Internship Placements

The Undergraduate Internship in Psychology course at Creighton University provides a variety of experiences designed to give junior and senior psychology majors exposure to the practice of psychology in "hands-on" situations.

 Internship has a dual purpose:

  1. to give undergraduate psychology majors directed practical field experiences under professional supervision in some area of psychological services.

  2. to create a positive connection between Creighton University and the Omaha metropolitan community by providing cooperating psychologists/agencies with additional personnel and services at no extra cost.


  • Sign up for an interview with Dr. Badura Brack (HL 318), phone: 402.280.1229, or email: – Do this now!
  • Interview and Application completed by Wednesday, Oct. 31 (at 2:30pm).
  • Bring this completed application form (emailed to you from Dr. Badura Brack) to your interview.

Student Acceptance Criteria

Applicant must:

  1. be a psychology major.
  2. have junior or senior standing. (NOTE: Former interns receive first preference, followed by seniors and juniors, in that order.)
  3. have grade point average of 2.75 or higher.
  4. have completed at least five courses in psychology (by end of current term).
  5. have demonstrated interest in the field, as well as a sense of maturity and responsibility in academic, employment, and volunteer activities.
  6. have close match between your area of interest and an available placement. YOUR ASSIGNMENT TO AN AGENCY IS NEVER CONFIRMED UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED BY THE SUPERVISOR AT THAT AGENCY.
  7. complete a placement interview with Dr. Badura Brack. For an appointment, sign up for a time on her door (HLSB 318), call (402.280.1229), or email ( – Do this now!
  8. commit adequate time and energy to the internship.
    1. Class meets once every other week.
    2. You will work at your assigned placement for a total of 100 hours over the course of a semester for 3 credit hours (approximately 7 hours per week). If you are taking the class for 4 hours of credit, you will work for 10 hours per week for a total of 140 hours.
    3. Plan your semester schedule so that you will have large blocks of time for work at your placement. Blocks of time should cover both morning and afternoon so that you can participate in the variety of activities that take place during a day at a particular placement. Scheduling requirements vary with the placement; you will arrange specific hours with your on-site supervisor.
    4. In addition to time, you will need adequate energy to complete an internship successfully. Evaluate carefully the rigor of your academic schedule, the number of hours you will spend in work/study or outside employment, volunteer commitments, and other commitments to Creighton (e.g., resident advisor, group leader, etc.). We want the internship experience to be fulfilling, both for you and for the cooperating agency. No one will benefit if you “burn out.” Do not apply for an internship until you are certain you have the time and energy to do so.
  9. provide your own transportation to and from the internship site. Determine how you will get to your placement before you request a particular assignment.

Internship Sites


School psychologists provide a variety of services to their students. Interns may be involved in one or more of the following: participating in group sessions with students; meeting (problem-solving) individually with students about homework and emotional issues; attending meetings with parents, teachers, and administrators; observing evaluations and individual education plan development; observing and/or assisting in special education classrooms; meeting with students at other schools/treatment programs.

Specific Requirements

Students must be available during school hours. This internship is generally reserved for students intending to become school psychologists.


Immanuel Behavioral Services is a partial hospitalization psychiatric treatment facility for children, adolescents, and adults. The internship program includes group therapy, recreational therapy, and educational therapy predominantly with children and adolescents. Interns are expected to help facilitate groups, assist teachers, and plan various program activities. This internship covers a breadth of psychological diagnoses, but clients pass through the program quickly, so longer term client interactions are not possible.

Specific Requirements

Students must be available during school hours. Mornings are best for group therapy. Knowledge of psychological diagnoses is useful for this internship.


Behave'n Day Center is a specialized day treatment program for young children with severe and chronic behavior problems. An intern's experience includes designing and implementing behavioral treatment plans and teaching alternative prosocial behaviors along with the documentation of progress. There would also be day-to-day treatment center activities (e.g., play, art, puzzles, food preparation, cleanup, music, preschool activities, etc.). Interns would also be expected to help facilitate parenting activities and parent support groups.

Specific Requirements

Students must prioritize training at the beginning of the semester. But shifts are flexible, because Behaven is open Mon-Fri 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.


The Munroe Meyer Institute Associated with UNMC serves toddlers diagnosed with Autism and other developmental spectrum disorders with behavioral therapy to maximize their potential. Interns will work one on one with a child providing an individually designed therapy program. Interns will also train in Applied Behavior Analysis which is a very strict version of operant behavior therapy.

Specific Requirements

Students must be available during school hours. Knowledge of child development and an interest in autism is especially important for this placement.


The CARE Program uses intensive home supervision and an electronic monitoring system to provide a more structured environment for youths who are under the jurisdiction of the Sarpy County Juvenile Court. Interns for the CARE program are in continual contact with the youths by way of telephone, as well as home and school visits.

Intern duties may also include working in the Intervention Center. This Center is used during high risk or unstructured evening or weekend hours to monitor the youths’ progress in school and/or to gain greater insight into their personal lives by way of interview techniques. In addition, interns in the CARE program are afforded opportunities to experience other aspects of the criminal justice and legal system.

Specific Requirements

Some evening and weekend hours have been available at this setting as well as regular working hours. Most students elect to go on home visits with CARE officers in the evening hours.


This internship focuses on assisting with groups and assessments for court ordered sex offender and batterer treatment. Interns can expect to help administer and write up evaluations, as well as conduct group therapy and complete the relevant paperwork.

Specific Requirements

Most hours are late afternoons/early evenings M-Th and possibly Saturday mornings. This internship is in Council Bluffs and so it will require you to have your own transportation.


Victims’ assistance unit works with victims of crime. The VAU helps navigate crime victims through the criminal justice system, assists with filing legal papers (protection orders, misdemeanor warrants, compensation forms, etc.), refers crime victims to local agencies for whatever their needs may be (food, shelters, and financial or medical assistance). Interns are also able to attend court hearings. Flexible hours during the business day 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.

Specific Requirements

Ability to coordinate and participate in the work of interviewing distraught individuals and instilling the confidence to press charges and testifies in court against perpetrators of crime. Some work is calling victims of crime on the phone and offering referrals.


The primary objective is to provide students with the opportunity to gain practical experience with the delivery of one-on-one counseling to middle school students by participating in a supervised counseling activity. Students are assigned a case load of about 8 students who they meet with every week for about 30 minutes to provide mentoring services.

Specific Requirements

Good interpersonal skills that can help at-risk students. Students must be available weekdays 8:30-2:30. Interns at this site should be willing to work individually with clients throughout the internship.


Students will assist a licensed neuropsychologist by administering standardized neuropsychological tests to patients with cognitive difficulties related to brain structural damage/disease. Training in conducting testing will be provided.

Specific Requirements

Interns will be required to take this internship for 4 credits thereby completing 135 hours of work per semester, or about 10 hours of internship work per week. Hours are during the normal business day.


Catholic Charities’ Senior programs address the physical, social, emotional, financial, and spiritual needs of older adults. Socialization, meals, classes, and outings are a few of the services offered to seniors in the community center. Students will help run weekly groups in North Omaha at the Saint Martin De Porres Center. This internship is excellent for students who want to work with aging/ inner city clients.

Specific Requirements

Hours are 9:00-1:00, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday