Versus With Biliary Stent in Management of Bile Duct Leak; A Comparative Study 85:5, p. AB414 - AB414 2017
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Masadeh Maen M., Keech John, Parekh Kalpaj, El Abiad Rami, Gerke Henning, Naveed Mariam, Chandra Subhash, Shen Huafeng, Klair Jagpal, Nau Peter, Tu1212 Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy for Achalasia, Esophagogastric Junction Outflow Obstruction and Diffuse Esophageal Spasm; A Us Tertiary Care Center Experience 85:5, p. AB585 - AB586 2017
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Chandra Subhash, Amog-Jones Glenda, Jensen Chris, Johlin Frederick C., Sheath Rinsing: A Technique for Improved Cellular Yield in Biliary Brushing Cytology 85:5, p. AB633 - AB633 2017
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Chandra Subhash, Johlin Frederick C., Klair Jagpal, Soota Kaartik, Su1407 - ERCP Guided Bile Aspirate Culture Can Guide Antibiotic Therapy in Acute Cholangitis 152:5, p. S504 - S504 2017
Transplantation Murali Arvind R., Chandra Subhash, Stewart Zoe, Blazar Bruce R., Farooq Umar, Ince M. Nedim, Dunkelberg Jeffrey, Graft Versus Host Disease after Liver Transplantation in Adults 100:12, p. 2661 - 2670 2016
The American journal of gastroenterology Chandra Subhash, Murali Arvind, Bansal Reena, Early Prediction of Acute Severe Pancreatitis; A Systematic Review of Prospective Studies to Determine Prognostic Accuracy 111, p. S445 2016
The American journal of gastroenterology Chandra Subhash, Holm Adrian, El Abiad Rami, Gerke Henning, Endoscopic Cyanoacrylate Glue Injection in Management of Large Gastric Varices That Have Not Bled 111, p. S148 - S149 2016
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Chandra Subhash, Schulze Konrad, Lee Ye-Jin, Soubra Mahmoud, Holm Adrian, 744 Development of an Endoscopic Classification System for Sigmoid Myochosis 150:4, p. S152 - S152 2016
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Chandra Subhash, Holm Adrian, El Abiad Rami, Gerke Henning, Sa1603 Endoscopic Cyanoacrylate Glue Injection in Management of Gastric Variceal Hemorrhage; US Tertiary Care Center Experience 150:4, p. S339 - S340 2016
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Chandra Subhash, Stewart Zoe, Murali Arvind R., Dunkelberg Jeffrey, Su1027 Graft Versus Host Disease Post-Liver Transplantation: A Single Center Experience 148:4, p. S-1042 - S-1043 2015
Annals of the American Thoracic Society Ofoma Uchenna R., Chandra Subhash, Kashyap Rahul, Herasevich Vitaly, Ahmed Adil, Gajic Ognjen, Pickering Brian W., Farmer Christopher J., Findings from the implementation of a validated readmission predictive tool in the discharge workflow of a medical intensive care unit 11:5, p. 737 - 743 2014
Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives Chandra Subhash, Finn Sarah, Obah Eugene, Immune thrombocytopenic purpura in ulcerative colitis: a case report and systematic review 4:2, p. 23386 - 23386 2014
Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives Khan Adnan, Elashery Ahmad, Kapadia Shyam, Chandra Subhash, Performance of severity of illness classification for Clostridium difficile infection to predict need-for-colectomy or inpatient death 4:3, p. 24711 - 24711 2014
Critical care medicine Chandra Subhash, Khan Adnan, Kapadia Shyam, Yadav Sangita, Pusuluri Bhaskar, 569 41, p. A139 2013
The American journal of gastroenterology Leggett Cadman, Gorospe Emmanuel, Uno Kaname, Lutzke Lori, Chandra Subhash, Chan Daniel, Anderson Marlys, Wang Kenneth, Diagnosing Dysplasia in Barrettʼs Esophagus Using Volumetric Laser Endomicroscopy: Submucosal Gland Characteristics 108, p. S32 2013
