Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders Williams MJ, Okai AF, Cross AH, Monson NL, Vartanian T, Thrower BW, Reder AT, English JB, Wu GF, Bernitsas E, Yap S, Ndrio J, Pei J, Mowry EM, Magrini F, Acosta J, Amezcua L, CHIMES Investigators Williams MJ, Okai AF, Cross AH, Monson NL, Vartanian T, Thrower BW, Reder AT, English JB, Wu GF, Bernitsas E, Yap S, Ndrio J, Pei J, Mowry EM, Magrini F, Acosta J, Amezcua L, CHIMES investigators. Demographics and baseline disease characteristics of Black and Hispanic patients with multiple sclerosis in the open-label, single-arm, multicenter, phase IV CHIMES trial.. Mult Scler Relat Disord.. 08/2023;2023 Aug(76):104794. PubMed PMID: 37356256.. doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2023.104794. Epub 2023 Jun 9. 2023
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders Grant, JG, Grant JG, Rapport LJ, Darling R, Waldron-Perrine B, Lumley MA, Whitfield KE, Bernitsas E. Grant JG, Rapport LJ, Darling R, Waldron-Perrine B, Lumley MA, Whitfield KE, Bernitsas E. Cognitive enrichment and education quality moderate cognitive dysfunction in black and white adults with multiple sclerosis. 2023 Jul 24; Mult Scler Relat Disord.. 07/2023;78:104916. PubMed PMID: 37552903. doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2023.104916.. 2023
Appl Neuropsychol Adult Grant, JG, Grant JG, Rapport LJ, Darling R, Waldron-Perrine B, Bernitsas E. Grant JG, Rapport LJ, Darling R, Waldron-Perrine B, Bernitsas E. Incremental validity of brief and abbreviated neuropsychological tests toward predicting functional outcomes in multiple sclerosis. . 2023 Feb 11:1-11. doi: 10.1080/23279095.2023.2176766. Epub ahead of print.. Appl Neuropsychol Adult. 02/2023:1-11. PubMed PMID: PMID: 36773023. 2023
Life (Basel) Di Stadio A, Bernitsas E, La Mantia I, Brenner MJ, Ralli M, Vaira LA, Colizza A, Cavaliere C, Laudani M, Frohman TC, De Vincentiis M, Frohman EM, Altieri M Di Stadio A^, Bernitsas E, La Mantia I, Brenner MJ, Ralli M, Vaira LA, Colizza A, Cavaliere C, Laudani M, Frohman TC, De Vincentiis M, Frohman EM, Altieri M.. Targeting Neuroinflammation to Alleviate Chronic Olfactory Dysfunction in Long COVID: A Role for Investigating Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT)?. Life (Basel). 01/2023;13(1):226. PubMed PMID: PMID: 36676175. doi: doi: 10.3390/life13010226. 2023
J Neurol Pennington, P, Weinstock-Guttman B, Kolb C, Jakimovski D, Sacca K, Benedict RHB, Eckert S, Bernitsas E, Hojnacki D, Zivadinov R. Pennington P^, Weinstock-Guttman B, Kolb C, Jakimovski D, Sacca K, Benedict RHB, Eckert S, Bernitsas E, Hojnacki D, Zivadinov R.. Communicating the relevance of neurodegeneration and brain atrophy to multiple sclerosis patients: patient, provider and researcher perspectives.. J Neurol.. 11/2022. PubMed PMID: PMID: 36376729.. doi: doi: 10.1007/s00415-022-11405-3.
I contributed to data collection and review of the first and final draft. 2022
Magn Reson Imagin Coffman, CH, White R, Subramanian K, Buch S, Bernitsas E, Haacke EM Coffman CH*, White R, Subramanian K, Buch S, Bernitsas E, Haacke EM. Quantitative susceptibility mapping of both ring and non-ring white matter lesions in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.. Magn Reson Imaging. 09/2022;91:45-51. PubMed PMID: PMID: 35605736. doi: doi: 10.1016/j.mri.2022.05.009.
IMPACT FACTOR: 2.546 91, p. 45-51 2022
Brain Sciences Eslami M, Lichtman-Mikol S*, Razmjou S, Bernitsas E Eslami M, Lichtman-Mikol S*, Razmjou S, Bernitsas E. Optical Coherence Tomography in Chronic Relapsing Inflammatory Optic Neuropathy, Neuromyelitis Optica and Multiple Sclerosis: A comparative study. Brain Sciences. 08/2022;12(9):1140. doi: 2022
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry Zivadinov R, Bergsland N, Jakimovski D, Weinstock-Guttman B, Benedict RHB, Riolo J, Silva D, Dwyer MG, DeepGRAI Registry Study group (PI: Bernitas E) Zivadinov R, Bergsland N, Jakimovski D, Weinstock-Guttman B, Benedict RHB, Riolo J, Silva D, Dwyer MG, DeepGRAI Registry Study group (PI: Bernitas E). Thalamic atrophy measured by artificial intelligence in a multicentre clinical routine real-word study is associated with disability progression. Epub ahead of print.. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 07/2022:329333. PubMed PMID: 35902228. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2022-329333.
I contributed to data collection and revision of the final draft 2022
JAMA Neurology Howard JF Jr, Nowak RJ, Wolfe GI, Freimer ML, Vu TH, Hinton JL, Benatar M, Duda PW, MacDougall JE, Farzaneh-Far R, Kaminski HJ Howard JF Jr, Nowak RJ, Wolfe GI, Freimer ML, Vu TH, Hinton JL, Benatar M, Duda PW, MacDougall JE, Farzaneh-Far R, Kaminski HJ, Zilucoplan MG Study Group (Bernitsas E, Site Co-I) . Clinical Effects of the Self-administered Subcutaneous Complement Inhibitor Zilucoplan in Patients With Moderate to Severe Generalized Myasthenia Gravis: Results of a Phase 2 Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Clinical Trial.. JAMA Neurology. 05/2022;77(5):582-592. PubMed PMID: 32065623. doi: doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2019.5125.
IMPACT FACTOR: 18.3 2022
NeuroImage Buch S, Subramanian K, Jella PK, Chen Y, Wu Z, Shah K, Bernitsas E, Ge Y, Haacke EM Buch S, Subramanian K, Jella PK, Chen Y, Wu Z, Shah K, Bernitsas E, Ge Y, Haacke EM^. Revealing vascular abnormalities and measuring small vessel density in multiple sclerosis lesions using USPIO.. NeuroImage. Clinical. 01/2022;29:102525. PubMed PMID: 33338965. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102525.
IMPACT FACTOR: 4.88 2022
Brain Sciences Di Stadio, A, A, Brenner, M. J, De Luca, P., Albanese, M, D'Ascanio, L, Ralli M, Roccamatisi, D, Cingolani, C, Vitelli, F, Camaioni, A., Di Girolamo, S, Bernitsas, E. Di Stadio, A, Brenner, M. J, De Luca, P., Albanese, M, D'Ascanio, L, Ralli M, Roccamatisi, D, Cingolani, C, Vitelli, F, Camaioni, A., Di Girolamo, S, Bernitsas, E. Olfactory Dysfunction, Headache, and Mental Clouding in Adults with Long-COVID-19: What Is the Link between Cognition and Olfaction? A Cross-Sectional Study.. Brain Sciences. 01/2022;12(2):154. PubMed PMID: 35203918. doi:
IMPACT FACTOR: 3.33 2022
Diagnostics (Basel) Haacke EM, Bernitsas E. , Subramanian K, Utriainen D, Palutla VK, Yerramsetty K, Kumar P, Sethi P, Chen Y, Latif Z, Jella P, Gharabaghi S, Wang Y, Zhang X, Comley RA, Beaver J, Luo Y. Haacke EM, Bernitsas E. , Subramanian K, Utriainen D, Palutla VK, Yerramsetty K, Kumar P, Sethi P, Chen Y, Latif Z, Jella P, Gharabaghi S, Wang Y, Zhang X, Comley RA, Beaver J, Luo Y. A Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Methods to Assess Multiple Sclerosis Lesions:Implications for Patient Characterization and Clinical Trial Design.
Diagnostics (Basel). 12/2021;30(12):77. PubMed PMID: 35054244. doi: doi: 10.3390/diangostics12010077.
IMPACT FACTOR: 3.992 2021
Front Neurol Rube J,, Bross M~, Bernitsas C*, Hackett M, Bao F, Bernitsas E Rube J, Bross M~, Bernitsas C*, Hackett M, Bao F, Bernitsas E. Effect of Obesity on Retinal Integrity in African Americans and Caucasian Americans with Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis.. Front Neurol. 11/2021;12:743592. PubMed PMID: 34899566. doi: doi: 10.3389/fneuro.2021.743592.
IMPACT FACTOR: 4. Jacob Rube and Madeline Bross contributed equally in this manuscript. 2021
Research Excellence Award-Physician Scientist I was selected as a recipient of WSU SOM research excellence award to honor my contribution in Neuroimmunology/MS research. WSU SOM
Neurology Clerkship Teaching award, Neurology Recognized by students as an outstanding teacher. Wayne State University School of Medicine
Top Doctor Recognized as a top doctor by peers Top Doctor
Inclusion in Marquis Who's who in America Recognized for excellence as a clinician and researcher Marquis Who's who
Fellow (FAAN) This is the most respected category of membership, recognizing exemplary achievements in clinical practice, teaching, research. American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
Yoga Moves MS award This award, presented by "Yoga Moves MS" a non for profit organization, highlights significant contributions in encouraging MS patient to stay physically and mentally fit. Yoga Moves MS
Chair's award (outstanding achiever) This award recognizes outstanding achievement and clinical excellence. One to two awards annually Chair, WSU
Compassionate Doctor Award This award presented by Vitals, highlights willingness to listen to the patients and "take the extra step" to achieve the best possible outcome. One to two awards annually per department Vitals
On-Time Doctor Award This award, given by Vitals, highlights brief waiting time in the outpatient clinic. One to two awards annually per department Vitals
Patient's Choice Award This award, presented by Vitals, is based on patient preferences. One to two awards annually per department Vitals
Best Doctors in America and in Michigan I was named in the Best Doctors in America and Michigan, as the one of the best in my field for outstanding clinical care. This is a national listing of physicians who represent the top five percent of doctors nationwide, based on peer review survey of physicians nationwide, 2013-2014 Best Doctors
MS Clinical Fellowship Award This award, given by the MS Society, funded my 2008 clinical fellowship at Baylor College of medicine. Three to Four awards per year Baylor College of Medicine
CMSC Scholarship This award, given by the Consortium of MS Center, covered registration and travel to the meeting. Number of awards is unknown Consortium of MS Center