Perioperative Quality Improvement Aggarwal Geeta, Arriaga Alexander F., Andukuri Venkata, Arnold Susan LaFollette, Dhesi Jugdeep, DiBianco John Michael, Dixon-Woods Mary, Duffy Caoimhe C., Edwards Angela F., Edwards Kylie-Ellen, Dauw Casey A., El-Ghazali Sally, Englesbe Michael, Booth Alexander, Bader Angela M., Balfour Angie, Berger Elizabeth R., Berlin Nicholas L., Blitz Jeanna D., Botwinick Laura K., Bozic Kevin, Buehler Kate, Clapp Justin T., Chappell Desiree, Chen Yun-Yun K., Chereshneva Maria, Cloyd Benjamin H., Cruikshanks Claire, Gulotta Lawrence V., Franz Amber, Ghani Khurshid R., Grocott Michael P.W., Hallway Alexander, Harpe-Bates Jennifer, Healey Frances, Levett Denny Z.H., Azad Kaveh Houshmand, Fischer Chelsea P., Fleisher Lee A., Esper Stephen A., Falk Scott, Fogerty Robert L., Fowler Aidan, King Christopher J., Ko Clifford Y., Lane-Fall Meghan B., Lee Thomas H., Lin Della M., Lloyd Robert, Kheterpal Sachin, Janda Allison, Johnson Emily H., Santhirapala Ramai, Scott Michael, Mainey Chris, Manning Michael W., Martin Graham P., Martin Lynn D., Mathis Michael, Parry Gareth, Partridge Judith, Peden Carol J., Quiney Nial, Ragheb Jacqueline W., Raper Steven E., Rogerson Andrew, Rooney Kevin, Roper Madeleine, Offodile Anaeze C., Jordan Lesley, Kelz Rachel R., Khan Maria, Howard Ryan, Incorvia Joseph, Jackiewicz Thomas E., Johnston Carolyn, Moonesinghe S. Ramani, Murray Dave, McCulloch Peter, Myles Paul S., Mythen Monty G., Odell Wendy, Stephens Timothy J., Low Daniel, Mahajan Aman, Lockett Mark, Soar Harry, Spencer Paula, Shah Nirav, Singleton Georgina F., Stevens Emma, Sweitzer BobbieJean, Tong Jason, Tung Alan, Wick Elizabeth C., Vetter Thomas R., Vlisides Phillip E., Wain Hester, Wu Christopher L., Wyatt Ronald, YaDeau Jacques T., Contributors [Book Chapter] 2023
Journal of general internal medicine : JGIM Jain Priya N, King Christopher J, Graves Kencee K, Johnson Kiana, Fogerty Robert L, Andukuri Venkata G, Thakur Kshitij, Popa Remus, High-Value Care Education in the USA: Lessons from a National Value Curriculum for Resident and Fellow Physicians 2025
JCO oncology practice Cho Eunbee, Othon Diana, Cruz Jian, Astorga Gerardo, Solis Martha, Bello Fatimah, Andukuri Venkata, Abarca Guzman Oliverio, Gonzalez Morales Elimar, Quality improvement of breast and cervical cancer screening satisfaction rate at a resident-led clinic 20:10_suppl, p. 308 - 308 2024
Proceedings - Baylor University. Medical Center Isern Raul D., Biermann Kelly, Krajicek Bryan J., Andukuri Venkata G., Velagapudi Manasa, Bittner Marvin J., Ahmad Faran, Legionella pneumophila urine antigen testing in community-acquired pneumonia: a quality improvement initiative in diagnostic stewardship, p. 1 - 2 2024
Isern R.D., Ahmad F., Krajicek B., Andukuri V., Bittner M.J., Velagapudi M., Diagnostic Stewardship Initiative Focusing on Appropriate Urine Legionella Pneumophila Antigen Testing in Patients With Community Acquired Pneumonia 2023
The American journal of gastroenterology Reiche William, Schutte Bryce, Suhail Sidhu, Darby Keirns, Durva Masih, Isaac Burright, Millner Paul, Bradley DeVrieze, Venkata Andukuri, Mukherjee Sandeep, S1270 Reducing Inappropriate Serum Venous Ammonia Ordering: A Quality Improvement Initiative 117:10S, p. e917 - e918 2022
Southern Medical Journal Patil Shantanu, Rajendraprasad Sanu, Velagapudi Manasa, Aurit Sarah, Andukuri Venkata, Alla Venkata, Readmissions among People Living with HIV Admitted for Hypertensive Emergency 115:7, p. 429 - 434 2022
European heart journal. Quality of care & clinical outcomes Pajjuru Venkata S., Alkhouli Mohamad, Spertus John A., Alla Venkata M., Thandra Abhishek, Guddeti Raviteja R., Walters Ryan W., Jhand Aravdeep, Andukuri Venkata G., Sex differences in mortality and 90-day readmission rates after transcatheter aortic valve replacement 8:2, p. 135 - 142 2022
