Sherri Brown, MS, PhD



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College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate School
Christian Spirituality (Master of Arts)
DHHC - Dowling Hall/Humanities Center - 124

Sherri Brown, MS, PhD



Sherri Brown grew up primarily in Charleston, West Virginia, and attended college at Washington and Lee University in Virginia.  After early graduate work at Yale University Divinity School and Columbia University School of Social Work, and following a stint in the US Peace Corps and several years working in the international development field, she returned to graduate school at the Catholic University of America to pursue a PhD in Biblical Studies. She focused her studies in Christian Origins and the New Testatment and completed the degree in 2008.  After an initial faculty position in western New York, she joined the Theology Department at Creighton University in 2014.  Her research interests lie primarily on the Gospel and Letters of John, but she has also worked in the Pauline and Catholic Epistles  She loves adventure and traveling. A more complete listing of scholarship, teaching, and research interests can be found on my Curriculum Vitae.

Curriculum Vitae

Teaching Interests

  • Biblical Narrative; Johannine Literature

Research Focus

Johannine Literature; Christian Origins; Narrative Criticism; Performance Criticism; Pauline Theology






  • Paulist Press
    Come and See: Invitations and Imperatives to Discipleship in the Gospel of John. Biblical Studies from the Catholic Biblical Association. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2022. 2022
  • Apostles to the Apostles: The Role of Women in the Gospel of John. 2018
  • Eerdmans
    Interpreting the New Testament: An Introduction. Co-written with Francis J. Moloney, SDB. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, forthcoming 2018
  • “Second Peter.” In The Paulist Biblical Commentary. Edited by José Enrique Aguilar Chiu, Richard Clifford, S.J., Carol J. Dempsey, O.P., Daniel Harrington, S.J., Eileen M. Schuller, O.S.U., Thomas Stegman, S.J., Ronald Witherup, S.S. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, forthcoming  2018
  • Eerdmans
    Interpreting the Gospel and Letters of John: An Introduction. Co-written with Francis J. Moloney, SDB. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2017. 2017
  • Paulist Press
    God’s Promise: Covenant Relationship in John. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press,  2014
  • Gift upon Gift: Covenant through Word in the Gospel of John. Princeton Theological Manuscript Series. Eugene: Pickwick Publications, Wipf & Stock,  2010


  • Lexington Books: A Division of Rowman and Littlefield
    Beginnings: A Narrative Reading of the Prologue to the Gospel of John.” In Come and Read: Hermeneutics and Interpretive Perspectives in the Gospel of John – A Source Book and Primer. Edited by Alicia Myers and Lindsey Trozzo. Lanham, MA: Lexington, forthcoming for 2019. 2018
  • Expository Times
    “And Finally…Women, Creativity, and Power around the World” Expository Times 129 (2018) 586.
    129, p. 586 2018
  • “The Passion of Jesus and the Hope of the Easter Season.” Creighton University Magazine (April 2017) back cover.
    April 2017, p. back cover 2017
  • Fortress Press
     “Believing in the Gospel of John: The Ethical Imperative to Becoming Children of God.” Pages 3-24 in Johannine Ethics: The Moral World of the Gospel and the Epistles of John. Edited by Sherri Brown and Christopher W. Skinner. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2017., p. 3-24 2017
  • Perspectives in Religious Studies
    “What’s in an Ending? John 21 and the Performative Force of an Epilogue.”
    42 (2015) , p. 29-42 2015
  • Theology Today
    “Water Imagery and the Power and Presence of God in the Gospel of John.”
    72 (2015), p. 289-98 2015
  • The Bible Today
    “Jesus and his Power over the Elements: Walking on Water in the Gospel Narratives.”
    July 2015, p. 221-28 2015
  • Catholic Biblical Quarterly
    “What is Truth? Jesus, Pilate and the Staging of the Dialogue of the Cross in John 18–19.”
    77, p. 69-86 2015
  • Mohr Siebeck
    “The Priests and Levites: Identity and Politics in the Search for a Messiah.” Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel. Edited by Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann., p. 110-115 2013
  • Mohr Siebeck
    “The Greeks: Jesus' Hour and the Weight of the World.” Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel. Edited by Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann., p. 397-402 2013
  • T & T Clark
    “John the Baptist: Witness and Embodiment of the Prologue in the Gospel of John.” Characters and Characterization in the Gospel of John. Edited by Christopher W. Skinner. Library of New Testament Studies., p. 145-62 2013
  • Society of Biblical Literature Press
    “Faith, Christ, and Paul's Theology of Salvation History.” Unity and Diversity in the Gospels and Paul: Essays in Honor of Frank J. Matera. Edited by Christopher W. Skinner and Kelly R. Iverson. Early Christianity and its Literature 7., p. 249-71 2012