The American journal of gastroenterology Chandra Subhash, Marino Danielle, Kaul Vivek, Subsquamous Esophageal Adenocarcinoma after Radiofrequency Ablation of Barrettʼs Esophagus with High Grade Dysplasia 108, p. S188 - S189 2013
The American journal of gastroenterology Pusuluri Bhaskar, Chandra Subhash, Elasheri Ahmad, Sohi Sajeet, Marur Surendra, Jani Niraj, Mathematical Formula to Estimate Reversal of Coumadin Mediated Coagulopathy with Fresh Frozen Plasma Infusion 108, p. S496 2013
The American journal of gastroenterology Chandra Subhash, Yadav Sangita, Clinical Prediction Rules for Hospital-onset Clostridium difficile Infection: A Systematic Review 108, p. S465 - S466 2013
The American journal of gastroenterology Gorospe Emmanuel, Mallari Alexander, Chandra Subhash, Al-Bawardy Badr, Badamas Jemilat, Detection of Barrettʼs Esophagus with High Grade Dysplasia Using Enhanced Endoscopic Imaging among Senior and Mid-career Gastroenterologists 108, p. S604 2013
The American journal of gastroenterology Chandra Subhash, Abdalla Maisa, Taboada Sofia, Kaul Vivek, Adenosquamous Carcinoma of the Cecum: A Rare but Aggressive Form of Colonic Neoplasia 108, p. S387 - S388 2013
The American journal of gastroenterology Chan Daniel, Leggett Cadman, Gorospe Emmanuel, Chandra Subhash, Sharma Anamay, Chowdhury Sonia, Lutzke Lori, Buttar Navtej, Iyer Prasad, Wang Kenneth, Low Dose Aspirin Does Not Affect Outcomes from Radiofrequency Ablation for Barrettʼs Esophagus: Presidential Poster 108, p. S26 2013
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Chandra Subhash, Thapa Rameet, Latt Nyan L., Elashery Ahmad Ramy, Noel Margarita, Marur Surendra, Jani Niraj, Sa1244 Drift in Physicians’ Behavior in Antibiotics Choice and Compliance to Guidelines for Hospital-Onset Clostridium difficile Infection 144:5, p. S-240 - S-241 2013
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Chandra Subhash, Yadav Sangita, Thapa Rameet, Marur Surendra, Jani Niraj, Su1911 Accuracy of AIMS65 Score in Predicting Need-for-Intervention and Short-Term Mortality in Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding 144:5, p. S-507 - S-508 2013
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Leggett Cadman L., Wang Kenneth K., Sharma Prateek, Gorospe Emmanuel C., Anderson Marlys, Chandra Subhash, Lutzke Lori S., Mo1924 Thickness of Neosquamous Epithelium Is Associated With Response to Radiofrequency Ablation 144:5, p. S-695 - S-696 2013
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Chandra Subhash, Garg Shashank, Latt Nyan L., Mirza Yusra, Girotra Mohit, Jani Niraj, Su1371 Comparative Efficacy of Fully Covered Self-Expandable Metal Stents Versus Plastic Stents for Malignant Biliary Obstruction: Complications, Need for Surgery and Survival Rates - 3-Year Multi-Center Experience 77:5, p. AB301 - AB301 2013
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Chandra Subhash, Minka Erez A., Thapa Rameet, Noel Margarita, Marur Surendra, Jani Niraj, Sa1232 Validation of a Novel Clinical Prediction Scale for Hospital-Onset Clostridium difficile Infection Confirmed Using Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay 144:5, p. S-237 - S-237 2013
The American journal of gastroenterology Chandra Subhash, Jariwala Ujjval, Thapa Rameet, Palabindala Venkataraman, Elalem Bobaker, Marur Surendra, Jani Niraj, Ideal Source for Surveillance of Clostridium difficile Infection; Billing versus Microbiology Database 107, p. S201 2012
