Submission of Manuscripts

All manuscripts should be submitted online to the Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting. Click here to submit your manuscript.

The fees for manuscript submission have been temporarily suspended, so there is currently no cost to you. Find full details regarding the submission process here:

Style Notes

  1. Manuscripts submitted must be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 40 pages in length.
  2. Because the manuscripts are double blind refereed, only the title is shown at the top of the first page of text. The title, author’s name, academic title, and institutional affiliation should appear in a separate file. Only explanatory footnotes are numbered in the text; their use should be minimal.
  3. Explanatory footnotes are numbered in the text. They should be used to avoid breaking up the main line of your arguments.
  4. A compilation of bibliographic entries should appear at the end of the manuscript under the heading “References.”
  5. Bibliographic entries within the text should include names and dates (i.e., as in Johanes and Sundaresan (2007) or Akdogu and McKay (2008) say …). Parentheses, not brackets, should be used.
  6. References should include the title of the article, month, year, volume, page numbers and issue.
  7. All tables and figures should be incorporated within the body of the text and be sequentially numbered. Table and figures should have titles as well as numbers (Arabic) and labels if and where needed. Figures must be embedded within the file and should be no larger than 4.75 inches x 6.75 inches. Labels should bein 8 point Arial or a similar sans serif typeface.
  8. Each article must be accompanied by an abstract of 150 words or less.
  9. The submission fee must be paid before the review process can begin. Accepted manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format only. The tax ID number is 47-0376583. Our e-mail address is

Upon Acceptance

The guidelines below indicate the actions of the copy editors when a completed article is ready to enter the production process, but it is essential that you submit a fully correct text. Upon acceptance of the paper, our copy editors will:

  • Check that the paper is complete, that is there are no missing items and that the general style and format of the paper adhere to the processes mentioned above in the submission section.
  • Check that all figures/artwork are of publishable quality, otherwise, you will be asked to replace the non-conforming figures/ artwork.
  • Verify that the overall layout is correct and that figures are properly labeled.
  • Use a spell checking package to eliminate errors and punctuation errors. We will correct minor errors.
  • Check all references to ensure all essential information is included, and are cited in complete agreement with all QFJA formatting specifications, which will be provided to you upon acceptance of your paper.
  • Send the typeset proof version of the paper (pdf format) to the main author for his/her proofreading and incorporation of final amendments before sending back to QJFA. Authors are discouraged from making major changes at this stage, or else they have to bear additional cost incurred.

QJFA copy editors will do everything they can to get your article corrected and published as quickly and accurately as possible. We believe that copy editing to journal style is an important stage and that it adds value to your article. However, please note that careful proof reading is solely your responsibility for completeness and accuracy. We will assume the paper is suitable for publication as it stands if we do not receive further feedback from the author (s) seven days after the first proofreading notification.

Peer Review Policy

All papers are double blind reviewed. Normally all papers are subject to two blind external reviews, except if the reviewer is an Associate Editor, in which case there may be only one external review. In any event all papers are reviewed at least thrice by an Associate Editor, two external referees and the Editors. Authors, when you submit your paper, please feel free to suggest the names of up to three reviewers whom you think are qualified to do an excellent review. We reserve the right to choose who the actual reviewers will be if the reviewer is not an Associate Editor. All reports will be sent to both Co-Editors. The decisions of the Co-Editors are final. The Co-Editors reserve the right to reject without submitting for a formal external review papers that are clearly not publishable.

Contact Us

Heider College of Business
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178

Journal Co-Editors

M. Kabir Hassan - University of New Orleans
John Wingender - Creighton University