Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

FAQs for Admitted Business Students

What is the math requirement?

The two mathematics requirements for Heider College of Business students include:

  • Business Statistics (MTH 161)
  • Calculus. Choose one of the following: Applied Calculus (MTH 141), Traditional Calculus (MTH 245) or Calculus for the Biological Sciences (MTH 231 - pre-health sciences students, only)

Mathematical competency is an important skill set for business students. Begin at an appropriate level based on your background in high school. If you had A’s and B’s and four years of high school math (Algebra I through pre-calculus/trig), then you are well prepared for a college level math class at Creighton. We will also review student scores on the Quantitative Assessment for New Students (QANS) to determine if specific advising may be helpful for placement in and timing of first-year mathematics courses. In general, however, it is recommended to choose between Applied Calculus (MTH 141) and Business Statistics (MTH 161) for your first math course.

Most business students will take MTH 141 for the Calculus requirement. However, if you are a Pre-Health Sciences student, we encourage you to take MTH 231 or MTH 245 to fulfill your Calculus requirement instead of MTH 141. MTH 231 emphasizes the application of calculus for the biological sciences. If you plan to major in economics, attend graduate school in finance or economics, or minor in math, we encourage you to take MTH 245. Some professional or graduate schools require traditional calculus, while others may not. We believe it’s better to be safe than sorry, and give yourself the most options possible when / if you apply to professional or graduate school.

Make sure to complete the QANS assessment at least one week before attending Summer Preview. Questions? Consult the Dean’s Office if you are unsure about your placement.

What if I am interested in completing the pre-health sciences requirements while earning my degree in business?

You should use the Pre-Health Sciences Checklist if you are considering completing pre-health requirements along with your business degree.

Take CHM 203 General Chemistry I and CHM 204 General Chemistry I Lab (CHM 203 / CHM 204), BIO 201 General Biology: Organismal and Population and BIO 205 General Biology: Organismal and Population Lab (BIO  201 /BIO 205) and MTH 161 Business Statistics.  You can fill your schedule out with other Magis common core courses.  Register for the same section and corresponding lab for CHM 203 /204 (e.g. CHM 203 Section A and CHM 204 Section AA; CHM 203 Section B and CHM 204 Section BB, etc.).  You may take any BIO lab. The BIO lecture and lab do not need to match.

Satisfactory completion of the Quantitative Assessment for New Students (QANS) Placement Exam is required for CHM 203/204. Students who do not meet this requirement should substitute CHM 105 Introduction to Chemistry for the fall semester. This is an introductory chemistry course, and a good warm up for CHM 203/204. Then take CHM 203/204 in Spring 2023. You must earn a “C” or higher in CHM 105 to take CHM 203/204. 

What is a Kingfisher Concentration?

One thing that sets Creighton business students apart is exposure to coursework beyond the business school. All Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) majors are required to complete the Kingfisher Concentration—a minimum of three courses in an area of concentration in the College of Arts and Sciences. These courses should support growth in one of the Heider Mindsets and complement your business studies.

For instance, a marketing major might pursue graphic design as a Kingfisher Concentration; an accounting major might select a concentration in mathematics. Alternatively, students might take this opportunity to explore art or history or experiment with a completely new pursuit. Explore a passion outside of business while becoming more well-rounded and adaptable for changes in the workforce. The concentration is inspired by Creighton’s Kingfisher Institute, which aims to connect liberal arts and professional education.

What is the Heider Mindset Curriculum?

The Heider Mindset Curriculum is the Heider College of Business Curriculum that began in fall 2020. Through examining business education in relation to skills necessary for the future, six distinct mindsets emerged as the most critical for enabling graduates to skillfully adapt to change, and thrive in both their professional and personal lives. Through a combination of coursework and extracurricular experiences, the curriculum is designed to place you on a path to intentionally engage in the six mindsets: analytical, action, collaborative, cross-cultural, service and reflective. You will learn more about the Heider Mindsets in RSP 103.

What if I have dual enrollment or credit from another school?

If you have taken dual enrollment or college courses before coming to Creighton, make sure to have official transcripts emailed to Undergraduate Admissions at for processing. You should be able to request an electronic copy of your official transcript from the host school. Questions? Check your Undergraduate Admissions Dashboard for further instructions.

If you think you may receive course credit for a dual enrollment course you have already completed, do not register for that course. In other words, if you took Introduction to Psychology, a language, English Composition or Computer Science as dual enrollment, do not register for that course(s) for your first semester. Dual enrollment transcripts will not be officially evaluated until mid-August. If you have multiple dual enrollment classes (15+ credits), work closely with your faculty advisor to choose your fall classes.

NOTE: Do not register for a class if you expect to receive transfer credit for that class.

When do I start taking business classes?

Your RSP 103 section will be taught by a Heider College of Business professor, and the students in your RSP section will be business students. Most first year Heider students will take ECO 203 Introductory Microeconomics in the fall.

Do I have to take a language?

Foreign language is not required unless you plan to major in International Business or pursue a major, minor or Kingfisher Concentration in a language. To take French, German or Spanish, students are required to take the online Language Placement Exam.  The Language Placement Exam will help you determine which language course/level you should enroll in for the fall semester. If you would like to take a language other than French, German or Spanish, simply register for the course.

What are learning communities?

Learning Communities allow students with shared academic interests and experiences to come together to discern options in pre-professional study. The Success Center offers seminars and co-curricular activities to help Creighton students prepare for the professional/graduate school application process. All Learning Communities provide students with opportunities for mentoring and shadowing, as well as networking with pre-professional students, faculty and alumni. If you have an interest in possibly attending graduate or professional school, such as law school or medical school, please let your Advisor know so he or she can provide you the necessary resources to get involved with the appropriate Student Success Pre-Health Learning Community or Student Success Pre-Law Learning Community.