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The Journal of innovations in cardiac rhythm management (Print) Roka Attila, Srikanth Kishan K., Abuissa Hussam, Hidden in Plain Sight—An Unusual Case of Acute-onset Persistent Dyspnea 14:7, p. 5504 - 5508 2023
Heart rhythm Abusnina Waiel, Kousa Omar, Abuissa Hussam, Roka Attila, Halawa Ahmad, PO-04-087 NOT ALL THAT SHINES IS GOLD AND NOT EVERY LIGHT UP ON PET SCAN IS CARDIAC SARCOIDOSIS 20:5, p. S551 - S551 2023
The Journal of innovations in cardiac rhythm management (Print) Abuissa Hussam, Roka Attila, How to Perform a Completely Fluoroless Ablation 14:5, p. 5455 - 5464 2023
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Ahmed Arslan, Roka Attila, Mohammed Selma, Abuissa Hussam, Halawa Ahmad, HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY AND LONG QT SYNDROME, RISK OF SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH, AND IMPORTANCE OF GENETIC TESTING - A CASE REPORT 81:8, p. 3250 - 3250 2023
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Roka Attila, Solsi Anup, Abuissa Hussam, Halawa Ahmad, MULTIPOINT ESOPHAGEAL TEMPERATURE MONITORING DURING COMPLETELY FLUOROLESS LEFT ATRIAL CATHETER ABLATION 81:8, p. 201 - 201 2023
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) Alugubelli Navya, Abuissa Hussam, Roka Attila, Wearable Devices for Remote Monitoring of Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability—What We Know and What Is Coming 22:22, p. 8903 2022
JACC: Case Reports Kousa Omar, Mahfood-Haddad Toufik, Abuissa Hussam, Patil Shantanu M., Agarwal Himanshu, Left Atrial Appendage Closure in a Patient With a Patent Foramen Ovale Septal Occluder Device 3:3, p. 508 - 511 2021
HeartRhythm Case Reports Tandon Tarun S., Alla Venkata M., Abuissa Hussam S., Agarwal Himanshu M., Left atrial appendage closure in a patient with situs inversus totalis and interrupted inferior vena cava – A transhepatic approach 6:11, p. 871 - 874 2020
HeartRhythm Case Reports Freeman Wilbur K., Thibodeau Joseph, Abuissa Hussam, Unrecognized ventricular tachycardia in a patient with mitral annulus disjunction and syncope 6:9, p. 646 - 651 2020
JACC: Case Reports Freeman Wilbur K., Freeman Katelyn R., Abuissa Hussam S., Spontaneous Pothole Cardioversion of a Wide Complex Tachycardia 2:6, p. 951 - 955 2020
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Freeman Wilbur, Abuissa Hussam, Kabach Amjad, Smer Aiman Miloud, Saurav Alok, Nationwide Trends of Preferred Pacemaker Implantation in Patients with Sick Sinus Syndrome: A Cost-Effective Analysis of Single Chamber Atrial Pacemaker versus Dual Chamber Pacemaker 75:11, p. 300 - 300 2020
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Dang Geetanjali, Saleh Mohammed, Del Carmen Perez Maria, Flete Wilmary Garcia, Guddeti Raviteja, Abuissa Hussam, Alla Venkata, SAFETY PROFILES OF LEADLESS PACEMAKERS (MICRA) DEVICES: AN ANALYSIS OF THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION MANUFACTURER AND USER FACILITY DEVICE EXPERIENCE (MAUDE) DATABASE 73:9, p. 344 - 344 2019
Clinical Cardiology Smer Aiman, Salih Mohsin, Darrat Yousef H., Saadi Abdulghani, Guddeti Raviteja, Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Kabach Amjad, Ayan Mohamed, Saurav Alok, Abuissa Hussam, Elayi Claude S., Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on atrial fibrillation ablation in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction 41:11, p. 1430 - 1438 2018
Journal of the American Heart Association Kadri Amer N., Hernandez Adrian V., Abuamsha Hasan, Nusairat Leen, Kadri Nazih, Abuissa Hussam, Masri Ahmad, Causes and predictors of 30-day readmission in patients with syncope/collapse 7:18 2018
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Kadri Amer, Abuamsha Hasan, Nusairat Leen, Kadri Nazih, Abuissa Hussam, Hernandez Adrian, PREDICTORS OF 30-DAY READMISSION IN PATIENTS WITH SYNCOPE 71:11, p. A500 - A500 2018
