Medical Microbiology and Immunology (Master of Science)
Neuroscience (Master of Science)
Graduate School
SOM Leadership
SOM Academic Faculty Affairs
CRISS II - Criss 2 - 421
Jason C . Bartz, PhD
Associate Dean, Academic and Faculty Affairs
Examples of the most recent publications can be obtained from this PubMed link
Teaching Interests
Prion disease
Research Focus
Prion diseases are a group of fatal neurodegenerative diseases that affect humans (e.g. Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease) and animals (e.g. chronic wasting disease). Prions are comprised of PrPSc, a self-templating conformation of the host encoded protein, PrPC.
Research in the Bartz lab investigates interspecies prion transmission, prion pathogenesis, the environmental fate of prions, and the biology of prion strains. We have developed novel whole animal and in vitro models of prion disease and, more importantly, the results from these systems have impacted the understanding of prions. The results of our work have changed the paradigm of how a protein encoded infectious agent can encode strain diversity, which as significant impact on prion diseases and prion-like diseases (e.g. Parkinson’s) where prion strain diversity is also observed. We have identified novel routes of prion infection and the pathways that prions travel to the CNS. Importantly, we were the first to show that inhalation of prions is more efficient that oral infection. We have also mapped, in fine detail, the pathways of prion spread throughout the CNS and shown that prion strains use the same neuroanatomical pathways. More recently, we have expanded our studies to include the interaction of prions with the environment. We have leveraged our expertise in prion biology with our collaborators in environmental engineering and have made fundamental discoveries on how prions interact with the environment and how this influences the biology of prion disease. We are one of a handful of labs in the world that are investigating prion diseases that have expertise in both whole animal and biochemical approaches to prion disease. Overall, we have been able to integrate our work on prion strains, pathogenesis and the environmental fate of prions that provides a unique insight into the biology of this disease.
Neuroimmune Pharmacology and Therapeutics Steadman Benjamin S., Bartz Jason C., Prion Diseases of Animals and Humans [Book Chapter] 2024
Bartelt-Hunt Shannon L, Bartz Jason C, Yuan Qi, Prions in the Environment - Chapter 10 [Book Chapter] 2023
Prions and Diseases Shikiya Ronald A., Bartz Jason C., Prion Strain Interference [Book Chapter] 2023
Prions and Neurodegenerative Diseases Holec Sara A.M., Block Alyssa J., Bartz Jason C., The role of prion strain diversity in the development of successful therapeutic treatments [Book Chapter] 2020
Handbook of Clinical Neurology Diack Abigail B., Bartz Jason C., Experimental models of human prion diseases and prion strains [Book Chapter] 2018
Viral Infections of Humans : Epidemiology and Control Belay Ermias D., Bartz Jason C., Prion Diseases [Book Chapter] 2014
Prions and Diseases : Volume 1, Physiology and Pathophysiology Schutt Charles R., Bartz Jason C., Shikiya Ronald A., Prion strain interference [Book Chapter] 2013
Prions and Diseases : Volume 2, Animals, Humans and the Environment Bartelt-Hunt Shannon L., Bartz Jason C., Saunders Samuel E., Prions in the environment [Book Chapter] 2013
Bartelt-Hunt S. L., Saunders S. E., Bartz Jason C., Soil Binds Prions and Influences their Biologic Properties 2012
Sigurdson Christina J., Bartz Jason C., Nilsson K. Peter R., Tracking protein aggregate interactions 2011
Pathogens (Basel) Walter W. David, Herbst Allen, Bartz Jason C., Hopkins M. Camille, Lue Chia-Hua, Overview of North American Isolates of Chronic Wasting Disease Used for Strain Research 14:3, p. 250 2025
Journal of visualized experiments Simmons Sara M., Yuan Qi, Bartz Jason C., Prion Safety Laboratory Swipe Test 2025
Prion Kincaid Anthony E., Denkers Nathaniel D., McNulty Erin E., Kraft Caitlyn N., Bartz Jason C., Mathiason Candace K., Expression of the cellular prion protein by mast cells in white-tailed deer carotid body, cervical lymph nodes and ganglia 18:1, p. 94 - 102 2024
mBio Steadman Benjamin S., Bian Jifeng, Shikiya Ronald A., Bartz Jason C., Minor prion substrains overcome transmission barriers, p. e0272124 2024
mSphere Simmons Sara M., Payne Vivianne L., Hrdlicka Jay G., Taylor Jack, Larsen Peter A., Wolf Tiffany M., Schwabenlander Marc D., Yuan Qi, Bartz Jason C., Rapid and sensitive determination of residual prion infectivity from prion-decontaminated surfaces, p. e0050424 2024
Pathogens (Basel) Bartz Jason C., Benavente Rebeca, Caughey Byron, Christensen Sonja, Herbst Allen, Hoover Edward A., Mathiason Candace K., Walsh Daniel P., Morales Rodrigo, McKenzie Debbie, Schwabenlander Marc D., , Chronic Wasting Disease: State of the Science 13:2, p. 138 2024
Biology (Basel, Switzerland) Simmons Sara M, Bartz Jason C, Strain-Specific Targeting and Destruction of Cells by Prions 13:1, p. 57 2024
Prion Sweetland Gregory D., Eggleston Connor, Bartz Jason C., Mathiason Candace K., Kincaid Anthony E., Expression of the cellular prion protein by mast cells in the human carotid body 17:1, p. 67 - 74 2023
Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry Kim Dong Hwan, Nam Tae-gyu, Kim Yong-Sun, Jeon Jae-Ho, Kim Hyo Shin, Lee Sungeun, Ryou Chongsuk, Yoo Miryeong, Cheon Yong-Pil, Lee Hakmin, Bartz Jason C., Son Young-Jin, Choi Eun-Kyoung, Kim Jaehyeon, Lee Dongyun, Im So Myoung, Kim Ye Eun, Synthesis and anti-prion aggregation activity of acylthiosemicarbazide analogues 38:1, p. 2191164 2023
PLoS pathogens Gunnels Tess, Shikiya Ronald A, York Taylor C, Block Alyssa J, Bartz Jason C, Evidence for preexisting prion substrain diversity in a biologically cloned prion strain 19:9, p. e1011632 - e1011632 2023
Environment international Yuan Qi, Rowden Gage, Wolf Tiffany M., Schwabenlander Marc D., Larsen Peter A., Bartelt-Hunt Shannon L., Bartz Jason C., Sensitive detection of chronic wasting disease prions recovered from environmentally relevant surfaces 166 2022
Pathogens Picasso-Risso Catalina, Schwabenlander Marc D., Rowden Gage, Carstensen Michelle, Bartz Jason C., Larsen Peter A., Wolf Tiffany M., Assessment of Real-Time Quaking-Induced Conversion (RT-QuIC) Assay, Immunohistochemistry and ELISA for Detection of Chronic Wasting Disease under Field Conditions in White-Tailed Deer 11:5 2022
Viruses Koshy Sam M., Kincaid Anthony E., Bartz Jason C., Transport of Prions in the Peripheral Nervous System 14:3 2022
Cell and Tissue Research Block Alyssa J., Bartz Jason C., Prion strains 2022
PLoS pathogens Block Alyssa J., Shikiya Ronald A., Eckland Thomas E., Kincaid Anthony E., Walters Ryan W., Ma Jiyan, Bartz Jason C., Efficient interspecies transmission of synthetic prions 17:July 2021
Acta Neuropathologica Bartz Jason C., Environmental and host factors that contribute to prion strain evolution 142:1, p. 5 - 16 2021
