Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Alfred G . Bracciano, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA

Coordinator, Alaska Pathway


A Bracciano


Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy or Rehabilitation (Master of Science)
Graduate School
School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
Faculty - Pharmacy, OT, PT
Occupational Therapy Faculty
BOYN - Boyne - 159

Alfred G . Bracciano, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA

Coordinator, Alaska Pathway


Alfred G Bracciano, MSA, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA, is a clinician and academician with over 30 years of clinical practice and research.  He holds academic appointments as Professor at Creighton University (CU), Director of the CU/UAA Alaska Pathway, Founding Chair & Professor, Saginaw Valley State University, MI, Visiting Professor, Jinan University, China & Yonsei University, South Korea. He lectures extensively on physical agents their clinical application and education and competency in OT and is an internationally recognized authority in this area. 
Dr. Bracciano has been a vocal advocate in the appropriate use and application of physical agents and is the author of Physical Agent Modalities; Theory and Application for the Occupational Therapist 3rd ed. (2020), authored the AOTA Physical Agent Modality Position Paper, and contributed several rehabilitation textbooks including Trombley’s, “Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction”.  He has published numerous articles, position papers and chapters on distance education, program development and physical agents.  

Teaching Interests

  • Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services- Deep Thermal Agents, License: DTA165 (Active)

Research Focus

Distance Education, Program Development, Physical Agent Modalities, Cranial Electrical Stimulation in the Treatment of PTSD, Interactive Metronome and Aging, Interactive Metronome and Parkinsons Disease, Upper Extremity Orthopedics and Interventions, International Occupational Therapy, Rural Healthcare Delivery and Clinical Practice, McConnell Taping and Hemiplegic Shoulder Subluxation


Occupational Therapy




  • American Journal of Occupational Therapy
    Mu, K., Coppard, B. M., Bracciano, A. G., Bradberry, J. C. Comparison of on-campus and hybrid student outcomes in occupational therapy doctoral education
    68, p. S51-S56 2014
  • Slack, Inc.
    Bracciano, A., (2014). Section V: Intervention Plan: Formulation and Implementation; Chapter 33: Physical Agent Modalities, In Jacobs, K., MacRae, N., Sladyk, K.; (Eds.), Occupational Therapy Essentials for Clinical Competence, 2nd ed. Thorofare, NJ. 2014
  • American Journal of Occupational Therapy
    Mu, K.,Coppard, B., Bracciano, A., Bradberry, J. (2014), Comparison of On-Campus and Hybrid Student Outcomes in Occupational Therapy Doctoral Education
    68(2), p. 51-56 2014
  • Korean Association of Occupational Therapists
    Bracciano, A., (2012), Physical Agent Modalities in Korea-A Cross-Cultural Collaboration
    7, p. 13-18 2012
  • American Journal of Occupational Therapy
    Bracciano, A., McPhee, S., & Rose, B (2012), Physical Agent Modalities: A Position Paper
    66, p. 78 2012
  • J Neurotherapy
    Bracciano A., Chang WPC, Kokesh S, Martinez A, Meier M, Moore K, (2012) Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Pilot Study of Two Military Veterans
    16(1), p. 60-69 2012
  • Journal of Allied Health
    Bracciano, A., Lohman, H., Coppard, B. M., Bradberry, J. C., Easley, C. Development of a hybrid distance occupational therapy program in Alaska
    40, p. 90-95 2011
  • Occupational Therapy in Health Care
    Coppard, B. M., Bracciano, A., Doll, J., Matthews, A., Mu, Keli Fostering cultural competency, clinical reasoning, and leadership through international outreach
    24, p. 74-85 2010
  • Slack, Inc.
    Bracciano, A., (2010). Physical Agent Modalities (B.5.13-5.14). In Sladyk, K., Jacobs, K., MacRae, M., (Eds.), Occupational Therapy Essentials for Clinical Competence. Thorofare, NJ. 2010
  • J Allied Health
    Bracciano, A, Lohman, H, Coppard, BM, Bradberry, JC, Easley, C., (2010). Development of a hybrid distance occupational therapy program in Alaska.
    40(2), p. 90-95 2010
  • OT in Health Care
    Mu., K., Coppard, B., Bracciano, A., Doll, J., & Matthews, A. (2010).Fostering cultural competency, clinical reasoning and leadership through international outreach.
    24(1), p. 74-85 2010


