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Endowed Professorship, Lillis Family Professorship in Law
Patrick Borchers served from 1999-2007 as the eighth Dean of Creighton School of Law and then as Creighton’s Vice-President for Academic Affairs from 2007-2013. Professor Borchers is an internationally recognized scholar in private international law, federal courts law and international arbitration. He is an elected member of the American Law Institute and the International Academy of Comparative Law. Professor Borchers was the Principal Investigator on a study funded by the United States Agency for International Development to study resolution of claims of United States citizens against the Cuban government.
Localisation of damage in private international law Borchers Patrick, The role of the locus of damages in tort jurisdiction and choice of law in the United States [Book Chapter] 2025
Hay Peter, Borchers Patrick J., Freer Richard D., Conflict of laws 2021
Borchers Patrick J., Conflicts in a nutshell 2020
Hay Peter, Borchers Patrick J., Whytock Christopher A., Symeonides Symeon C., Conflict of laws 2018
Hay Peter, Borchers Patrick J., Freer Richard D., Conflict of laws 2017
Borchers Patrick J., Conflicts in a nutshell 2016
Jurisdiction and Private International Law Borchers Patrick J., Introduction [Book Chapter] 2014
Jurisdiction and Private International Law Borchers Patrick J, Internet libel [Book Chapter] 2014
Jurisdiction and Private International Law Borchers Patrick, The death of the constitutional law of personal jurisdiction [Book Chapter] 2014
Jurisdiction and private international law 2014
Hay Peter, Weintraub Russell J., Borchers Patrick J., Conflict of laws 2013
Yearbook of Private International law Borchers Patrick J., The emergence of quasi rules in U.S. conflicts law [Book Chapter] 2010
Borchers Patrick J., Hay Peter, Symeonides Symeon C., Conflict of laws 2010
Hay Peter, Weintraub Russell J., Borchers Patrick J., Conflict of laws 2009
Hay Peter, Weintraub Russell J., Borchers Patrick J., Comparative conflict of laws 2009
Borchers Patrick J., Kelly Michael J., Moreno Erika, Pearlstein Arthur, Witmer Richard C., Report on the resolution of outstanding property claims between Cuba and the United States 2007
Siegel David D., Borchers Patrick J., Conflicts in a nutshell 2005
Hay Peter, Weintraub Russell J., Borchers Patrick J., Conflict of laws 2004
Scoles Eugene, F., Borchers Patrick J., Symeonides Symeon C., Hay Peter, Conflict of laws 2004
Marriage and Same-Sex Unions: A Debate Borchers Patrick J., Interstate recognition of non-traditional marriages [Book Chapter] 2003
Law and Justice in a Multistate World: Essays in Honor of Arthur Von Mehren Borchers Patrick J., Jurisdiction to adjudicate revisited [Book Chapter] 2002
Borchers Patrick J., Zekoll Joachim, International conflict of laws for the third millennium 2001
Scoles Eugene F., Hay Peter, Borchers Patrick J., Symeonides Symeon C., Conflict of laws 2000
Hay Peter, Weintraub Russell J., Borchers Patrick J., Conflict of laws 2000
Hay Peter, Weintraub Russell J., Borchers Patrick J., Conflict of laws [Book Chapter] 1999
Borchers Patrick J., Markell David L., New York State administrative procedure and practice 1998
Civil Procedure Anthology Borchers Patrick, The origins of diversity jurisdiction, the rise of legal positivism, and a brave new world for Erie and Klaxon [Book Chapter] 1998
Civil Procedure Anthology Borchers Patrick, The death of the constitutional law of personal jurisdiction [Book Chapter] 1998
Hay Peter, Borchers Patrick J., Weintraub Russell J., Conflict of laws [Book Chapter] 1998
General Practice in New York Borchers Patrick J., Markell David L., Administrative law [Book Chapter] 1998
A Conflict of Laws Anthology Borchers Patrick, Conflicts pragmatism [Book Chapter] 1997
Hay Peter, Borchers Patrick J., Weintraub Russell J., Conflict of laws [Book Chapter] 1997
Scoles Eugene F., Hay Peter, Borchers Patrick J., Conflict of laws [Book Chapter] 1995
Introduction to transnational legal transactions Borchers Patrick J., The triumph of substance over rules of choice in international commercial transactions [Book Chapter] 1995
Borchers Patrick J., Markell David L., New York State administrative procedure and practice 1995
Borchers Patrick J., Professor Brilmayer and the Holy Grail 1991
Creighton Lawyer Borchers Patrick, The last word, p. 31 - 2007
Creighton Lawyer Borchers Patrick, A message from the Dean, p. 3 - 2006
Creighton Lawyer Borchers Patrick, A message from the Dean, p. 3 - 2006
Creighton Lawyer Borchers Patrick, A message from the Dean, p. 3 - 2005
Construction Business Review Borchers Patrick J., MBE preference programs in public contracts 1:2, p. 21 - 23 1991
Creighton Law Review Borchers Patrick, Look both ways before you cross the tracks 57:1, p. 1 - 20 2023
Creighton Law Review Borchers Patrick, A tribute to Professor Ken Melilli 54:2, p. i - ii 2021
Creighton Law Review Borchers Patrick, Foreword 49:3, p. 493 - 494 2016
Creighton Law Review Borchers Patrick, Foreword 41:1, p. 1 - 2 2007
Creighton Law Review Borchers Patrick, 100 years of educating for service and justice 38:4, p. vii - viii 2005
Borchers Patrick J., Theory and practice of adjudicatory authority in private international law 2005
Borchers Patrick J., Mahern Catherine, Final report 2003
Albany Law Review Borchers Patrick, Introductory remarks 63:3, p. 803 - 1999
Albany Law Review Borchers Patrick, Introductory remarks 61:4, p. 1159 - 1998
Albany Law Review Borchers Patrick J., Judgments conventions and minimum contacts 61:4, p. 1161 - 1176 1998
Brooklyn Journal of International Law Borchers Patrick J., A few little issues for the Hague judgments negotiations 24:1, p. 157 - 166 1998
Mercer Law Review Borchers Patrick J., Back to the past 48:2, p. 721 - 726 1997
Maryland Law Review Borchers Patrick J., Courts and the second conflicts restatement 56:4, p. 1232 - 1247 1997
Albany Law Review Borchers Patrick J., International criminal tribunals 60:3, p. 653 - 656 1997
Borchers Patrick J., Book review of International forum selection 1996
Borchers Patrick J., Conflict of law 1996
Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law Borchers Patrick J., The internationalization of contractual conflicts law 28:3, p. 421 - 486 1995
American Journal of Comparative Law Borchers Patrick J., Choice of law in the American courts in 1992 42:1, p. 125 - 146 1994
Texas Law Review Borchers Patrick J., The origins of diversity jurisdiction, the rise of legal positivism, and a brave new world for Erie and Klaxon 72:1, p. 79 - 133 1993
Albany Law Review Borchers Patrick J., Conflicts pragmatism 56:4, p. 883 - 912 1993
Albany Law Review Borchers Patrick J., New York choice of law 57:1, p. 93 - 111 1993
American Journal of Comparative Law Borchers Patrick J., Comparing personal jurisdiction in the United States and the European community 40:1, p. 121 - 157 1992
Washington Law Review Borchers Patrick J., Forum selection agreements in the federal courts after Carnival Cruise 67:1, p. 55 - 111 1992
Washington and Lee Law Review Borchers Patrick J., The choice-of-law revolution 49, p. 357 - 384 1992
Journal of the National Association of Administrative Law Judges Borchers Patrick J., Making findings of fact and preparing a decision in New York administrative adjudication 11:2, p. 85 - 97 1991
U.C. Davis Law Review Borchers Patrick J., The death of the constitutional law of personal jurisdiction 24:1, p. 19 - 105 1990
Pacific Law Journal Borchers Patrick J., California local initiatives and referenda 21:1, p. 119 - 145 1989
Hastings Law Journal Borchers Patrick J., Dauer Paul F., Taming the new breed of nuclear free zone ordinances 40:1, p. 87 - 118 1988
Yearbook of Procurement Articles Borchers Patrick, Taming the new breed of nuclear free zone ordinances 25, p. 771 - 1988