Shana Lea Castillo, PharmD, MBA

Associate Professor

photo placeholder for Castillo, Shana Lea


Faculty - Pharmacy, OT, PT
School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
Pharmacy Practice
Center for Drug Information and Evidence-Based Practice Faculty
Pharmacy Faculty
Community Practice Residency - Pharmacy
OGYM - Old Gymnasium - 234

Shana Lea Castillo, PharmD, MBA

Associate Professor


Pharmacy Practice


Associate Professor


  • US Pharmacist
    Kreimer L, Hoie E, Begley K, O’Brien K, Castillo S, Monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia.
    41(2), p. 17-20 2016
  • US Pharmacist
    Bossou A, Castillo S, O’Brien K, Opere C, Destache C, Preventive HIV vaccines: progress and challenges,
    40(10), p. 46-50 2015
  • Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
    Frenzel J, Eukel H, Neville M, Castillo S, Donohoe K, Jones M, Kirwin J, McMillan A, Starry M, Tingen J, Urteaga E, Essential skills for pharmacy graduates reported by advanced pharmacy practice experience preceptors,
    7(1), p. 700-704 2015
  • US Pharmacist
    Au T, Castillo S, Malesker M, Morrow L, Obstructive sleep apnea and positive airway pressure: a primer for pharmacists,
    40(1), p. 30-33 2015
  • Consultant Pharmacist
    Begley, K. J., Castillo, S., Steinshouer, C. R., Malesker, M. A. Role of pharmacists in the treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness
    29, p. 741-752 2014
  • Consultant Pharmacist
    Castillo, S., Begley, K., Malesker, M., Steinshouer, C. Sodium oxybate: a primer for pharmacists in the treatment of narcolepsy
    29, p. 547-554 2014
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Castillo, Shana, Begley, Kimberley, Hoie, Eric, Elsasser, Gary, Augustine, Sam 'Brown Bag' Simulations to Teach Drug Utilization Review
    78, p. Article 40 (5 pages) 2014


  • Castillo S, Immunize Nebraska Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, "Pharmacy Public Health Partnerships". (June 10, 2016) 2016
  • Ohri LK, Castillo S, Trueman C, Self A and Weston SR, Immunize Nebraska Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, "Experience with an Influenza and Tdap Clinic as Part of Project Homeless Connect Omaha". (June 10, 2016) (Poster presentation) 2016
  • Johnson K, Shaner J, OBrien K, Begley K, Castillo S, Stevens B, American Dental Education Association Annual Session & Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, "Pharmacists Role in a Dental Clinic: Establishing an Interprofessional Education Site". (March 13, 2016). (Poster presentation) 2016
  • Castillo S, OBrien K, Begley K, Nebraska Distance Learning Association Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, "Engaging Distance Lab Students Using a Multifaceted Interactive Approach". (February 25, 2016). 2016
  • Castillo S, Begley K, OBrien K, Hoie E, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Strategies for Increasing Efficiency in the Laboratory Setting, National Harbor, Maryland, "Group Activities to Increase Course Efficiency and Encourage Student Learning". (July 13, 2015). 2015
  • Duncan J, Hunt J, Castillo S, Ohri L, American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, "Shot clinic: Engaging Student Pharmacists through Educational Immunization Poster Competition". (March 28, 2015). (Poster presentation) 2015
  • Stevens B, Johnson K, Begley K, OBrien K, Castillo S, American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, "Pharmacists Role in a Dental Clinic: Setting up An Interprofessional Education Site". (March 28, 2015). (Poster presentation) 2015
  • Crowley K, Hayes L, Begley K, OBrien K, Castillo S, Hoie E, American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, "A Pharmacist-Led MTM Program Improves Medication Adherence". (March 28, 2015). (Poster presentation) 2015
  • Larson A, Pereira D, OBrien K, Begley K, Castillo S, American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, "Assessment of Medication Administration Practices in a School Setting". (March 28, 2015). (Poster presentation) 2015
  • Castillo S, Begley K, OBrien K, Henriksen J, Nebraska Women in Higher Education Leadership Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, "Exploring the gender shift in pharmacy". (September 19, 2013). (Poster presentation) 2013
  • Medications in Workers Compensation: Appropriate Use, Concerns and Opportunities, New Mexico Workers Compensation Annual Convention, Albuquerque, NM, May 2011 2011


  • Skradski J, Augustine S, Begley, K, Bradberry JC, Castillo S, DeSimone E, Egeland B, Hoie E, Kessler C, Klug L, Knezevich E, Lenz T, Monaghan MS, O’Brien K, Community Pharmacy Residency Expansion Project (Community PREP). NACDS Foundation, $50,000.00. July 1, 2012-June 30, 2015.


  • Castillo, S. (Co-Principal), Begley, K. (Co-Principal), Augustine, S. (Investigator), Pick, A. (Investigator), Rubric and Remediation Case Development for a “Brown Bag” Drug Utilization Review Activity, The Office for Academic Excellence and Assessment (AEA), December 22, 2011. $1,918.00.

  • Castillo, S., Ryan-Haddad, A. (Principal), Voltz, J. D., Jones, P., Coover, K., Faulkner, M., Begley, K., Caring for the Caregiver: An Outreach Program for Caregivers. Take Action: Healthy People, Places & Practices in Communities Project. 2007. $4,000.00

  • Begley K (Principal), Pick A, Wilson A, Castillo S, Assessing different methods of retrieval cues to facilitate student recall, The Office for Academic Excellence and Assessment (AEA), December 20, 2013. $689.35.


  • Outstanding Citizen Award, 1995
    presented by the City of Omaha, 1995