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions Pajjuru Venkata S., Thandra Abhishek, Guddeti Raviteja R., Kothapalli Srikanth R., Walters Ryan W., Jhand Aravdeep, Aboeata Ahmed, Andukuri Venkata G., Goldsweig Andrew M., ST-elevation myocardial infarction in nonagenarians 98:4, p. 638 - 646 2021
Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Anwer Faiz, Andukuri Venkata, Smer Aiman, Batool Syeda Sabeeka, Fazeel Hafiz Muhammad, Haque Syed Mansur Ul, Malik Saad Ullah, Latif Azka, Lateef Noman, Ahsan Mohammad Zoraiz, Kousa Omar, Impact of Acquired Thrombocytopenia on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 27, p. 79 - 87 2021
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Andukuri Venkata, Xu Liou, Puckrein Gary, Walters Ryan, Kim Michael H., TOTAL 30-DAY MORTALITY IN MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES FOLLOWING CATHETER ABLATION FOR ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (2016-17) 77:18, p. 231 - 231 2021
AME case reports Awad Dana, Kassim Thamer, Kousa Omar, Essa Amr, Kuniyoshi Jason, Kousa Hamza, Qasim Abdallah, Andukuri Venkata, Acute ischemic stroke as initial manifestation of undiagnosed iron deficiency anemia: case-report and literature review 4, p. 23 - 23 2020
American Journal of Gastroenterology Buddam Avanija, Abdussalam Abdullah, Mukherjee Sandeep, Andukuri Venkata, Chandra Subhash, Koppala Jahnavi, Rao Sirish, Rangray Rajani, Use of Over-the-scope Clip for Ulcers with High Risk Stigmata is Effective and Efficient without Added Cost 115:1, p. S299 - S299 2020
American Journal of Gastroenterology Addasi Yazan, Andrews Megan, Hajiannasab Rasam, Andukuri Venkata Giri, Velagapudi Manasa, Nguyen Anny H., Rangray Rajani, An unusual cause of gastrointestinal bleeding in an immunocompetent host 115:1, p. S1153 - S1154 2020
Chest Jackson Ian, Pajjuru Venkata, Varghese Marisa, Nayfeh Ali, Andukuri Venkata, Walters Ryan, Millner Paul, Landeen Carolina, IN-HOSPITAL OUTCOMES OF ACUTE COPD EXACERBATION IN ELDERLY PATIENTS WITH DEMENTIA: A NATIONWIDE ANALYSIS 158:4, p. A1815 - A1815 2020
Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease Latif Azka, Mirza Mohsin, Ashfaq Muhammad Zubair, Lateef Noman, Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Kapoor Vikas, Usman Rana Mohammad, Cooper Stephen, Andukuri Venkata, Khouzam Rami, Transcatheter versus surgical aortic valve replacement in patients with cardiac surgery 7:3 2020
Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes Andukuri Venkata, Xu Liou, Walters Ryan W, Kim Michael H, Puckrein Gary A, Population-level insights into 30-day mortality in medicare beneficiaries after inpatient and outpatient catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation 13:Suppl_1, p. A341 - A341 2020
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Sharma Arindam, Smer Aiman Miloud, Andukuri Venkata, Alla Venkata, Urja Prakrity, IMPACT OF A STRUCTURED QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FRAMEWORK ON PROJECT OUTPUT IN A CARDIOLOGY FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM 75:11, p. 3483 - 3483 2020
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Ahsan Muhammad J., Malik Saad Ullah, Kousa Omar, Fazeel Hafiz Muhammad, Hashmi Mydah, Javed Nisma, Tahseen Sidra, Latif Azka, Shaikh Kashif, Andukuri Venkata, Holmberg Mark, A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS ON THE PROGNOSTIC VALUE OF RED CELL DISTRIBUTION WIDTH ON DEVELOPMENT OF CONTRAST INDUCED NEPHROPATHY IN CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE PATIENTS UNDERGOING PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION 75:11, p. 1369 - 1369 2020
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Latif Azka, Ahsan Muhammad, Kapoor Vikas, Lateef Noman, Kousa Omar, Faizi Mamuna, Haji Hassan, Andukuri Venkata, Holmberg Mark, A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS OF PROGNOSTIC IMPACT OF BASELINE ANEMIA ON IN-HOSPITAL OUTCOMES IN PATIENTS WITH ST ELEVATION MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION UNDERGOING PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION 75:11, p. 1410 - 1410 2020
