Mid-America’s Economist of Choice

For nearly a decade, strengthening the U.S. economy has been the nation’s #1 priority. Yet few Americans understand how the economy operates, much less how to improve it.

Enter Dr. Ernie Goss, prominent professor and regional economist, whose specialty is making economics understandable and relatable—not just to students, business executives, community leaders and policy makers—but to people from all walks of life.

Dr. Goss is the director of the Institute for Economic Inquiry and a professor of economics at Creighton University Heider College of Business where he holds the Jack A. MacAllister Chair in Regional Economics. He is also director of The Goss Institute for Economic Research in Denver, Colorado, a bipartisan think tank conducting business and economic research and providing innovative, practical recommendations that affect change and public policy.

As a professor, Dr. Goss brings the economy into focus for students with case studies pulled from his own files to show how real-life situations match up with the economic theories found in their textbooks. Able to simplify complex economic issues, Professor Goss offers students tangible knowledge and relevant insights they can use to predict and shape public policy debates and economic outcomes throughout their careers—and lives.

As an economist, Dr. Goss is a highly respected, nationally-known expert on the mid-American economy who can articulate how regional economic situations can impact the nation or the world – and vice versa. He is a trusted voice who is often tapped by government and business leaders, economists and the press to shed light on economic issues and trends in terms the average person can understand. He is often a leader in public policy debates, both regionally and nationally.


Dr. Goss received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Tennessee in 1983 and is a former faculty research fellow at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center.

View Dr. Ernie P. Goss’s Curriculum Vitae


Through his work with The Goss Institute, Dr. Goss has amassed more than 20 years of economic data about Midwest agriculture and manufacturing into a proprietary dataset that is coveted by analysts the world over. He produces two monthly reports: the rural Mainstreet Index that surveys banker’s insights about business conditions in 11 states; and, the Mid-American Outlook that surveys purchasing managers in 12 states.

Special Note: Bankers and purchasing managers who are interested in participating in the surveys are invited to contact Dr. Goss directly via info@ernestgoss.com. All survey information is confidential and shared only as aggregate data. Participants receive exclusive newsletters not available to the general public.

Dr. Goss also works with the Applied Information Management Institute (AIM) to produce a monthly WorkForce Index.

Other Experience

Goss & Associates consults regularly with clients for a variety of services, including economic growth and development, economic forecasting, impact assessments, market analysis, employee/customer satisfaction surveys, litigation support, and program and grant evaluations. Clients include the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce, Nebraska Attorney General’s office, Kansas Board of Regents, Prospect Capital Corporation, American Public Energy Agency and more.

Board Memberships

Dr. Goss is a past board member of United Way Omaha and Mosaic of Omaha.

Association Memberships

Dr. Goss is a member of the editorial board for The Review of Regional Studies. He is past president of both the Omaha Association of Business Economics and the National Purchasing Management Association-Nebraska.

Honors & Awards

In 2003-04, Dr. Goss was a visiting scholar with the Congressional Budget Office in Washington, D.C., and in 2005, the Nebraska Attorney General appointed him to head a task force examining gasoline pricing in the state.

Dr. Goss has testified before the Kansas Legislature, the Nebraska Legislature, and also with the U.S. Congress regarding the closure of GM and Chrysler dealerships. He continues to consult on the financial impact of shuttering GM dealerships.

A professor with Creighton University for more than two decades, Dr. Goss has made many significant contributions during his tenure, including acting as the driving force behind the Creighton Portfolio Index that includes an investor scorecard, allowing novice stock pickers to compare their portfolios with those of professionals.

His research paper entitled, “The Internet’s Contributions to U.S. Productivity Growth” received the National Association for Business Economics “Edmund A. Mennis Contributed Paper Award” in 2001.

goss_governing_fortuneDr. Goss is the co-author of Governing Fortune: Casino Gambling in America published in 2007 with Edward A. Morse and Changing Attitudes toward Economic Reform during the Yeltsin Era, published in 2003 with Terry D. Clark and Larisa Kosova.

Media Experience

Dr. Goss has been a guest on national TV shows such as Lou Dobbs Tonight with the Fox Business Network and CNBC’s The Kudlow Report with Larry Kudlow. His ongoing research at The Goss Institute is cited each month in approximately 100 newspapers, including The New York Times, Investor’s Business Daily, Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor, Los Angeles Times, USA Today and Chicago Sun-Times, as well as other national and regional newspapers and magazines. Nearly 100 radio stations also carry his Regional Economic Reports each month.

An expert on agricultural economics, manufacturing and banking industry issues, as well as interest rates, the labor market and more, Dr. Goss is a lively, engaging speaker who easily vacillates between the theory and practice of economics, explaining how economic situations and trends can impact individuals, businesses, communities, regions, the nation and the world.

Speaking Topics

Special areas of expertise include the Federal Reserve monetary policy and the recent regional and national economic controversies surrounding the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline across Nebraska farmland.

Frequently Requested Topics:

  • The Economy: Threats and Opportunities
  • Casinos and Economic Development
  • Economic Development and Incentives

Talking Points

  • Dr. Goss is the director of the Institute for Economic Inquiry and a professor of economics at Creighton University Heider College of Business where he holds the Jack A. MacAllister Chair in Regional Economics.
  • He is also the director of The Goss Institute for Economic Research—a bipartisan think tank conducting business and economic research and providing innovative, practical recommendations that affect change and public policy.
  • He produces the rural Mainstreet Index which surveys bankers’ insights into business conditions and prepares the Mid-America Outlook that surveys purchasing managers. Dr. Goss also works with the Applied Information Management Institute (AIM) to produce a monthly Workforce Index
  • He has over 30 years of experience in both business and education.
  • He provides economic expertise to students at Heider, offering real world case studies that marry the practical with the theoretical.
  • He has amassed more than 20 years of economic data about Midwest agriculture and manufacturing into a proprietary dataset that’s coveted by analysts all over the world.
  • He offers a keen perspective on some of the most challenging economic issues of our time.
  • He has high regional expertise and recognition, and strong ties to members of the local and regional business communities who often seek his guidance to make informed decisions.
  • He has been tapped by government and business leaders, economists and the press to shed light on economic issues facing the country and the world.
  • His research appears regularly in newswires, in local and regional media, and in national publications such as The New York Times, Investor’s Business Daily, Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor, Los Angeles Times, USA Today and Chicago Sun-Times.
  • He has been a guest on national TV shows such as Lou Dobbs Tonight with the Fox Business Network and CNBC’s The Kudlow Report with Larry Kudlow.
  • He offers a unique perspective—he can talk about how national and global trends and events impact the mid-America economy and, in turn, talk about how mid-America’s economic situation and trends impact the national and/or global economy and trends.
  • He has published more than 100 research studies, focusing primarily on economic forecasting and on the statistical analysis of business and economic data.
  • He is the co-author of two books: Governing Fortune, Casino Gambling in America (2007) and Changing Attitudes toward Economic Reform during the Yeltsin Era (2003).
  • He is a former faculty research fellow at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center and a visiting scholar with the United States Congressional Budget Office in Washington, D.C.
  • He is a recipient of the National Association of Business Economics Edmund A. Mennis Contributed Papers Award (2001).
  • He is an expert communicator who can speak to any audience; he simplifies complex economic situations and makes them relatable to the average person.


Ernie Goss in classroom setting.



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Casey Hoag

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Dr. Ernie Goss