Sara Elizabeth Banzhaf, DNP, APRN-NP, PMHNP-BC

Associate Professor


S Banzhaf


Faculty - Nursing
College of Nursing
Nursing Practice (Doctorate)
Nursing MSN (Master of Science)
Nursing Post-Graduate (Post-Graduate Certificate)
Graduate School
CRISS II - Criss 2 - 217 F

Sara Elizabeth Banzhaf, DNP, APRN-NP, PMHNP-BC

Associate Professor


Dr. Sara E. Banzhaf, DNP, APRN-NP, PMHNP-BC is an Associate Professor, and Track Leader for the Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner program at Creighton University College of Nursing, and Lenke Family Scholar 2023-2024.  She holds a DNP from Creighton University, and a MSN in Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse from the University of Nebraska Medical Center, and BSN from Clarkson College of Nursing. Currently practices at an urban community healthcare clinic. Teaching focuses on Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner specialty role courses.  Scholarship interests include innovative strategies promoting quality interprofessional psychiatric-mental health practice and education, reflective practice, development of the psychiatric-mental health work force, and development of Stress First Aid Training programs. Serves as the Co-Chair for the APNA Graduate Education Council, Member of the NONPF - PMHNP Competency Revision Committee, member of the International Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing and is an active member of the NE Behavioral Health Education Partners. 

Teaching Interests

  • Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Research Focus

Innovative strategies promoting quality interprofessional psychiatric-mental health practice and education
Refective Practice and Spirituality 
Workforce Development - Psychiatric-Mental Health 
 Stress First Aid Program Development 


Nursing - Doctorate


Associate Professor


  • Clinical Simulation in Nursing
    Kirkpatrick, A. , Potthoff, M., Banzhaf, S., Ball, S., Hanks, J.,Connelly, S., Hercinger, M., McCafferty, K. Intraprofessional Simulation's Impact on Advanced Practice and Baccalauretate Student Efficacy
    16, p. 33-39 2018
  • Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal
    Davis, B, Banzhaf, S., McCafferty, K., Tucci, C, Woster, J. Integrating a Spiritual Care Model within An Accelerated Nursing Curriculum
    17(1), p. 17-26 2018


  • Journal of American Psychiatric Nurses Association
    Banzhaf, Sara E. , Kunes-Connell, Mary A Qualitative Inquiry Addressing the Experience of Depression in Impoverished, Ethnically Diverse Women
    25 (2), p. 99-111 2019


  • Health, Interprofessional Practice, and Education
    Dr. Cindy Hadenfeldt, Naylor, H., Jessen, J., Banzhaf, S. & Martens-Striklett, K Addressing the Opioid Use Epidemic 2020
  • Journal of American Psychiatric Nurses Association
    Hanson-Latcham, Susan K. , Banzhaf, S.E. Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk Management in an Adult Population with Schizophrenia: A Quality Improvement Project 2020


  • Mental Health Strategies to Cope with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Mental Health and Wellness Presentation to IT Department per request 2023
  • Snacks and Skills with the Experts: Mental Health Strategies to Cope with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Mental Health Wellness Healthy Bites Session on the topic of Mental Health - Follow Up Session 2022
  • Choose Your Own Adventure: Integration of Systems Based Practice in PMHNP Graduate Education (Perry, C., Banzhaf, S., Messinger, C) October 2022. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 36th October 21, 2022 2022
  • Interprofessional Practice Simulation Exploring Cultural Humility and Social July 2022 Determinants of Health in the Management of Older Adults Experiencing Complex Medical & Psychiatric Comorbidities. (Banzhaf, S.E., Iverson, L, Jizba, T., Price, P., Thinnes, A.) Virtual Heartland Interprofessional Education Conference (HIPE), July 21-22, 2022 Podium Presentation 2022
  • A Graduate Education Faculty Toolkit: Let's Do It Pre-Conference Workshop at APNA Conference 2021
  • Mental Health Wellness Healthy Bites Session on the topic of Mental Health - Rescheduled in March 2020 to 2021. Co-presenter - Creighton University 2021
  • Creating a Clinical Learning Environment Supporting Interprofessional Practice Using a Synchronous On-Line Strategy. (Banzhaf, S, Price, P., Coffman, R., Iverson, L.) American Psychiatric Nurses Association 34 th Annual Conference, Virtual45 Minute Podium Presentation September 30-October 4, 2020 2020
  • Use of Augmented Reality in Psychiatric Mental Health Simulation. (Williams, J., Sheridan, R., Koziol, D. McCafferty, K., Banzhaf, S., Panning, M.American Psychiatric Nurses Association 34 th Annual Conference, Virtual30 Minute Podium Presentation September 30-October 4, 2020 2020
  • Addressing the Opioid Use Epidemic: Strategies for Interprofessional Health Education (Hadenfeldt, C., Naylor, H., Jessen, J., Banzhaf, S. & Martens-Striklett, K.) Nexus Summit Program, August 2020, Virtual Lighting Talk 2020
  • Virtual Interprofessional Clinical Team Simulation: Managing Complex MedicalAnd Psychiatric Comorbidities (Banzhaf, S, Iverson, L, Price, P, Coffman, R.). 2020 Heartland Interprofessional Education Conference (HIPE), July 23-24.Podium Presentation 2020
  • Addressing the Opioid-Use Epidemic: Strategies for Interprofessional Health July 2020Education (Naylor, H., Jessen, J., Banzhaf & Hadenfeldt, C., Martens-Striklett, K)2020 Heartland Interprofessional Education Conference (HIPE),July 23-24. Poster Presentation. Received First Place Poster Award 2020
  • Inter-Professional Approaches to Addressing the Opioid Epidemic (Hadenfeldt, C., Naylor, H., Jessen, J., Banzhaf, S. & Martens-Striklett, K.) MNRS Annual Research Conference 2020, April 1-4, 2020,Schaumburg, Illinois. 2020
  • Interprofessional Mental Health Program Model: Integrating a Synergy of Compassion, Ease and Hope to address the Experience of Depression in Ethnically Diverse Impoverished Women. (Banzhaf, S.E, Kunes-Connell, M.) APNA 33rd Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA Poster Presentation 2019
  • St. Albert's Research Day Creighton University "An Interprofessional Mental Health Program Model: Integrating A Synergy of Compassion, Ease, and Hope ToAddress the Experience of Depression in Ethnically Diverse Impoverished Women" 2019
  • Addressing Local Health Disparities by Promoting Cultural Competency - presentation at the Global Health Conference Midwest 2018
  • Co-Presenter for the break out session - Establishing Educational and Work Experience at the Annual Psychiatric Nursing Summit - sponsored by the Behavioral Health Education Center of NE 2017
  • Poster Presentation - 2017 University Assessment Symposium Office of Academic Excellence - Title: The Intentional Integration of Spirituality into an Accelerated nursing Program 2017
  • Panel Presentation at the Through the Eye of the Needle: Commitment to Justice in Jesuit Higher Education, Seattle, WashingtonTitle: Following a Crosswalk: the Intentional Integration of Spirituality in an Accelerated Nursing Curriculum 2017
  • Meeting the needs of pre-licensure nursing students The intentional integration of ATI skills modules and real-life scenarios into the clinical skills lab. 2017 National Nurse Educator Summit (Orlando, FL) 2017
  • The young and the restless: Combining advanced practice and prelicensure nursing students for intraprofessional simulation National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners' (NAPNAP) 38th National Conference on Pediatric Health Care. Denver, CO. Podium Presentation 2017
  • Poster Presentation accepted for the 2016 Creighton University Assessment Symposium. Title: An Interprofessional simulation's impact on Advanced Practice and Pre-Licensure nursing students' self-efficacy. 2016
  • The Impact of an Interprofessional Pediatric Simulation on Advanced Practice and Pre-Licensure Nursing Students Self-Efficacy Sigma Theta Tau Iota Tau 27th Annual Research Day, Creighton University Omaha, NE Poster Presentation 2016
  • Utilizing Technology and Real-time Assessments to Improve Efficacy and Competence with Technical Skills in Pre-licensure Nursing Students -Accuracy & Efficacy TLT Showcase: A Celebration of Mission, Technology, and Teaching - Poster Presentation 2016
  • Utilizing Technology and Real-time Assessments to Improve Efficacy and Competence with Technical Skills in Pre-licensure Nursing Students - Confidence & Communication TLT Showcase: A Celebration of Mission, Technology, and Teaching - Poster Presentation 2016
  • Poster Presentation at the 2015 Creighton University Assessment Symposium: Meeting the Needs of Pre-Licensure Nursing Students - Integrating Skills Into the Clinical Coursework 2015 Creighton Assessment Symposium - Poster Presentation 2015


  • “Interprofessional Practice Simulation in the Management of Older Adults Experiencing Complex Medical & Psychiatric Comorbidities,” has been awarded a 2022-2023 CFE Development Grant for the amount requested in the proposal of: $2,000.
    Sara E. Banzhaf DNP, APRN-NP, PMHNP-BC, Principal Investigator Lindsay Iverson DNP, APRN-NP, ACNP-BC, Co-Investigator Theresa A. Jizba, DNP, AGACN-BC, Co-Investigator College of Nursing Paul L. Price PharmD, BCPP, Co-Investigator Andrea M. Thinnes OTD, OTR/L, Co-Investigator School of Pharmacy and Health Professions


  • Teaching Excellence Award for Graduate Nursing Class
    Selected by the Graduate Nursing Class of May 2022 for Teaching Excellence.
    Creighton University College of Nursing
  • The Daisy Faculty Award
    The Daisy Faculty Award - "To honor your exceptional impact on your students and your inspirational influence on their future"
    Creighton University College of Nursing
  • Iggy Award (2)
    Identified by Freshman student following first semester of college acknowledging contributions leading to their success during their first semester at Creighton University
    Office of Retention
  • Iggy Award (1)
    Identified by Freshman student following first semester of college acknowledging contributions leading to their success during their first semester at Creighton University
    Office of Retention
  • Creighton University College of Nursing Teaching Excellence Award for Classroom Instruction
    Recognition of valuable contributions to Clinical Instruction
    Graduating Class of December 2015 at Pinning Ceremony
  • Creighton University College of Nursing Teaching Excellence Award for Clinical Instruction
    Recogniation of valuable contributions to Classroom Instruction
    Graduating Accelerated Class August 2015