F1000 research Qasim Abdallah, Kousa Omar, Mansour Mohamed, Aly Ahmad K, Awad Dana, Kousa Hamza, Addasi Yazan, Abuhazeem Bader, Andukuri Venkata, Case Report: Sarcoidosis with azygos vein enlargement mimicking metastatic cancer [version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations] 9, p. 661 2020
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Essa Amr, Diab Osama, Munir Ahmed, Andukuri Venkata, Transient Asymptomatic Sinus Bradycardia and Sinus Pauses with Bevacizumab: Case Report and Literature Review 11:11, p. e6177 2019
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Kousa Omar, Awad Dana H., Hydoub Yousif M., Awawdeh Rasha, Andukuri Venkata, Intracerebral Hemorrhage in a Patient with Untreated Rheumatoid Arthritis: Case Report and Literature Review 11:7 2019
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Jhand Aravdeep, Guddeti Raviteja, Ahmad Aiza, Thandra Abhishek, Walters Ryan, Andukuri Venkata, Alla Venkata, Smer Aiman, IMPACT OF ANEMIA ON IN-HOSPITAL MORTALITY OF HEART FAILURE PATIENTS: A NATIONAL DATABASE ANALYSIS 73:9, p. 919 - 919 2019
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Jhand Aravdeep, Ahmad Aiza, Guddeti Raviteja, Thandra Abhishek, Walters Ryan, Andukuri Venkata, Alla Venkata, Smer Aiman, ECONOMIC IMPACT OF ANEMIA ON HEART FAILURE HOSPITALIZATIONS: A NATIONAL INPATIENT SAMPLE ANALYSIS 73:9, p. 918 - 918 2019
Critical Care Medicine Jhand Aravdeep, Munir Ahmed, Macaraeg Jeffrey, Walters Ryan, Millner Paul, Andukuri Venkata, Impact of Anemia on Mortality of Patients with Acute COPD exacerbation 47, p. 525 - 525 2019
Critical care medicine Klug Michael, Munir Ahmed, Wallen Tanner, Baskaran Janani, Anwar Muhammad, Nayfeh Ali, Hu Heidi, Macaraeg Jeffrey, Moore Douglas, Andukuri Venkata, 1319: CODE SEPSIS: WE’RE ON THE CLOCK 47:1 Suppl 1, p. 636 - 636 2019
Intractable and Rare Diseases Research Latif Azka, Kapoor Vikas, Simmons Erin, Parekh Jai, Andukuri Venkata, West Nile virus encephalitis in a young immunocompetent female in Omaha Nebraska 8:1, p. 48 - 51 2019
Open forum infectious diseases Anthone Jennifer, Alexander Bryan, Boldt Dayla, Ased Sumaya, Abbas Anum, Carroll Cassara, Cavalieri Stephen, Horne John, Velagapudi Manasa, Valenta Carrie, Kassim Thamer, Andukuri Giri, Paguia Richard Albert, Petzar Michael, George Elizabeth, Magliulo Eric, Destache Christopher, Vivekanandan Renuga, 527. New Robust Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (ASP) Results in Reduction of Clostridium difficile 30-Day Readmission 5:Suppl 1, p. S195 - S195 2018
Cureus Parekh Jai D, Iguidbashian John, Kukrety Shweta, Guerins Kelsey, Andukuri Venkata, Millner Paul G, A Rare Case of Isolated Left Ventricular Non-compaction in an Elderly Patient 2018
Cureus Parekh Jai D, Andukuri Venkata, Iguidbashian John, An Unusual Presentation in an Otherwise Healthy Female 2018
BMJ case reports Iguidbashian John Paul, Kukrety Shweta, Parekh Jai D., Andukuri Venkata Giri, Campylobacter jejuni and Pseudomonas coinfection in the setting of ulcerative colitis 2018 2018
Drug discoveries & therapeutics Kunwar Sandeep, Parekh Jai D., Chilukuri Ramya Sree, Andukuri Venkata A., Necrotizing Autoimmune myopathy 12:5, p. 315 - 317 2018
Cureus Chintalacheruvu Lakshmi Manogna, Bhatty Osman, Andukuri Venakata giri, Dual Anticoagulation in Recurrent Thromboembolic Events with Failure of Monotherapy: A Novel Approach 2017
Sadie Keesler BS1, Eva Holland BS1, Ellen Ouyang BS1, Joseph Largen BS1, Venkata Andukuri MD. Implementation of High-Value Care Teachings in Medical School Curriculum. Accepted and presented at Midwest Global Health Conference 2/2023 and Creighton Department of Medicine 5th Annual Research Day 4/2023 2023