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics Soto Patricia, Claflin India A., Bursott Alyssa L., Schwab-McCoy Aimee D., Bartz Jason C., Cellular prion protein gene polymorphisms linked to differential scrapie susceptibility correlate with distinct residue connectivity between secondary structure elements 39:1, p. 129 - 139 2021
mSphere Shikiya Ronald A., Kincaid Anthony E., Bartz Jason C., Bourret Travis J., Failure to detect prion infectivity in ticks following prion-Infected blood meal 5:5 2020
Journal of Biological Chemistry Kang Hae Eun, Bian Jifeng, Kane Sarah J., Kim Sehun, Selwyn Vanessa, Crowell Jenna, Bartz Jason C., Telling Glenn C., Incomplete glycosylation during prion infection unmasks a prion protein epitope that facilitates prion detection and strain discrimination 295:30, p. 10420 - 10433 2020
Journal of Clinical Investigation Bartz Jason C., Underglycosylated prion protein modulates plaque formation in the brain 130:3, p. 1087 - 1089 2020
Journal of Clinical Investigation Bartz Jason C., Underglycosylated Prion protein modulates plaque formation in the brain 130:3, p. 1087 - 1089 2020
Journal of Biological Chemistry Bourkas Matthew E.C., Arshad Hamza, Al-Azzawi Zaid A.M., Halgas Ondrej, Shikiya Ronald A., Mehrabian Mohadeseh, Schmitt-Ulms Gerold, Bartz Jason C., Watts Joel C., Engineering a murine cell line for the stable propagation of hamster prions 294:13, p. 4911 - 4923 2019
Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease Sigurdson Christina J., Bartz Jason C., Glatzel Markus, Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Prion Disease 14, p. 497 - 516 2019
PLoS pathogens Eckland Thomas E., Shikiya Ronald A., Bartz Jason C., Independent amplification of co-infected long incubation period low conversion efficiency prion strains 14:10 2018
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Phan Hanh T.M., Bartz Jason C., Ayers Jacob, Giasson Benoit I., Schubert Mathias, Rodenhausen Keith B., Kananizadeh Negin, Li Yusong, Bartelt-Hunt Shannon L., Adsorption and decontamination of α-synuclein from medically and environmentally-relevant surfaces 166, p. 98 - 107 2018
Journal of Virology Yuan Qi, Telling Glenn, Bartelt-Hunt Shannon L., Bartz Jason C., Dehydration of prions on environmentally relevant surfaces protects them from inactivation by freezing and thawing 92:8 2018
Prion Haley Nicholas J., Richt Jürgen A., Davenport Kristen A., Henderson Davin M., Hoover Edward A., Manca Matteo, Caughey Byron, Marthaler Douglas, Bartz Jason, Gilch Sabine, Design, implementation, and interpretation of amplification studies for prion detection 12:2, p. 73 - 82 2018
Journal of Immunology Kane Sarah J., Farley Taylor K., Gordon Elizabeth O., Estep Joshua, Bender Heather R., Moreno Julie A., Bartz Jason, Telling Glenn C., Pickering Matthew C., Zabel Mark D., Complement regulatory protein factor H is a soluble prion receptor that potentiates peripheral prion pathogenesis 199:11, p. 3821 - 3827 2017
Plos Pathogens Shikiya Ronald A., Holec Sara A. M., Mathiason Candace K., Kincaid Anthony E., Langenfeld Katie A., Eckland Thomas E., Trinh Jonathan, Bartz Jason C., PrPSc Formation and Clearance as Determinants of Prion Tropism 13:3, p. e1006298 - e1006298 2017
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Bian J., Castilla J., Telling G. C., Meyerett-Reid C., Kim S., Calvi C. L., Bartz Jason C., Hoover E. A., Agrimi U., Richt J. A., Khaychuk V., Angers R. C., Fernandez-Borges N., Vidal E., Prion Replication without Host Adaptation during Interspecies Transmissions 114:5, p. 1141 - 1146 2017
Journal of Virology Kincaid Anthony E., Bartz Jason C., Ayers Jacob I., Specificity, Size, and Frequency of Spaces that Characterize the Mechanism of Bulk Transepithelial Transport of Prions in the Nasal Cavities of Hamsters and Mice 90:18, p. 8293 - 8301 2016
PLoS Pathogens Bartz Jason C., From Slow Viruses to Prions 12:7, p. (3 pages) 2016
Journal of Virology Langenfeld Katie A., Shikiya Ronald A., Kincaid Anthony E., Bartz Jason C., Incongruity between Prion Conversion and Incubation Period Following CoInfection 90:12, p. 5715 - 5723 2016
Biophysical journal Woo Jesse, Nieri Chad, Gonzalez Roger, Bartz Jason C., Soto Patricia, Conformational Dynamics of Prion Proteins at the Membrane Interface 110:3, p. 419a - 419a 2016
Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine Bartz Jason C., Prion strain diversity 6:12 2016
PLoS One Phan H. T., Bartelt-Hunt S., Rodenhausen K. B., Schubert M., Bartz Jason C., Investigation of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) Attachment onto Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) Using Combinatorial Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation (QCM-D) and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (SE) 10:10, p. (20 pages) 2015
Journal of Virology Elder Alan M., Henderson Davin M., Nalls Amy V., Mathiason Candace K., Hoover Edward A., Kincaid Anthony E., Bartz Jason C., Immediate and ongoing detection of prions in the blood of hamsters and deer following oral, nasal, or blood inoculations 89:14, p. 7421 - 7424 2015
New Horizons in Translational Medicine Elder Alan M., Mathiason Candace K., Hoover Edward A., Henderson Davin M., Nalls Amy V., Kincaid Anthony E., Bartz Jason C., Longitudinal analysis of blood-borne prion infection 2:4-5, p. 128 - 128 2015
PLoS Pathogens Yuan Q., Eckland Thomas E., Telling G., Bartz Jason C., Bartelt-Hunt S., Mitigation of prion infectivity and conversion capacity by a simulated natural process--repeated cycles of drying and wetting 11:2, p. e1004638 2015
PLoS One Clouse Melissa D., Shikiya Ronald A., Bartz Jason C., Kincaid Anthony E., Nasal Associated Lymphoid Tissue of the Syrian Golden Hamster Expresses High Levels of PrPC 10:2, p. e0117935 (10 pages) 2015
Biophysical journal Soto Patricia, Bartz Jason C., Zhao Bo, Graft William, Gonzalez Roger, Nieri Chad, Prion Proteins and Mechanisms of Interaction with Model Membranes 108:2, p. 91a - 91a 2015
Prion Shikiya Ronald A., Eckland Thomas E., Young Alan J., Bartz Jason C., Prion formation, but not clearance, is supported by protein misfolding cyclic amplification 8:6, p. 415 - 420 2014
PloS one Elder Alan M., Henderson Davin M., Nalls Amy V., Wilham Jason M., Caughey Byron W., Hoover Edward A., Bartz Jason C., Mathiason Candace K., Kincaid Anthony E., In vitro detection of prionemia in TSE-infected cervids and hamsters 8:11 2013
PLoS pathogens Bartelt-Hunt Shannon L., Bartz Jason C., Behavior of Prions in the Environment 9:2 2013
Journal of Virology Kincaid Anthony E., Hudson K.F., Richey M.W., Bartz Jason C., Rapid Transepithelial Transport of Prions following Inhalation 86:23, p. 12731 - 12740 2012
Journal of Biological Chemistry Kang Hae Eun, Saylor Vicki, Bian Jifeng, Angers Rachel, Langenfeld Katie, Kim Sehun, Ramos Laylaa, Calvi Carla, Bartz Jason, Hunter Nora, Telling Glenn C., Khaychuk Vadim, Weng Chu Chun, Saijo Eri, Characterization of conformation-dependent prion protein epitopes 287:44, p. 37219 - 37232 2012
PloS one Saunders Samuel E., Bartelt-Hunt Shannon L., Bartz Jason C., Resistance of soil-bound prions to rumen digestion 7:8 2012
Chemosphere Saunders Samuel E., Bartz Jason C., Bartelt-Hunt Shannon L., Soil-mediated prion transmission 87:7, p. 661 - 667 2012
Nebraska Academy of Sciences, PO Box 880410 Lincoln NE 68588-0410 United States. [np]. Apr 2012 Colling Ian, Bartz Jason, Soto Patricia, BINDING MODES OF AGAAAAGATO SYRIAN HAMSTER PRION PROTEINS 2012
Emerging Infectious Diseases Saunders Samuel E., Bartelt-Hunt Shannon L., Bartz Jason C., Occurrence, transmission, and zoonotic potential of chronic wasting disease 18:3, p. 369 - 376 2012
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE Saunders Samuel E., Bartz Jason C., Shikiya Ronald A., Protein misfolding cyclic amplification of prions. 2012
Applied and Environmental Microbiology Saunders Samuel E., Bartz Jason C., Vercauteren Kurt C., Bartelt-Hunt Shannon L., An enzymatic treatment of soil-bound prions effectively inhibits replication 77:13, p. 4313 - 4317 2011
Journal of Virology Saunders Samuel E., Shikiya Ronald A., Langenfeld Katie, Bartelt-Hunt Shannon L., Bartz Jason C., Replication efficiency of soil-bound prions varies with soil type 85:11, p. 5476 - 5482 2011
Experimental Biology and Medicine Wang Ping, Richt Juergen, Liu Hong, Sreevatsan Srinand, Hatcher Kristen L., Bartz Jason C., Chen Shu G., Skinner Pamela, Selection and characterization of DNA aptamers against PrPSc 236:4, p. 466 - 476 2011
PloS one Saunders Samuel E., Yuan Qi, Bartz Jason C., Bartelt-Hunt Shannon, Effects of solution chemistry and aging time on prion protein adsorption and replication of soil-bound prions 6:4 2011
Journal of Virology Shikiya R. A., Bartz Jason C., In vitro generation of high titer prions 85:24, p. 13439 - 13442 2011
PLoS Pathogens Ayers J. I., Aguzzi A., Kincaid Anthony E., Schutt C. R., Shikiya R. A., Bartz Jason C., The Strain-Encoded Relationship between PrP Replication, Stability and Processing in Neurons is Predictive of the Incubation Period of Disease 7:3, p. e1001317 2011
PloS one Mays Charles E., Yeom Jihyun, Kang Hae Eun, Bian Jifeng, Khaychuk Vadim, Kim Younghwan, Bartz Jason C., Telling Glenn C., Ryou Chongsuk, In vitro amplification of misfolded prion protein using lysate of cultured cells 6:3 2011
Environmental Science and Technology Saunders Samuel E., Bartz Jason C., Vercauteren Kurt C., Bartelt-Hunt Shannon L., Enzymatic digestion of chronic wasting disease prions bound to soil 44:11, p. 4129 - 4135 2010
Journal of Virology Shikiya R. A., Bartz Jason C., Ayers J. I., Schutt C. R., Kincaid Anthony E., Co-infecting prion strains compete for a limiting cellular resource 84:11, p. 5706 - 5714 2010
Environmental Science and Technology Saunders Samuel E., Bartz Jason C., Bartelt-Hunt Shannon L., Prion protein adsorption to soil in a competitive matrix is slow and reduced 43:20, p. 7728 - 7733 2009
Environmental Science and Technology Saunders Samuel E., Bartz Jason C., Bartelt-Hunt Shannon L., Influence of prion strain on prion protein adsorption to soil in a competitive matrix 43:14, p. 5242 - 5248 2009
PLoS pathogens Singh Ajay, Isaac Alfred Orina, Luo Xiu, Mohan Maradumane L., Cohen Mark L., Chen Fusong, Kong Qingzhong, Bartz Jason, Singh Neena, Abnormal brain iron homeostasis in human and animal prion disorders 5:3 2009
Journal of Virology Ayers Jacob I., Kincaid Anthony E., Bartz Jason C., Prion strain targeting independent of strain-specific neuronal tropism. 83:1, p. 81 - 87 2009
Prion Kramer Michelle L., Bartz Jason C., Rapid, high-throughput detection of PrPSc by 96-well immunoassay 3:1, p. 44 - 48 2009
Journal of Comparative Pathology Sigurdson C. J., Mathiason C. K., Perrott M. R., Eliason G. A., Spraker T. R., Glatzel M., Manco G., Bartz J. C., Miller M. W., Hoover E. A., Experimental Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in the Ferret 138:4, p. 189 - 196 2008
Prion Schutt Charles R., Bartz Jason C., Prion interference with multiple prion isolates. 2:2, p. 61 - 63 2008
Journal of Virology Kincaid Anthony E., Bartz Jason C., The nasal cavity is a route for prion infection in hamsters 81:9, p. 4482 - 4491 2007
Journal of Virology Bartz Jason C., Kramer M. L., Sheehan M. H., Hutter J. A. L., Ayers J. I., Bessen R. A., Kincaid Anthony E., Prion interference is due to a reduction in strain-specific PrPSc levels 81:2, p. 689 - 697 2007
Veterinary Pathology Hamir A. N., Kunkle R. A., Miller J. M., Bartz J. C., Richt J. A., First and second cattle passage of transmissible mink encephalopathy by intracerebral inoculation 43:2, p. 118 - 126 2006
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry Shara Michael, Yasmin Taharat, Kincaid Anthony E., Limpach Aimee L., Bartz Jason, Brenneman Karrie A., Chatterjee Archana, Bagchi Manashi, Stohs Sidney J., Bagchi Debasis, Safety and toxicological evaluation of a novel niacin-bound chromium (III) complex 99:11, p. 2161 - 2183 2005
Journal of Virology Marsh R. F., Bessen R. A., Bartz Jason C., Kincaid Anthony E., Interspecies transmission of chronic wasting disease prions to squirrel monkeys (Saimiti sciureus) 79:21, p. 13794 - 13796 2005
Journal of Virology Bartz Jason C., DeJoia C., Tucker T., Kincaid Anthony E., Bessen R. A., Extraneural prion neuroinvasion without lymphoreticular system infection 79:18, p. 11858 - 11863 2005
Bartz Jason, Prion Transport to Secondary Lymphoreticular System Tissues 2005
Journal of Virology Mulcahy Ellyn R., Bartz Jason C., Kincaid A. E., Bessen R. A., Prion infection of skeletal muscle cells and papillae in the tongue 78:13, p. 6792 - 6798 2004
Journal of General Virology Bartz Jason C., Aiken J. M., Bessen Richard A., Delay in onset of prion disease for the HY strain of transmissible mink encephalopathy as a result of prior peripheral inoculation with the replication-deficient DY strain 85, p. 265 - 273 2004
Journal of Virology Bartz Jason C., Kincaid Anthony E., Bessen Richard A., Rapid prion neuroinvasion following tongue infection 77:1, p. 583 - 591 2003
Journal of Virology Bartz Jason C., Kincaid Anthony E., Bessen Richard A., Retrograde transport of transmissible mink encephalopathy within descending motor tracts 76:11, p. 5759 - 5768 2002
Journal of Virology Bartz Jason C., Bessen Richard A., Mckenzie Debbie, Marsh Richard F., Aiken Judd M., Adaptation and selection of prion protein strain conformations following interspecies transmission of transmissible mink encephalopathy 74:12, p. 5542 - 5547 2000
Virology Bartz Jason C., Marsh Richard F., McKenzie Debbie I., Aiken Judd M., The host range of chronic wasting disease is altered on passage in ferrets 251:2, p. 297 - 301 1998
Journal of Biological Chemistry McKenzie Debbie, Bartz Jason, Mirwald Jean, Olander Doris, Marsh Richard, Aiken Judd, Reversibility of scrapie inactivation is enhanced by copper 273:40, p. 25545 - 25547 1998
Seminars in Virology McKenzie D., Bartz J. C., Marsh R. F., Transmissible mink encephalopathy 7:3, p. 201 - 206 1996
Journal of General Virology Bartz J. C., McKenzie D. I., Bessen R. A., Marsh R. F., Aiken J. M., Transmissible mink encephalopathy species barrier effect between ferret and mink 75:11, p. 2947 - 2953 1994
Prion evolution: The role of prion strain interference. 2024
Prion strain evolution 2024
Rapid and sensitive determination of residual prion infectivity from prion decontaminated surfaces 2024
Emergence of substrains from a biologically cloned prion strain 2024
Prion strain evolution 2024
"The environmental fate of prions" Rocky Mountain Virology Meeting, Ft. Collins Colorado 2015
Prion strain tropism - NeuroPrion 2015 2015
University of Nebraska Medical Center - Prion disease lecture for Pharmacology 930 2015
University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Prion disease lecture for Viral Pathogenesis graduate student class 2014
University of Nebraska: The biology of prion diseases 2014
Iowa State University: Prion strain interference 2014
University of Nebraska: Prion strain interference 2014
"Prion strain selection in the central nervous system" University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2005
"Prion strain selection" United States Department of Agriculture, Animal Research Service. Ames, IA. 2005
"Prion strain selection and targeting in the central nervous system" Nebraska center for virology external advisory meeting. Lincoln, NE. 2005
"Prion diseases of humans and animals" Nebraska Infection Control Network 25th anniversary educational conference. Omaha NE. August 11-12, 2005. 2005
Sigurdson, C., Aguzzi, A., Hoover, E., MAthiason, C., Perrott, M., Glatzel, M., Bartz, J.C., Manco, G., Sprker, T. and Miller, M. (2005). Chronic wasting disease: across the species barrier. The Second International Chronic Wasting Disease Symposium. Madison WI. July 12-14, 2005. 2005
Ayers, J.A., Kincaid, A.E. and Bartz, J.C. (2005). Prion strain targeting. The Second International Chronic Wasting Disease Symposium. Madison WI. July 12-14, 2005. 2005
"Prion strain selection in the central nervous system" The Second International Chronic Wasting Disease Symposium. Madison WI. July 12-14, 2005. 2005
"Prion pathogenesis" AOAC International meeting and exposition. Kansas City, Missouri. 2005
"Prion diseases of humans and animals" Nebraska and Iowa Clinical Science Laboratory Meeting. Mid-America Center, Council Bluffs, IA. 2005
"Prion strain targeting and competition in the central nervous system" Department of Veterinary Science, South Dakota State University, Brookings SD. 2005
"Interspecies transmission of prion diseases" Creighton University Medicine 2005
"Interspecies transmission of prion diseases" Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK. 2005
"Interspecies transmission of prion diseases" University of Nebraska Medical Center Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy Seminar Series, Omaha, NE. 2005
"Prion diseases of humans and animals" University of Nebraska Medical Center Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory Group, Omaha, NE. 2005
Kincaid, A.E, Kramer, M. and Bartz, J.C. (2005). Prion strain competition in the central nervous system. Keystone Symposia "Molecular Mechanisms of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (Prion Diseases)". Snowbird, UT. 2005
"Interspecies transmission of prions" Nebraska Infectious Disease Seminar. 2004
"Prion competition in the central nervous system" Animal prion diseases and the Americas, Ames IA. 2004
"Prion strain targeting and competition" Fourth annual Nebraska Center for Virology Symposium in Virology. University of Nebraska Lincoln. 2004
"Interspecies transmission of prion diseases" Chronic wasting disease / transmissible spongiform encephalopathy symposium, North Dakota Department of Agriculture, Bismarck, ND. 2004
"The Design of a Single Round Infectivity Assay for Mason-Pfizer Monkey Virus Using Green Fluorscing Protein" BRIN Student Jessica Hutter-Doane College 2004
"Interspecies Transmission of Prion Diseases" 2004
" Interspecies transmission of prion diseases" Creighton University Medical Center, Osteoporosis research center seminar. Omaha NE. 2004