  • British Journal of Occupational Therapy
    Bracciano, A., Brown, T. (2015), Do physical agent modalities fit under an occupational therapy scope of practice?
    78(3), p. 143 2015


  • Bracciano, A. (2019). Invited. Physical Agent Modalities: Clinical Application for the Occupational Therapist-Electrotherapy for Stroke Rehabilitation. Invited. Johns Hopkins University & Hospital. Baltimore, MD. 2019
  • Patterson, A., Lohman, H., Bracciano, A. (2019 Invited Poster). Integrating International Students into an Entry-Level OTD Program: Lessons Learned, and Opportunities Gained. American Occupational Therapy Association Education Summit, Las Vegas, NV. 2019
  • Bracciano, A. (2019). Anatomy and Kinesiology of the Shoulder-A Clinical Primer for the Occupational Therapy Assistant. Invited. Central Community College, OTA Program, Grand Island, NE. 2019
  • Bracciano, A. (2019). Superficial Thermal Agents: Theory & Application for the Occupational Therapy Assistant. Invited. Central Community College, OTA Program, Grand Island, NE. 2019
  • Bracciano, A. (2019). Invited. Physical Agent Technologies, Clinical Application for the Occupational Therapists, Electrotherapy for the Hemiplegic U/Ext. Invited. Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital, Omaha, NE. 2019
  • Bracciano, A., McPhee, S. (2019). Invited. Physical Agent Modalities, Clinical Application for the Occupational Therapist Certification Course. San Jose, CA. 2019
  • Bracciano, A., Stollberg, J., Kaipust, M., Bracciano, E., (2019). Physical Agent Technologies, An Occupational Framework for Clinical Application. Royal College of Occupational Therapists 2019 Annual Conference and Exhibition, Birmingham, England. 2019
  • Bracciano, A., McPhee, S. (2019). Invited. Physical Agent Modalities: Clinical Application for the Occupational Therapist, A Certification Course. Casa Colina Hospital, Pomona, CA. 2019
  • Bracciano, A. (2019). Physical Agent Modalities, Clinical Application for the Occupational Therapists, Gerontology & Aging. Lakeview Village Senior Housing, Lenexa, KS. 2019
  • Bracciano, A., Stollberg, J., Bracciano, E., Kaipust, M. (2019) A Biopsychosocial Approach to Evaluation and Provocative Testing of the Painful Shoulder. (Invited), 2019 American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo, New Orleans, LA. 2019
  • Bracciano, A. (2019). Physical Agent Modalities Credentialing Course, Orthopedics. Rehab America, Franklin, TN. 2019
  • Bracciano, A. (2018). Physical Agent Modalities: Clinical Application for the Occupational Therapist-Electrotherapy for Stroke Rehabilitation. Invited. Johns Hopkins University & Hospital. Baltimore, MD. 2018
  • Bracciano, A., McPhee, S. (2018). Physical Agent Modalities: Clinical Application for the Occupational Therapist, A Certification Course. Invited. Providence Holy Cross Hospital Mission Hills, CA. 2018
  • Bracciano, A. (2018). University of Alaska Anchorage & Creighton University, 10 Years of Collaboration: Program Outcomes & Future Projections. Invited-Presentation. AKOTA Annual Conference, Anchorage, AK. 2018
  • Bracciano, A. (2018). An Evidence Based Approach for Clinical Application of Electrotherapy: An Occupational Framework. Accepted-Workshop. Alaska Occupational Therapy Association (AKOTA), Annual Conference, Anchorage, AK. 2018
  • Bracciano, A., McPhee, S. (2018). Physical Agent Modalities, Clinical Application for the Occupational Therapist Certification Course. Invited. Cottage Rehabilitation Hospital, Santa Barbara, CA. 2018
  • Bracciano, A. (2018). Physical Agent Technologies, Clinical Application for the Occupational Therapists, Pediatric Settings. Invited. Health Services for Children (HSC) Pediatric Center, Children's Specialty Hospital. Washington, DC. 2018
  • Jensen, L.; Lally, K.; Bracciano, A.; Coppard, B.; Domina, A.; Lampe, A.; Mayer, A.; Qi, Y. (2018). Accepted-Poster. Distance Education in Occupational Therapy: Comparison of On-Campus and Hybrid Student Outcomes. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. 2018
  • Bracciano, A. , Stollberg, J., Bracciano, E., Kaipust, M. (2018). Accepted-InstituteIN 004 - An Evidence-Based Approach for Clinical Application of Electrotherapy: An Occupational Framework. American Occupational Therapy Association, Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. 2018
  • Bracciano, A., McPhee, S. (2018). Physical Agent Technologies, Clinical Application for the Occupational Therapist. Invited. Sacred Heart Health System, Pensacola, FL. 2018
  • Bracciano, A. (2018). Physical Agent Technologies, Clinical Application for the Occupational Therapist. Invited. National Rehabilitation Hospital, Washington, DC. 2018
  • Bracciano, A., McPhee, S. (2018). Physical Agent Modality Clinical Application for the OT, Certification Course. Invited. Kindred Bayberry Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Concord, CA. 2018
  • Bracciano, A., (11/2014) Assessing and Treating the Shoulder Complex: A Foundation for Occupational Performance Workshop; Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association, Annual Conference Minneapolis, MN. 2014
  • Bracciano, A., (11/2014) Physical Agent Modalities, Advanced Practice: NMES in the Treatment of the Hemiplegic Upper Extremity Workshop; Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. 2014
  • Bracciano, A., (11/2014) Physical Agent Modalities Credentialing Course; Magee Rehabilitation Institute, Philadelphia, PA. 2014
  • Bracciano, A., (11/2014) Superficial Thermal Agents for the COTA, Certification Workshop; COTA Program, Central Community College, Grand Island, NE. 2014
  • Bracciano, A., (10/2014) Physical Agent Modalities Credentialing Course; Baltimore, MD. 2014
  • Bracciano, A., (10/2014) Physical Agent Modalities Credentialing Course; Aegis Rehabilitation, Sioux Falls, SD. 2014
  • Bracciano, A., (6/2014) Physical Agent Modalities Credentialing Course; Summerlin Hospital, Las Vegas, NV. 2014
  • Bracciano, A., (4/2014) Physical Agent Modalities Credentialing Course Continuing Education Workshop; Los Angeles, CA. 2014
  • Bracciano, A., (4/2014) Physical Agent Modalities: Developing a Framework for Clinical Application & State Licensing Workshop; Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association, Minneapolis, MN. 2014
  • Bracciano, A., (3/2014) Physical Agent Modalities Credentialing Course, Continuing Education Workshop; Chicago, Il. 2014
  • Bracciano, A., (3/2014) Physical Agent Modalities: A Framework for Clinical Application; Milligan College, Johnson City, TN. 2014
  • Poutre, B., Bracciano, A., (2/2014) A Transformational Journey: Outcomes of a Collaborative OTD Program with the University of Alaska Anchorage; All Things Ignatian, Creighton University. 2014
  • Bracciano, A., (2014, January) Physical Agent Modalities: Developing a Framework for Clinical Application: A Theoretical Framework, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. 2014
  • Bracciano, A., (2014, January) Advanced Occupational Therapy Interventions; Elective for OT graduate students-MS & PhD. (3cr). Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. 2014
  • Bracciano, A., (2014, January) Evaluation and Assessment of the Hemiplegic Shoulder: A Shifting Paradigm for Occupational Therapy Advanced Occupational Therapy Interventions; Elective for OT graduate students-MS & PhD. Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. 2014
  • Bracciano, A., Stollberg, J., Winther, L., Zabortsky, R., (2013, December) Provocative Testing of the Upper Extremity. Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. 2013
  • Bracciano, A., Stollberg, J., Winther, L., Zabortsky, R. (2013, December) McConnell Taping of the Hemiplegic Upper Extremity. Occupational Therapy Interventions; Elective for OT graduate students-MS & PhD. (3cr), Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. 2013
  • Bracciano, A., (2012, October), Treating the Hemiplegic Shoulder: Treatment and Adaptive Equipment for Shoulder-Hand Syndrome, Hebei Medical University Rehabilitation Symposium, Shijiazhuang, China. 2012
  • Bracciano, A., & Michael, M., (2012, October), Therapeutic Ultrasound for UE Musculoskeletal Dysfunction. Hebei Medical University Rehabilitation Symposium, Shijiazhuang, China. 2012
  • Bracciano, A., (2012, June) Physical Agent Modalities for the Occupational Therapist: An Introduction to Electrotherapy; Korean Association of Occupational Therapists, Wonju, South Korea. 2012
  • Bracciano, A., (2012, June) An Introduction to Physical Agent Modalities: Theory and Application for the Occupational Therapist; Woosong University, Department of Occupational Therapy, Daejeong, South Korea. 2012
  • Bracciano, A., Poutre, B., (2/2012) A Transformational Journey: Outcomes of a Collaborative OTD Program with the University of Alaska Anchorage; A Commitment to Jesuit and Institutional Outreach. All Things Ignatian, Creighton University. 2012
  • Bracciano, A., (2011, October), Concepts of Pain Management for Orthopedic Rehabilitation. Hebei Medical University Rehabilitation Symposium. Shijiazhuang, China. 2011
  • Bracciano, A., (2010, Dec.) Aegis Therapies, Ask the Expert, Therapeutic Ultrasound for Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Conditions, Webinar. Aegis Therapies, Plano, Tx. 2010
  • Bracciano, A., & McPhee, S., (2010, April). An Occupational Perspective to Pain: Integrating Pain Theory and Biophysiology in Pain Management. World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Annual Congress, San Diego, Chile. (Accepted, unable to attend) 2010
  • Bracciano, A., (2010, April). Iontophoresis, Basics and Beyond; PDSIS Roundtable. Accepted presentation at American Occupational Therapy Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. 2010
  • Naser, A., Bracciano, A., Goulet, C. & Travers-Gustafson, D., (2010, April). Developing Health Sciences Distance Education: Innovation and Evolution. United States Distance Learning Association Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO. 2010
  • Bracciano, A., (2010, March). Physical Agent Modalities, Credentialing Course for Occupational Therapists. Genesis Health Care System-Midwest, Columbus, OH. 2010
  • Chapman, C., Coppard, B., Bracciano, A., Lenz, T., Winters, A., & Young, K., (2010, Feb). Authentication of Student Work and Exam Integrity. Texas A & M 2010 Assessment Conference. College Station, TX. 2010
  • Bracciano, A., (2010, Jan.). Physical Agent Modalities, Credentialing Course for Occupational Therapists. Aegis Health Systems, Fresno, CA. 2010
  • Bracciano, A., Stollberg, J., Kaipust, M., Bracciano, E., (2019). Integrating an Occupational Systems Approach to the Science of Fitness, Health and Wellness in the New Healthcare Paradigm. Royal College of Occupational Therapists 2019 Annual Conference and Exhibition, Birmingham, England.


  • Visiting Instructor
    Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
  • Service Commendation
    American Occupational Therapy Association
  • Educator of the Year
    3rd Year, Entry Level OTD Program Students, Creighton University


  • Consultation to the American Occupational Therapy Association and consultation and training to the Korean Association of Occupational Therapists (KAOT)
    Consultation to the American Occupational Therapy Association and consultation and training to the Korean Association of Occupational Therapists (KAOT); Consultation to KAOT to develop federal funding and coding for reimbursement of electrotherapeutic interventions.
    American Occupational Therapy Association
    2012 - 2012
  • Consultation and educational training to the Hebei Medical University
    Consultation and educational training to the Hebei Medical University, First Affiliated Hospital and Rehabilitation Center, Shijiazhuang, China
    Hebei Medical University, First Affiliated Hospital and Rehabilitation Center
    2011 - 2011
  • Consultation and educational training to the Hebei Medical University
    Consultation and educational training to the Hebei Medical University, First Affiliated Hospital, Shijiazhuang, China
    Hebei Medical University, First Affiliated Hospital
    2011 - 2011
  • Consultation to American Occupational Therapy Association
    Consultation to American Occupational Therapy Association, Physical Agent Modality Position Paper revision; consultation and testimony regarding amending the New Jersey Physical Agent Modality licensing regulations for Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants. Legislation to modify licensing regulations approved by NJ Legislature.
    American Occupational Therapy Association
    2011 - 2011