The American journal of gastroenterology Chandra Subhash, Jariwala Ujjval, Thapa Rameet, Palabindala Venkataraman, Elalem Bobaker, Noel Margarita, Marur Surendra, Jani Niraj, Surveillance of Hospital Onset Clostridium difficile Infection; International Classification of Disease Versus Microbiological Database 107, p. S215 2012
The American journal of gastroenterology Chandra Subhash, Jariwala Ujjval, Thapa Rameet, Palabindala Venkataraman, Elalem Bobaker, Noel Margarita, Marur Surendra, Jani Niraj, An Observational Study to Report Clostridium difficile Infection Related Hospitalization; Trend Over 2005-2011 107, p. S212 2012
The American journal of gastroenterology Palabindala Venkataraman, Chandra Subhash, Alamelumangapuram Bharath, Marur Surendra, Jagadeesan Vidya, Thapa Rameet, Elalem Bobaker, Sulove Saksham, Keri Krishna, Validation of Novel Risk Score to Predict In-Hospital Mortality and Length of Stay in Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding 107, p. S563 2012
American Journal of Emergency Medicine Dipti Agarwal, Soucy Zachary, Surana Alok, Chandra Subhash, Role of inferior vena cava diameter in assessment of volume status 30:8, p. 1414 - 1419.e1 2012
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Chandra Subhash, Palabindala Venkataraman, Alamelumangapuram Chiidamber B., Latt Nyan L., Elalem Bobaker S., Marur Surendra, Jani Niraj, Sa1170 Derivation and Validation of a Prediction Scale for Acquiring Clostridium difficile Infection During Hospitalization 142:5, p. S-234 - S-234 2012
Chest Chandra Subhash, Smairat Ramez, Assudani Jyoti, Herasevich Vitaly, Gajic Ognjen, Pickering Brian, Kashyap Rahul, Bedside Implementation of a Readmission Prediction Model (Stability and Workload Index for Transfer) in the Medical Intensive Care Unit 140:4, p. 959 - 959A 2011
Sleep medicine Das Piyush, Chandra Subhash, Kotagal Suresh, T-I-081 TREATMENT OF OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA IN INFANTS WITH SUPPLEMENTAL OXYGEN 12, p. S79 - S80 2011
BMJ case reports Chandra Subhash, Mohan Anant, Guleria Randeep, Das Prasenjit, Sarkar Chitra, Bilateral stony lung 2009
BMJ case reports Chandra Subhash, Guleria Randeep, Das Prasenjit, Sarkar Chitra, Mohan Anant, Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis 2009
Catheterization and cardiovascular diagnosis Bahl Vinay K., Chandra Subhash, Talwar Kewal K., Kaul Upendra, Sharma Sanjiv, Wasir H. S., Balloon mitral valvotomy in patients with systemic and suprasystemic pulmonary artery pressures 36:3, p. 211 - 215 1995
Diagnostic yield of colonscopy in young adults with lower gastrointestinal symptoms in a multicenter midwest cohort. Chandra, S., Abdussalam, A. ACG 2019, San Antonio, TX. 2019
Prevalence and predictors of adenomas in young adults undergoing diagnostic colonoscopy in a Multicenter Midwest US cohort. Lu R, Dave D, Klair J, Kassim T, Asfaq M, Chandra S, Murali A. ACG 2019, San Antonio, TX. 2019
Frequency of Manometery and Esophagram Abnormalities in Jackhammer Esophagus. Elger B, Abdussalam A, Gorantla R, Nandipati K, Stavas J, Chandra S. 2019 ANMS Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. 2019
Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis With Energy Drinks Consumption; Rare But Definite Association. Al-Tamimi, A., Kassim, T., Chandra, S. American College of Gastroenterology National Conference, Philadelphia, PA. 2018
Esophageal Dysphagia Management in 2017. Department of Medicine grand rounds. 2017