University Level Outcomes (ULO)

In conjunction with Creighton University's participation in the Academy for the Assessment of Student Learning, six university-level outcomes were derived from two years of review and reflection on each school and college's mission statements, strategic planning documents, accreditation reports, and stated student learning outcomes.

In summary, the six university-level student learning outcomes state:

All Creighton graduates will demonstrate:

ULO 1   disciplinary competence and/or professional proficiency,
ULO 2   critical thinking skills,
ULO 3   Ignatian values, to include but not limited to a commitment to an exploration of faith and the promotion of justice,
ULO 4   the ability to communicate clearly and effectively,
ULO 5   deliberative reflection for personal and professional formation,
ULO 6   the ability to work effectively across race, ethnicity, culture, gender, religion, and sexual orientation.

Heider Program Learning Goals (PLGs) & Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

As guided by our mission and identity statements, the program learning goals (PLGs) and student learning outcomes (SLOs) below are written to reflect our beliefs about the attributes of business leaders who exemplify the Jesuit ideals.

The student learning outcomes of the BSBA program not only align with our university learning outcomes (ULO) but also reflect the Heider Mindset (HM)

Creighton-formed business leaders will:

PLG 1.   Exhibit knowledge essential for business practice.
SLO 1A   Demonstrate essential knowledge in each functional business area. (ULO 1) (HM- General)

PLG 2.   Develop the skills to engage professionally with others.
SLO 2A   Demonstrate effective communication in written, oral, and visual formats. (ULO 4) (HM- Collaborative)
SLO 2B   Demonstrate knowledge of strategies to work effectively with others regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, gender, religion, and sexual orientation. (ULO 6) (HM- Collaborative & Cross-Cultural)

PLG 3.   Think critically to aid decision-making.
SLO 3A    Analyze a business situation and propose a course of action. (ULO 2) (HM- Analytical & Action)
SLO 3B    Use a software tool to analyze quantitative data and interpret the results. (ULO 2) (HM- Analytical & Action)

PLG 4.    Commit to action that demonstrates care for others.
SLO 4A    Analyze a business ethics situation and propose a course of action. (ULO 2) (HM- Analytical & Reflective)
SLO 4B    Engage in and reflect on experiences aimed at promoting justice for the poor and marginalized. (ULO 3, ULO 5) (HM- Service, Action, & Reflective)

PLG 5.    Exhibit personal habits consistent with leadership formation.
SLO 5A    Reflect on and articulate personal and professional formation. (ULO 5) (HM- Reflective)

As part of the BSBA degree, undergraduate accounting students are expected to gain competencies expressed in the student learning outcomes of the BSBA program which align with our university learning outcomes but also reflect the Heider Mindset Curriculum In addition, as an AACSB accounting accredited school the following Program Learning Goals and Student Learning Outcomes have been established for BSBA-ACC.

Creighton-formed accounting leaders will:

PLG 1.    Professional Values and Attitudes
(Graduates of the Creighton Accounting Program should possess an understanding of the accounting profession, what it stands for, what it means to become an accounting professional and participate in and contribute toward the advancement of the ideals of the accounting profession.)

SLO 1A    have knowledge of a) the societal role the accounting profession fulfills in assuring the integrity of financial and other information and b) the regulatory environment in which the accounting profession operates. (ULO 1, ULO 6)
SLO 1B    demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental values of the profession including transparency, skepticism, objectivity, accountability, independence, and reliability. (ULO 1, ULO 2)
SLO 1C    demonstrate knowledge of a) professional ethics codes of conduct that govern accounting practice and b) common conflicts that arise under codes of professional ethics. (ULO 1, ULO 3)

PLG 2.    Professional Knowledge
(Graduates of the Creighton Accounting Program should possess a breadth of accounting knowledge essential for the beginning of a successful career in the field of accounting.)

SLO 2A    demonstrate knowledge of a) financial accounting, b) managerial accounting, c) auditing, d) information systems, and e) taxation. (ULO 1)

PLG 3. Professional Skills
(Graduates of the Creighton Accounting Program should possess broad accounting problem-solving skills.)

SLO 3A    demonstrate facility with information technology that supports business processes and decision making. (ULO 1, ULO 2)
SLO 3B    demonstrate the ability to a) apply research, problem-solving, integrative, and critical thinking skills to an accounting situation and b) effectively prepare a communication of a desired solution. (ULO 2, ULO 4)

PLG 4. Personal Growth and Jesuit Values
(Graduates of the Creighton Accounting Program should possess an understanding of how their personal and professional activities can enrich and renew society.)

SLO 4A    reflect on the importance of personal growth and development. (ULO 5, ULO 6)

As guided by our mission and identity statements, the program learning goals (PLGs) and student learning outcomes (SLOs) below are written to reflect our beliefs about the attributes of business leaders who exemplify the Jesuit ideals.

Creighton-formed accounting leaders will:

PLG 1.     Professional values and attitudes
SLO 1A    Demonstrate understanding of a) the societal role the accounting profession fulfills in assuring the integrity of financial and other information and b) the regulatory environment in which the accounting profession operates. (ULO 1, ULO 6)
SLO 1B    Demonstrate the ability to resolve ethical conflicts by applying relevant professional codes of conduct governing accounting practice. (Formerly SLO 1C) (ULO 1, ULO 3)

PLG 2.     Professional accounting knowledge
SLO 2A    Demonstrate ability to apply data analytics tools in the contexts of accounting information systems, auditing and assurance services, and business processes and decision making. (Formerly SLO 1B) (ULO 1, ULO 2)
SLO 2B    Have disciplinary knowledge essential for success in the accounting profession. (Formerly SLO 4A) (ULO 1)

PLG 3.     Personal growth and Jesuit values
SLO 3A    Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion concepts. (New) (ULO 6)
SLO 3B    Articulate (describe) the importance of lifelong personal growth and development. (ULO 5)

PLG 4.     Professional business knowledge
SLO 4A    Communicate professionally in a variety of media. (Formerly SLO 4C) (ULO 4)
SLO 4B    Employ critical thinking and analysis skills in making decisions. (ULO 2)

Program Mission: To develop values-based business leaders.

Creighton-formed business leaders will:

PLG 1.    Exhibit disciplinary knowledge and behavior essential for business leadership.
SLO 1A    Apply advanced business concepts to make intelligent decisions in a business situation. (ULO 1)
SLO 1B    Reflect on and articulate the relationships among personal values, professional obligations, and social responsibilities. (ULO 5)
SLO 1C    Articulate a personal leadership philosophy based on personal values and individual strengths. (ULO 1, ULO 5)
SLO 1D    Demonstrate effective leadership skills in a team environment. (ULO 1)

PLG 2.    Think critically to aid decision-making.
SLO 2A    Analyze the strategic elements of a comprehensive, multidisciplinary business situation and propose a course of action. (ULO 2)
SLO 2B    Utilize software to analyze quantitative data and interpret the results. (ULO 2)

PLG 3.    Communicate professionally.
SLO 3A    Write a professional quality document for a business audience. (ULO 4)
SLO 3B    Demonstrate verbal fluency in a business context. (ULO 4)

PLG 4.    Commit to action that demonstrates care for others.
SLO 4A    Analyze a business ethics situation and propose a course of action. (ULO 3)
SLO 4B    Demonstrate knowledge of strategies to effectively lead others regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, gender, religion, and sexual orientation. (ULO 6)

Program Mission: To educate and empower experienced healthcare professionals to advance in positions of leadership in healthcare and health-related organizations.

Creighton-formed business leaders will:

PLG 1.    Exhibit disciplinary knowledge and behavior essential for business leadership.
SLO 1A    Apply advanced business concepts to make intelligent decisions in a business situation. (ULO 1)
SLO 1B    Reflect on and articulate the relationships among personal values, professional obligations, and social responsibilities. (ULO 5)
SLO 1C    Articulate a personal leadership philosophy based on personal values and individual strengths. (ULO 5)
SLO 1D    Demonstrate effective leadership skills in a team environment. (ULO 1)

PLG 2.    Think critically to aid decision-making.
SLO 2A    Analyze the strategic elements of a comprehensive, multidisciplinary business situation and propose a course of action. (ULO 2)
SLO 2B    Utilize software to analyze quantitative data and interpret the results. (ULO 2)

PLG 3.    Communicate professionally.
SLO 3A    Write a professional quality document for a business audience. (ULO 4)
SLO 3B    Demonstrate verbal fluency in a business context. (ULO 4)

PLG 4.    Commit to action that demonstrates care for others.
SLO 4A    Analyze a business ethics situation and propose a course of action. (ULO 3)
SLO 4B    Demonstrate knowledge of strategies to effectively lead others regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, gender, religion, and sexual orientation. (ULO 6)

Program Mission: to prepare students for leading roles in investment management and financial analysis.

Creighton-formed business leaders will:

PLG 1.    Exhibit disciplinary knowledge and behavior essential in investment management and financial analysis.
SLO 1A    Demonstrate knowledge of essential basics of economics, statistics, financial statement analysis and financial instruments. (ULO 1)
SLO 1B    Apply valuation models to estimate the value of financial assets. (ULO 1)
SLO 1C    Demonstrate technological skills used in the investment management process. (ULO 1)

PLG 2.    Think critically to aid decision-making.
SLO 2A    Formulate and evaluate an appropriate portfolio for an investor. (ULO 2)
SLO 2B    Interpret and synthesize data used in investment analysis. (ULO 2)

PLG 3.    Commit to action that demonstrates care for others.
SLO 3A    Analyze a business ethics situation and propose a course of action. (ULO 3)
SLO 3B    Communicate respectfully and effectively. (ULO 4)
SLO 3C    Demonstrate an ability to work effectively and in solidarity across the distinctions of human diversity. (ULO 6)

PLG 4.    Exhibit personal habits consistent with personal formation.
SLO 4A    Demonstrate deliberative reflection for lifelong personal and professional formation. (ULO 5)

Program Mission: to prepare students for leading roles in finance.  

Creighton-formed business leaders will:

PLG 1.     Exhibit disciplinary knowledge and behavior essential in financial management. 
SLO 1A    Demonstrate knowledge of essential basics of economics, statistics, financial statement analysis and financial instruments.  (ULO 1)
SLO 1B    Apply valuation models to estimate the value of financial assets. (ULO 1)
SLO 1C    Apply advanced business concepts to make intelligent decisions in a business situation. (ULO 1)

PLG 2.     Think critically to aid decision-making. 
SLO 2A    Analyze the strategic elements of a comprehensive, multidisciplinary business situation and propose a course of action. (ULO 2)
SLO 2B    Interpret and synthesize data used in investment analysis. (ULO 2)

PLG 3.     Commit to action that demonstrates care for others. 
SLO 3A     Analyze a business ethics situation and propose a course of action.  (ULO 3)
SLO 3B     Communicate respectfully and effectively.  (ULO 4)
SLO 3C     Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of working effectively and in solidarity across the distinctions of human diversity.  (ULO 6)

PLG 4.        Exhibit personal habits consistent with personal formation. 
SLO 4A     Demonstrate deliberative reflection for lifelong personal and professional formation. (ULO 5)

Program Mission: to prepare students for leading roles in financial planning; aiding in their role with knowledge of financial psychology.

Creighton MFP-formed business leaders will:

PLG 1.     Exhibit disciplinary knowledge and behavior essential in financial planning. 
SLO 1A    Demonstrate essential knowledge in all financial planning areas, including taxation, insurance, investments, retirement, estate planning, and financial psychology (ULO 1)
SLO 1B    Demonstrate technological skills used in the financial planning process (ULO 1)

PLG 2.     Think critically to aid decision-making.
SLO 2A    Formulate and evaluate an applicable financial planning recommendation for a client (ULO 1 and ULO 2)
SLO 2B    Interpret and synthesize data using an appropriate financial planning technique (ULO 2)

PLG 3.     Commit to action that demonstrates care for others.
SLO 3A     Analyze an ethical dilemma in a financial planning setting and propose a course of action (ULO 3)
SLO 3B     Communicate respectfully and effectively (ULO 4)
SLO 3C     Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of working effectively and in solidarity across the distinctions of human diversity (ULO 6)

PLG 4.        Exhibit personal habits consistent with personal formation.
SLO 4A     Demonstrate deliberative reflection for lifelong personal and professional formation (ULO 5)

Our mission is to develop business analysts with skills to turn data into actionable insights. Our graduates will exhibit statistical thinking, computation thinking, data literacy, storytelling skills, and business acumen

Creighton MS-BA formed business leaders will:

PLG 1.       Exhibit disciplinary knowledge in Business Intelligence and Analytics
SLO 1A     Analyze data for business decisions (ULO 1)
SLO 1B     Design and interact with a database (ULO 1)
SLO 1C     Create clear and actionable data visualizations (ULO 1)

PLG 2       Think critically to aid business decision-making. 
SLO 2A     Apply computational thinking to diagnose and address business challenges (ULO 2)

PLG 3       Communicate results to business audiences. 
SLO 3A     Write recommendations based on data analyses (ULO 4)
SLO 3B     Utilize storytelling techniques to verbally convey results (ULO 4)

PLG 4       Demonstrate care for others. 
SLO 4A     Analyze a business ethics situation and propose a course of action (ULO 3)
SLO 4B     Evaluate the implications of analytics as it relates to diversity (ULO 6)

PLG 5       Exhibit personal habits consistent with leadership formation. 
SLO 5A     Reflect on and articulate the relationships among personal values, professional obligations, and social responsibilities (ULO 5)

Program Mission: to prepare students for leading roles in business intelligence and analytics.

Creighton-formed business leaders will:

PLG 1.    Exhibit disciplinary knowledge in business intelligence and analytics.
SLO 1A    Apply the principles of information analysis and interpretation. (ULO 1)
SLO 1B    Apply the principles of database design, administration, and implementation. (ULO 1)
SLO 1C    Critique the role of information and analytics in supporting business processes and functions. (ULO 1)

PLG 2.    Think critically to aid decision-making.
SLO 2A    Apply problem-solving skills in diagnosing and addressing business challenges. (ULO 2)

PLG 3.    Communicate professionally.
SLO 3A    Effectively communicate analytical conclusions in written and visual formats. (ULO 4)
SLO 3B    Articulate assumptions, analyses, and interpretations of data in an oral format. (ULO 4)

PLG 4.    Commit to action that demonstrates care for others.
SLO 4A    Analyze a business ethics situation and propose a course of action. (ULO 3)
SLO 4B    Demonstrate knowledge of strategies to work effectively with others on diverse project teams. (ULO 6)

PLG 5.    Exhibit personal habits consistent with leadership formation.
SLO 5A    Reflect on and articulate the relationships among personal values, professional obligations, and social responsibilities. (ULO 5)

Program Mission: To prepare students for leading roles in analytics.

Creighton-formed business leaders will:

PLG 1.    Exhibit disciplinary knowledge in analytics.
SLO 1A    Develop visualizations of data. (ULO 1)
SLO 1B    Create relational databases. (ULO 1)
SLO 1C    Evaluate a variety of analytics tools and techniques. (ULO 1)
SLO 1D    Analyze data with appropriate modeling techniques to support fact-based decision-making. (ULO 1)

PLG 2.    Think critically to aid decision-making.
SLO 2A    Apply problem-solving skills in diagnosing and addressing business challenges. (ULO 2)

PLG 3.    Communicate professionally.
SLO 3A    Effectively communicate analytical conclusions in written and visual formats. (ULO 4)
SLO 3B    Articulate assumptions, analyses and interpretations of data in an oral format. (ULO 4)

PLG 4.    Commit to action that demonstrates care for others.
SLO 4A    Analyze a business ethics situation and propose a course of action. (ULO 3)
SLO 4B    Demonstrate knowledge of strategies to work effectively with others on diverse project teams. (ULO 6)

PLG 5    Exhibit personal habits consistent with leadership formation.
SLO 5A    Reflect on and articulate the relationships among personal values, professional obligations, and social responsibilities. (ULO 5)