  • “1 John 3:1-7: Third Sunday of Easter” for the Center for Lifelong Learning at Luther Seminary post on, April 15, 2018. 2018
  • “1 John 1:1–2:2: Second Sunday of Easter” for the Center for Lifelong Learning at Luther Seminary post on, April 8, 2018. 2018
  • “John 19:23-30: Jesus’ Last Words” for the Center for Lifelong Learning at Luther Seminary post on, March 29, 2018. 2018
  • “John 19:16b-22: The Crucified Messiah” for the Center for Lifelong Learning at Luther Seminary post on, March 25, 2018. 2018

Editing and Reviews

  • Horizons
    Ecclesiology and Theosis in the Gospel of John, by Andrew J. Byers for Horizons, 2018. 2018
  • Review of Biblical Literature
    “Gospel of Glory: Major Themes in Johannine Theology” by Richard Bauckham for Review of Biblical Literature, 2018. 2018
  • Johannine Ethics: The Moral World of the Gospel and the Epistles of John. Editing volume of essays with Christopher R. Skinner. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2017. 2017
  • Theological Studies
    “Wisdom’s Feast: An Invitation to Feminist Interpretation of the Scriptures” by Barbara E. Reid, for Theological Studies, 2017. 2017
  • Theological Studies
    “Becoming the Gospel: Paul, Participation, and Mission,” by Michael J. Gorman, for Theological Studies, 2016. 2016
  • Theological Studies
     “First, Second, and Third John” by George Parsenios for Theological Studies, 2015. 2015
  • Theological Studies
    “Biblical Essays in Honor of Daniel J. Harrington, SJ, and Richard J. Clifford, SJ: Opportunity for No Little Instruction” edited by Christopher G. Frechette, Christopher R. Matthews, and Thomas D. Stegman for Theological Studies, 2015. 2015
  • Catholic Biblical Quarterly
    “Life Abounding: A Reading of John’s Gospel” by Brendan Byrne, SJ, for Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 2015. 2015
  • Review of Biblical Literature
    “The Son-Father Relationship and Christological Symbolism in the Gospel of John” by Adesola Joan Akala for Review of Biblical Literature, 2015. 2015


  • Expository Times
    “The Challenge of 2 Peter and the Call to Theosis.” Expository Times 128 (2017) 583-92.
    128, p. 583-92
  • Salesianum
    “The Dialectic of Relationship: Paul and the Veiling of Women in 1 Corinthians 11:2-6.” Salesianum 67 (2005) 457-477.
    67, p. 457-77


  • Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Denver, CO: Present paper entitled, "Embodying Tabernacles in John 7:1-10:21" for the Johannine Literature Section. 2018
  • Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Denver, CO: Present paper entitled, "Prophetic Endurance and Eschatological Restoration: Exhortation and Conclusion in James 5:7-20" for the Letters of James, Peter, and Jude Section.· 2018
  • Catholic Biblical Association Annual Meeting, Regis University, Denver, CO: Presented paper entitled, "Apostles to the Apostles: The Role of Women in John" in the Research Reports component of the conference. 2018
  • Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Boston, MA: Presented paper entitled, "Jesus in Word and Deed through the Ritual Activity of Tabernacles in John 7:1-10:21 for the Ritual in the Ancient World Program Section. 2017
  • Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Boston, MA: Presented paper entitled, "Creation and the Revelation of God: Interwoven and Interactive Themes across John 1" for the Johannine Literature Program Section. 2017
  • Catholic Biblical Association Annual Meeting, Catholic University of America, DC August 2017Responded to Christopher Skinners paper, "'The Good Shepherd Lays Down His Life for the Sheep' (John 10:11, 15, 17): Questioning the Limits of a Johannine Metaphor" for the OT and the Fourth Gospel Task Force. 2017
  • Catholic Biblical Association Annual Meeting, Catholic University of America, DC August 2017· Presented paper entitled, "Creation and the Revelation of God as Interwoven and Interactive Themes across John 1" in the Research Reports component of the conference. 2017
  • Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX: Presented paper entitled, "The Challenge of 2 Peter and the Call to Theosis" for the Letters of James, Peter, and Jude Section. 2016
  • Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX: Presented paper entitled, "The Beginning of the Word: Performance through Prologue in the Gospel of John" for the Performance Criticism Program Section. 2016
  • Catholic Biblical Association Annual Meeting, Santa Clara University, "Believing in the Gospel of John: The Ethical Imperative to Becoming Children of God" 2016
  • Catholic Biblical Association Annual Meeting, Santa Clara University, "The Dialogue of John 8 & the Fulfillment of the Light of Tabernacles" for the OT and the Fourth Gospel Task Force 2016
  • Society of Biblical Literature Great Plains Regional Meeting, Denver, CO, The Challenge of 2 Peter and the Call to Theosis. 2016
  • Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, "The Memory of Jesus through the Sabbath: Exploring Jewish-Johannine Dialogues in the Diaspora" for the John, Jesus, and History Program Section. 2015
  • Catholic Biblical Association Annual Meeting, Xavier University of Louisiana, Presented paper entitled, "The Challenge of 2 Peter for the Christian Faithful" in the Research Reports component of the conference. 2015
  • Society of Biblical Literature Regional Meeting, Omaha, NE. Present paper entitled, "Making Waves: Jesus and the Water Imagery of the Gospel of John." 2015
  • Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA . Presented paper entitled, "Whats in an Ending? John 21 and the Performative Force of an Epilogue" for the Performance Criticism Program Section. 2014
  • Catholic Biblical Association National Meeting, Providence College, RI. Presented paper entitled, "Whats in an Ending? John 21 and the Performative Force of an Epilogue" in the Research Reports component of the conference. 2014
  • Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Presented paper entitled, "What is Truth? Jesus, Pilate and the Staging of the Dialogue of the Cross in John 1819" for the Performance Criticism Program Section. 2013
  • Catholic Biblical Association National Meeting, Gonzaga University, WA. Presented paper entitled, "What is Truth? Jesus, Pilate and the Staging of the Dialogue of the Cross in John 1819" in the Research Reports component of the conference. 2013
  • Catholic Biblical Association National Meeting, University of Notre Dame, IN. Presented paper entitled, "The Revelation of the Glory of God in John 1:19-2:12:The Fulfillment of the Feast of Pentecost" for the Old Testament and the Fourth Gospel Task Force; subsequently accepted for future publication in a collected volume. 2012
  • Faculty Learning Colloquium, Niagara University, NY. Gave presentation entitled "Biblical Scholarship in the (Post) Modern World" on the history of biblical interpretation and my recent work for the faculty of the University. 2011


  • Niagara University Research Council Summer Stipend Grant


  • 2018 First Place for Reference Books
    2018 Catholic Press Association First Place Award in “Reference Books” for Interpreting the Gospel and Letters of John: An Introduction. Co-written with Francis J. Moloney, SDB. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2017.
    The Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada