Amy Badura Brack, PhD


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College of Arts and Sciences
Psychological Science
HLSB - Hixson Lied Science Building - 318

Amy Badura Brack, PhD


Dr. Badura Brack is currently involved in two major grant funded research projects.  Her newest endeavor involves conducting a needs assessment of Creighton undergraduate students regarding their experiences of social isolation and loneliness to direct future programming that may improve feelings of belonging and connection.  Her other active line of research involves studying pregnancy-related stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as parents’ feelings of attachment to their developing fetus. This line of work includes randomized clinical trials of interventions designed to improve parental-fetal attachment and emphasizes assessing how pregnancy-related hormonal changes are associated with attachment and psychological symptoms during pregnancy.  Dr. Badura Brack has an ongoing interest in trauma exposure and PTSD and structural and functional brain changes related to these experiences.  Dr. Badura Brack is Chair of the IRB; she directs the Undergraduate Internship in Psychology Program; and she regularly teaches Internship, Psychopathology, Health Psychology, and Introductory Psychology.


Psychological Science




  • Biological Psychiatry
    Badura-Brack, A.,* McDermott, T., Heinrichs-Graham, E., *Ryan, T., Khanna, M., Pine, D., Bar-Haim, Y., & Wilson, T. (in press). Veterans with PTSD demonstrate amygdala hyperactivity while viewing threatening faces: A MEG study. Biological Psychology, 132, 228–232. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2018.01.005 Impact Factor 3.70
    132, p. 228-232 2018
  • Khanna, M. M., Badura-Brack, A. S., McDermott*, T. J., Shepherd*, A., Ryan, T. J., Heinrichs-Graham*, E., & Wilson, T. W. (revised and resubmitted). Veterans with PTSD engage threat detection but not emotional regulation networks during an emotional Stroop task. 2017
  • Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
    Badura-Brack, A. S., Heinrichs-Graham, E., *McDermott, T. J., *Becker, K. M., *Ryan, T. J., Khanna, M. M., & Wilson, T. W. (2017). Resting-State Neurophysiological Abnormalities in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Magnetoencephalography Study. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11, 205. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2017.00205 Impact Factor 3.63 
    11, p. 205 2017
  • Psychological Medicine
    Khanna, M. M., Badura-Brack, A. S., *McDermott, T. J., *Embury, C. M., *Wiesman, A. I., Shepherd, A., Ryan, T. J., Heinrichs-Graham, W., & Wilson, T. W. (2017). Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder exhibit altered emotional processing and attentional control during an emotional Stroop task. Psychological medicine, 47(11), 2017–2027. doi:10.1017/S0033291717000460 Impact Factor 5.23
    47(11), p. 2017-2027 2017
  • Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging
    Badura-Brack, A., *McDermott, T. J., *Becker, K. M., *Ryan, T. J., Khanna, M. M., Pine, D. S., Bar-Haim, Y., Heinrichs-Graham, E., & Wilson, T. W. (in press). Attention training modulates resting-state neurophysiological abnormalities in posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 271, 135–141. doi:10.1016/j.pscychresns.2017.11.008  Impact Factor 2.75
    271, p. 135-141 2017
  • Military Psychology
    *Bartholomew, T. T., Badura-Brack, Amy S., Leak, Gary K., *Hearley, Allison R., *McDermott, Timothy J. (2017). Perceived ability to cope with trauma among U.S. combat veterans.  Military Psychology, 29(3), 165-178. doi: 10.1037/mil0000150Impact Factor 1.18 (APA Division 19 Journal) 2016
  • Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Nueroscience
    *McDermott, T. J., Badura-Brack, A. S., Becker, K. M., *Ryan, T. J., Bar-Haim, Y., Pine, D. S., Khanna, M. M., Heinrichs-Graham, E., & Wilson, T. W. (2016). Attention training improves aberrant neural dynamics during working memory processing in veterans with PTSD. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(6), 1140–1149. doi:10.3758/s13415-016-0459-7Impact Factor 2.9
    16(6), p. 1140-1149 2016
  • Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience
    *McDermott, T. J., Badura-Brack, A. S., Becker, K. M., *Ryan, T. J., Khanna, M. M., Heinrichs-Graham, E., & Wilson, T. W. (2016). Male veterans with PTSD exhibit aberrant neural dynamics during working memory processing: an MEG study. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience 41(4), 251–60. doi:10.1503/jpn.150058Impact Factor 3.7
    41(4), p. 251-60 2016
  • American Journal of Psychiatry
    Badura-Brack, A. S., Naim, R., *Ryan, T. J., Levy, O., Abend, R., Khanna, M. M., *McDermott, T. J., Pine, D. S., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2015).  Attention training reduces attention bias variability and PTSD symptoms: Randomized controlled trials in Israeli and US combat veterans.  American Journal of Psychiatry, 172(12), 1233-41. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2015.14121578Impact factor 14.7
    172(2), p. 1233-41 2015
  • Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging
    Badura-Brack, A. S., Becker, K. M., *McDermott, T. J., *Ryan, T.J., *Becker, M. M.,*Hearley, A. R., Heinrichs-Graham, E., & Wilson, T. W. (2015).  Decreased somatosensory activity to non-threatening touch in male combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder.  Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 233(2) 194-200. doi: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2015.06.012 Impact factor 3.0
    233(2), p. 194-200 2015
  • Cognition and Emotion
    Khanna, M. M., Badura-Brack, A. S., *McDermott, T. J., *Shepherd, A., Heinrichs-Graham, E., Bar-Haim, Y., Pine, D. S., & Wilson, T. W. (2015). Training normalizes combat-related PTSD effects on emotional Stroop performance using lexically matched word lists. Cognition and Emotion, 30(8) doi: 10.1080/02699931.2015.1076769. Impact factor 2.5
    30(8) 2015
  • Teaching of Psychology
    Brack, Amy B., Kesitilwe, Kutlo, Ware, Mark E. Taking the Pulse of Undergraduate Health Psychology: A Nationwide Survey
    37, p. 271-275 2014
  • Child & Family Behavior Therapy
    McTate, Emily A., Badura Brack, Amy S., Handal, Paul J., Burke, Raymond V. A Program Intervention for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: Preliminary Results
    35, p. 279-292 2013
  • Teaching of Psychology
    Khanna, Maya M., Brack, Amy S. B., Finken, Laura L. Short- and Long-Term Effects of Cumulative Finals on Student Learning
    40, p. 175-182 2013
  • Teaching of Psychology
    Khanna, M. M., Badura Brack, A. S., & Finken, L. L. (2013). Short- and long-term effects of cumulative finals on student learning.
    40(3), p. 175-182 2013
  • Child & Family Behavior Therapy
    *McTate, E., Badura Brack, A. S., Handal, P. J., & Burke, R. (2013). A program intervention for pediatric bipolar disorder: Preliminary results.
    35, p. 279-292 2013
  • Teaching of Psychology
    Khanna, M. M., Badura  Brack, A. S., & Finken, L. L. (2013). Short- and long-term effects of cumulative finals on student learning. Teaching of Psychology, 40 (3), 175-182.
    40(3), p. 175-182 2013
  • Child & Family Behavior Therapy
    *McTate, E., Badura Brack, A. S., Handal, P. J., & Burke, R.  (2013).  A program intervention for pediatric bipolar disorder:  Preliminary results.  Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 35, 279-292.
    35(1), p. 279-292 2013
  • American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
    Badura Brack, A., Huefner, J. C., Handwerk, M. L. The impact of abuse and gender on psychopathology, behavioral disturbance, and psychotropic medication count for youth in residential treatment
    82, p. 562-572 2012
  • Journal of College Student Psychotherapy
    Badura Brack, Amy, Runco, Daniel V., Cadwallader, Leesa A., Kelley, Michael An Exploratory Study of Undergraduate Students' Referral Preferences
    26, p. 155-162 2012
  • American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
    Badura Brack, A. S., Huerfner, J. C., & Handwerk, M. L. (2012). The impact of abuse and gender on psychopathology, behavioral disturbance, and psychotropic medication count for youth in residential treatment.
    82, p. 562-572 2012
  • Journal of College Student Psychotherapy
    Badura Brack, A. S. *Runco, D. V., *Cadwallader, L. A., & Kelley, M., (2012). An exploratory study of undergraduate students’ referral preferences.
    26, p. 155-162 2012
  • American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
    Badura Brack, A. S., Huerfner, J. C., & Handwerk, M. L. (2012). The impact of abuse and gender on psychopathology, behavioral disturbance, and psychotropic medication count for youth in residential treatment.  American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 82, 562-572.
    82(1), p. 562-572 2012
  • Journal of College Student Psychotherapy
    Badura Brack, A. S. *Runco, D. V., *Cadwallader, L. A., & Kelley, M., (2012). An exploratory study of undergraduate students’ referral preferences.  Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 26, 155-162
    26(1), p. 155-162 2012
  • Teaching of Psychology
    Badura Brack, A. S., Ware, M.E., & *Kestilwse, K. (2010).  Taking the pulse of the undergraduate course in health psychology.  Teaching of Psychology, 37, 271-275.
    37, p. 271-275 2012
  • Teaching of Psychology
    Brack, Amy B., Kesitilwe, Kutlo, Ware, Mark E. Taking the Pulse of Undergraduate Health Psychology: A Nationwide Survey
    37, p. 271-275 2010
  • Clinical Case Studies
    Burke, Raymond V., Kuhn, Brett R., Peterson, Jane L., Peterson, Roger W., Badura Brack, Amy S. 'Don't Kick Me Out!': Day Treatment for Two Preschool Children With Severe Behavior Problems
    9, p. 28-40 2010
  • Clinical Case Studies
    Burke, Raymond V., Kuhn, Brett R., Peterson, Jane L., Peterson, Roger W., Badura Brack, Amy S. 'Don't Kick Me Out!'?: Day Treatment for Two Preschool Children With Severe Behavior Problems
    9, p. 28-40 2010
  • Teaching of Psychology
    Badura Brack, A. S., Ware, M.E., & *Kestilwse, K. (2010). Taking the pulse of the undergraduate course in health psychology.
    37, p. 271-275 2010
  • Clinical Case Studies
    Burke, R., Peterson J., Peterson R., Khun, B., & Badura Brack, A. S. (2010) Don’t kick me out: Day treatment for two preschool children with severe behavior problems
    9, p. 28-40 2010
  • Clinical Case Studies
    Burke, R., Peterson J., Peterson R., Khun, B., & Badura Brack, A. S. (2010) Don’t kick me out:  Day treatment for two preschool children with severe behavior problems.  Clinical Case Studies, 9, 28-40.
    9, p. 28-40 2010
  • Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health
    Brack, A. B. Differences in employee multidimensional health by gender, age, and educational level.
    22, p. 49-64 2008
  • Journal of American College Health
    Brack, A. B., Millard, M., Shah, K. Are Peer Educators Really Peers?
    56, p. 566-568 2008
  • Families, Systems, & Health
    Guck, T. P., Guck, A. J., Brack, A. B., Frey, D. R. No-show rates in partially integrated models of behavioral health care in a primary care setting.
    25, p. 137-146 2007
  • Journal of anxiety disorders
    Badura, Amy S. Theoretical and empirical exploration of the similarities between emotional numbing in posttraumatic stress disorder and alexithymia
    17, p. 349-360 2003
  • Teaching of Psychology
    Ware, Mark E., Badura, Amy S., Davis, Stephen F. Using student scholarship to develop student research and writing skills
    29, p. 151-154 2002
  • Teaching of Psychology
    Wendorf, Craig A., LoSchiavo, Frank M., Shatz, Mark A., Buskist, William, Tears, Rachel S., Davis, Stephen F., Rodrigue, Karen M., Leonard, Julie A., Mitchell, Kirsten L., Meyers, Steven A., Love, Jacqueline D., Griggs, Richard A., Mitchell, Montserrat C. Faculty Forum
    29, p. 136-159 2002
  • Teaching of Psychology
    Neal-Barnett, Angela, Mitchell, Michelle, Boeltar, Christina, Levy, Gary D., Peters, Walt W., Marchant, Gregory J., Perlman, Baron, McCann, Lee I., Sleigh, Merry J., Ritzer, Darren R., Casey, Michael B., Carkenord, David M., Badura, Amy S., Goodwin, C. J. Faculty Forum
    29, p. 44-69 2002
  • Teaching of Psychology
    Badura, A. S. Capturing students' attention: Movie clips set the stage for learning in abnormal psychology
    29, p. 58-60 2002
  • Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
    Carrol, E. N., Badura, A. S. Focal intense brief transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation for treatment of radicular and postthoracotomy pain
    82, p. 262-264 2001
  • Journal of College Student Development
    Badura, A. S., Millard, M., Peluso, E. A., Ortman, N. Effects of peer education training on peer educators: Leadership, self-esteem, health knowledge, and health behaviors
    41, p. 471-478 2000
  • Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
    Coughlin, A. M., Badura, A. S., Fleischer, T. D., Guck, T. P. Multidisciplinary treatment of chronic pain patients: Its efficacy in changing patient locus of control
    81, p. 739-740 2000


  • McDermott, T.T., Badura Brack, A.S., Kemp, C.M., Khanna, M.M., Heinrichs-Grahm, E., & T.W. (2016). Patterns of neural activation during trauma provocation in combat veterans with PTSD. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), Chicago, IL. 2016
  • McDermott, T.J., Badura Brack, A.S., Merrill, B.M., Khanna, M.M., Abend, R., Bar-Haim, Y., Heinrichs-Graham, E., & Wilson, T.W. (2016). Nuerophysiological correlates of attention bias variability and PTSD: A magnetoencephalography study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), Chicago, IL. 2016
  • Fernandes, R.C., *Toalson, S.K., *McDermott, T.J., Khanna, M.M., Bar-Haim, Y., & Badura Brack, A.S. (2016). Attention training exerts therapeutic effects on PTSD symptoms in only four sessions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), Chicago, IL. 2016
  • *McDermott, T.J., Badura Brack, A.S., Khanna, M.M., *Ryan, T.J., Heinrichs-Graham, E., & Wilson, T.W. (2015). Magnetoencephalography Reveals Neurocognitive Deficits during an Emotional Stroop Task in Veterans with PTSD. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY. 2015
  • Badura Brack, A.S., Bartholomew, T., Leak, G., Hearley, A., & McDermott, T.J. (2015). Clinical validation of the Perceived Ability to Cope with Trauma (PACT) in veterans with PTSD. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY. 2015
  • Hearley, A.R., Badura Brack, A.S., Khanna, M.M., McDermott, T.J., & Becker, M.M. (2015). Anxiety change varies by type of attention training in veterans with PTSD. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY. 2015
  • Abnormal MEG theta activity in veterans with PTSD during working memory processing. Poster presented to the Nebraska Neuroscience Symposium, Omaha, NE. 2014
  • McDermott, T. J., Badura Brack, A., Heinichs- Graham, E., Becker, K. M., Ryan, T. J., & Wilson, T. W. (September, 2014). Abnormal MEG theta activity in veterans with PTSD during working memory processing. Poster presented to the Nebraska Neuroscience Symposium, Omaha, NE. 2014
  • MEG reveals veterans with PTSD have less restful resting states than combat controls. Poster presented to the American Psychological Society Conference, San Diego, CA. 2014
  • Deficits in veterans with combat-related PTSD: A magnetoencephalography study. Poster presented to the American Psychological Society Conference, San Diego, CA. 2014
  • Badura Brack, A., Becker, K. M., Heinrichs-Graham, E., McDermott, T. J., Ryan, T.J., & Wilson, T. W. (May, 2014). MEG reveals veterans with PTSD have less restful resting states than combat controls. Poster presented to the American Psychological Society Conference, San Diego, CA. 2014
  • McDermott, T. J., Badura Brack, A., Heinrichs-Graham, E., Becker, K. M., Ryan, T. J., & Wilson, T. W. (May, 2014). Deficits in veterans with combat-related PTSD: A magnetoencephalography study. Poster presented to the American Psychological Society Conference, San Diego, CA. 2014
  • A program intervention for pediatric bipolar disorder: Preliminary results. Poster session presented at the annual American Psychological Association Convention, Orlando, FL. 2012
  • McTate, E. A., Handal, P. J., Badura Brack, A. S., Burke, R. V., (2012, August). A program intervention for pediatric bipolar disorder: Preliminary results. Poster session presented at the annual American Psychological Association Convention, Orlando, FL. 2012
  • Personality disorders. University of Nebraska Medical Center May Student Workshop, UNMC, Omaha, NE. 2012
  • The impact of cumulative finals on long-term retention of course material. Poster session presented at the 23th annual convention of the American Psychological Society, Washington, D.C. 2011
  • Personality disorders. University of Nebraska Medical Center May Student Workshop, UNMC, Omaha, NE. 2011
  • Laughlin, M., Khanna, M. M., Badura Brack, A. S., & Finken, L. L. (2011, May). The impact of cumulative finals on long-term retention of course material. Poster session presented at the 23th annual convention of the American Psychological Society, Washington, D.C. 2011
  • The University of Iowa distinguished alumni panel. Omaha, NE. 2010
  • Badura-Brack, A. S. (2017). Attention control training for PTSD and associatedneuroscientific findings. Guest Lecturer at Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
  • Badura-Brack, A. S. (2017). Attention control training for PTSD and associatedneurophysiological findings. Invited Presentation to Nebraska Neuroscience Network Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Disvucssion Organization (N3 CANDO) Series, Omaha, NE.


  • University Research Award
  • Dean's Award for Professional Excellence in Tenure-Track
    Dean's Award for Professional Excellence in Tenure-Track
  • Dean's Award for Professional Excellence in Freshman/Sophomore Advising
    Dean's Award for Professional Excellence in Freshman/Sophomore Advising