LEARNING TOGETHER: IMPLEMENTING MEDICAL STUDENT EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING THROUGH PATIENT EDUCATION Dominick M. Myers, MD Stephen Toth, MD, Josh Babbin, Brad Haupts, Eva Holland Venkata Andukuri, Society of Hospital Medicine converge March, 2023 2023
Department of Medicine- Grand Rounds-Updates in Hospital Medicine Venkata Andukuri 2023
Koree Willer, Dex Miller, Pooja Varman, Venkata Giri Andukuri. Utilization of Professional Language Interpreter Services by Hospitalist Physicians at Creighton University Medical Center - Bergan Mercy- Accepted and presented at Midwest Global Health Conference, February 2022 2022
Readmissions among people living with HIV admitted for Hypertensive emergencies .Patil S, Rajendraprasad S, Velagapudi M, Aurit S, Andukuri V, Alla V. ACTHIV 2021 2021
Buddam, A., Koppala, J., Rao, S., Rangray, R., Abdussalam, A., Mukherjee, S., Andukuri, V., Chandra, S. Use of over the scope clip for ulcers with High risk stigmata is effective and efficient without added cost. DDW, virtual. 2020
Ahsan, J., Andukuri, V., Holmberg, M. To evaluate prognostic association of increased RDW with development of CIN in CAD patients undergoing PCI. Accepted at the American College of Cardiology National Meeting. 2020
Latif, A., Ahsan, J., Andukuri, V., Holmberg, M. A systematic review and meta-analysis of Prognostic Impact of Baseline Anemia on in-hospital outcomes in patients with ST elevation MI undergoing PCI. Accepted at the American College of Cardiology National Meeting. 2020
Jhand, A., Ahmad, A., Guddeti, R., Thandra, A., Walters, R., Andukuri, V., Alla, V., Smer, A. Economic Impact of Anemia on Heart Failure Hospitalizations: A National Inpatient Sample Analysis. ACC Annual Scientific Session, New Orleans, LA 2019
Jhand, A., Guddeti, R., Ahmad, A., Thandra, A., Walters, R., Andukuri, V., Alla, V., Smer, A. Impact of Anemia on In-Hospital Mortality of Heart Failure Patients : A National Database Analysis. ACC Annual Scientific Session, New Orleans, LA 2019
Jhand, A., Haque, S., Andukuri, V. A Curious Case of Myo-pericarditis in a patient with Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis. Nebraska Chapter ACP, Omaha, NE. 2018
Jhand, A., Osman, A., Pitta, N., Essa, A., Ermann, D., Kapoor, V., Gundepalli, S., Silberstein, P., Andukuri, V. Reducing Inappropriate RBC transfusions in Iron deficiency anemia patients : A quality improvement project. Nebraska Chapter ACP, Omaha, NE. 2018
Lateef, N., Ahsan, M.J., Anwar, M.F., Roesch, Z., Parekh, J., Pallamala, K., Andukuri, V. Acute Rise in Ventricular Capture Threshold Associated with Flecainide. Nebraska Chapter ACP, Omaha, NE. 2018
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine - Introductions to QI Methodology in Health Care. Omaha, NE. 2018
Vritti Gupta, Jeffery Macaraeg and Venkata Andukuri. Quality Improvement curriculum at Internal Medicine Residency at Creighton University. Baltimore, MD. 2018
Venkata Andukuri and Remus Popa. Developing the Future Leaders in High Value Care- Lessons from the HVPAA Future Leaders Program. Washington, DC. 2018
Roy Norris, Jai Parekh, Niraj Yadav, Austin Loranger, Janani Baskaran, Eric Rice, Carrie Valenta, Venkata Andukuri. Needs- based Leads: Optimization of Cardiac Monitoring. Orlando, FL. 2018
Andukuri V, Parekh JD, Saleh M, Kurety S. Urethritis Cystica: An unusual presentation in an otherwise healthy female. Orlando, FL. 2018
Victoria Nobel, Daniel. Ermann and Venkata Andukuri. An Uncommon Cause of Recurrent Thromboembolism: Elevated Factor VIII and vWF. New Orleans, LA. 2018
Peter Silberstien, Venkata Andukuri, Subhash Chandra, Charles Kaiser. Department of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds- IV Iron use in Iron Deficiency Anemia. 2018
Department of Surgery Grand Rounds- QI and Patient Safety tools, Approach and Mentorship. 2018
Ahmed Munir, Mridula Krishnan, Osama Diab, Nagurjun Gujjula, Noor Addasi, Saboor Randhawa, Venkata Andukuri. I-PASS hand-off tool implementation across all Creighton University GME programs. 2017
Ava Buddam, Lakshmi Chintalacheruvu, Jonathan Gapp, Daniel Ermann, Venkata Andukuri. Hepatocellular Cancer Screening implementation. 2017
Rouhin Sen, Ahmad Rahma, Liza George, Alec Hildenbrand, Paul Millner, Carrie Valenta, Venkata Andukuri. Reducing inappropriate daily laboratory testing. 2017
Vritti Gupta, Grant Kerr, Shweta Kukrety, Ahmed Munir, Ahmad Curie, Rina Musa, Thamer kassim, Hannah Van Galder, Mahmoud Abu Hazeem, Venkata Andukuri. Reducing COPD Readmission Rate. 2017
Venkata Andukuri, Mark Lust and Tim Schnack. ACGME grand rounds High Value Care and Cost Assessment Improvement. 2017
Kukrety S, Millner P, Andukuri V. A Rare Case of Isolated Non Compaction of the Left Ventricle Diagnosed in an Elderly Patient. 2017
Janani Baskaran and Venkata Andukuri. Etanercept Exacerbating heart failure. 2017
Vritti Gupta, Grant Kerr, Shweta Kukrety, Ahmed Munir, Ahmad Curie, Rina Musa, Thamer kassim, Hannah Van Galder, Mahmoud Abu Hazeem, Venkata Andukuri. Reducing COPD Readmission Rate. 2017
Victoria Nobel, Daniel. Ermann and Venkata Andukuri. A case of Elevated Factor VIII and vWF Causing Recurrent Thromboembolism. 2017
Andukuri, Venkata. Incorporating Quality Improvement and Patient Safety in your practice- Introduction to Methodology and Experiences in Academia and Private practice. 2017
Aravdeep Jhand, Blake Titterington, Jeffrey Macaraeg, Vishisht Mehta, Gene Pershwitz, Venkata Andukuri. A case of Microscopic Polyangiitis complicated by Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage. 2017
Norris R, Urja P, Karubus K, and Andukuri V. A Curious Case of Demyelinating Disease. 2016
ACGME Grand Rounds - Quality Improvement and Patient Safety in residency. 2016
Department of Surgery Grand Rounds- QI and Patient Safety Definitions and Approach. 2016
Andukuri, Venkata. "Why QI & Why Now?" Creighton University School of Medicine Annual Patient Safety Conference. 2016
Melchor G, Andukuri V, Polich A. Chief Resident for Quality and Patient Safety: an Innovative Approach to Teaching Quality and Improvement and Patient Safety to Residents. Central Group on Educational Affairs, Omaha,Nebraska 2011
Andukuri, V. "VA Chief Resident for Quality and Patient Safety: An Early Adopter". Austin, TX. 2010
Andukuri V, Alla V, Kaushik M, Lanspa T. Trading trouble for trouble! Complications of Coronary Interventions. Clinical vignette presented at 32nd Annual meeting of Society of General and Internal Medicine. 2009
Andukuri V, Thambidorai S, Pureti C, Arouni A, Holmberg M. Eosinophilic Myocarditis presenting as Myocardial Infarction. Accepted and presented at American College of Physicians Nebraska Chapter Meeting. 2008
Pureti C, Jagadesh S, Andukuri V, Bashir K. Transient LBBB: Is it always ischemic? Accepted and presented at American College of Physicians Nebraska Chapter Meeting. 2008
Kaushik M, Guru P, Pureti C, Andukuri V, Mohiuddin S. An Unusual case of Heyde syndrome. Accepted and presented at American College of Physicians Nebraska Chapter Meeting. 2008
Chaudhary S, Bashir K, Kaushik M, Andukuri V, Guru P. This Lumbago won't go away. Accepted and presented at Midwest region Society of General and Internal Medicine meeting. 2008
Tabi, M, Andukuri V, Feng Y. Mammography screening: Does it increase survival outcomes for women with cancer? Accepted and presented at the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Seventh Annual Graduate and Undergraduate Research Symposium, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia 2004
Andukuri, V. Tabi, M. A case of Bioequivalence and Cross-over design. Accepted and presented at the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Sixth Annual Graduate and Undergraduate 5 Research Symposium, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia. 2003