The American Journal of Cardiology Smer Aiman M., Saurav Alok, Azzouz Muhammad, Salih M., Ayan M., Abuzaid A., Akinapelli Abhilash, Kanmanthareddy Arun, Rosenfeld L. E., Merchant F. M., Abuissa Hussam S., Meta-Analysis of Risk of Ventricular Arrhythmias After Improvement in Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction during Follow-Up in Patients with Primary Prevention Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators 120:2, p. 279 - 286 2017
Heart (British Cardiac Society) Smer Aiman M., Alla Venkata M., Abuissa H., A 50-Year-Old Man with Incidental Cardiac Mass 103:3, p. 189 2017
Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal Smer Aiman, Dietz Rebecca, Abuissa Hussam, Repetitive non-reentrant ventriculo-atrial synchrony induced atrial fibrillation terminated with inappropriate shock 16:4, p. 139 - 144 2016
Chest Anantha Narayanan Mahesh, Aggarwal Saurabh, Loomba Rohit, Gupta Navdeep, Alla Venkata, Abuissa Hussam, Mooss Aryan, Robotic Ablation Versus Manual Ablation for Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: A Meta-analysis 148:4, p. 73 - 73B 2015
Journal of Cardiac Failure Saurav Alok, Abuissa Hussam, Hunter Claire, Smer Aiman, Azzouz Muhammad S., Impact of Non-apical Right Ventricular Lead Placement on Left Ventricular Reverse Remodeling and Inter-ventricular Dys-synchrony in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: A Meta-analysis 21:8, p. S43 - S43 2015
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Azzouz Muhammad, Ayan Mohamed, Abuissa Hussam, Smer Aiman, Kanmanthareddy Arun, NOT ALL LEFT VENTRICULAR LEADS CREATED EQUAL 65:10, p. A749 - A749 2015
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Aggarwal Saurabh, Agarwal Anushree, Ismail Imtiaz, Al-Khafaji Nawfal, Alla Venkata, Abuissa Hussam, loomba rohit, Mooss Aryan, Arora Rohit, Gupta Navdeep, HEALTHCARE RESOURCE UTILIZATION AND IMPACT ON COST WITH USE OF REMOTE MONITORING STRATEGY COMPARED TO CONVENTIONAL FOLLOW-UP FOR IMPLANTABLE CARDIOVERTER DEFIBRILLATORS: A META-ANALYSIS OF RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS 65:10, p. A458 - A458 2015
Clinical Cardiology Saurav Alok, Abuzaid Ahmed S., Bansal Ojas, Abuissa Hussam S., Smer Aiman M., Premature Ventricular Contraction-Induced Cardiomyopathy 38, p. 251 - 258 2015
Bengaluru Jayanna Manju, Woodruff Mark, Abuissa Hussam, A Large Hiatal Hernia Presenting With Symptomatic Atrial Flutter and Echocardiographic Left Atrial Mass 2013
Chest Abuzetun Jamil, Kelly Airey, Abuissa Hussam, Burrns Tammy, Hvass Luke, Khashab Mohamed El, McCashland Demi, Management of Stroke Risk in Patients Diagnosed With Atrial Fibrillation in a Tertiary Care Center 142:4, p. 109A - 109A 2012
Texas Heart Institute Journal Deshmukh Anand, Ulveling Kyle, Alla Venkata, Abuissa Hussam, Airey Kelly, Prolonged QTc interval and torsades de pointes induced by citalopram 39:1, p. 68 - 70 2012
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Airey Kelly, Wilde Arthur, Hofman Nynke, Etheridge Susan, Ptacek Louis, Abuissa Hussam, Nubel Caroline, Tristani-Firouzi Martin, INCIDENCE OF DEVICE THERAPY AND COMPLICATIONS IN PATIENTS WITH ANDERSEN-TAWIL SYNDROME WITH ICDS 57:14, p. E1233 - E1233 2011
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Abuissa Hussam S., Roshan J., Lim B., Asirvatham S. J., Use of the Impella microaxial blood pump for ablation of hemodynamically unstable ventricular tachycardia 21:4, p. 458 - 461 2010
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Bajaj Madhuri, Abuissa Hussam, Main Michael L., Rapid Bioprosthetic Valve Degeneration Resulting in Severe Mitral Stenosis 21:1, p. 90.e1 2008
Clinical Cardiology Abuissa Hussam, Khanna Avinash, Spertus John, Low rates of exercise in patients with metabolic syndrome after an acute coronary syndrome 28:11, p. 530 - 533 2005
Geetanjali Dang, Mohammed Saleh, Maria Del Carmen Perez, Wilmary Garcia Flete, Raviteja Guddeti, Hussam Abuissa, VenkataAlla: SAFETY PROFILES OF LEADLESS PACEMAKERS (MICRA) DEVICES: AN ANALYSIS OF THE FOODAND DRUG ADMINISTRATION MANUFACTURER AND USER FACILITY DEVICE EXPERIENCE (MAUDE) DATABASE. Poster Presentation American College of Cardiology, 3/2019 2019
Dept of Medicine Grand RoundsCU School of Medicine"iFib: Are We There Yet?" 2019