Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Modern Languages Programs

Modern Languages and Literatures Programs

The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures has majors and minors in French, German, and Spanish.

Majors In French, German And Spanish

The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures has majors in French, German, and Spanish:

These programs offer breadth and depth in each language. They are structured, demanding, and competitive.

Students may apply for a major on the Creighton Arts and Sciences website. (Please consult the University website for the Major Application Form.)

For detailed information on the above majors, click on the appropriate Language / Programs / Majors on this website, or consult the Registrar's electronic Bulletin.


The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures has minors in French, German, and Spanish:

  • B.A., minor in French and Francophone Studies
  • B.A., minor in German Studies
  • B.A., minor in Spanish and Hispanic Studies

Students may apply for a minor by selecting it on the Creighton Arts and Sciences website. (Please consult the University website for the Minor Declaration Form.)

For detailed information on the above minors, click on the appropriate Language / Programs / Minors on this website, or consult the Registrar's Electronic Bulletin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.: What is required to apply for a language major?
All language majors require that you have completed the 202 course with a grade of C or better. The pertinent link is on the CCAS website.

Q.: What are the requirements of the French, German and Spanish majors?
The French and German majors require 27 credit hours, beginning with 311 (or 303). A Spanish Major requires 33 credit hours, starting with 311.

Q.: What are the requirements of the French, German, Italian and Spanish Minors?
The minors require 18 credit hours, beginning with 201. However, these programs also require a minimum number of credits in certain categories of courses (cultural studies, specialized language, literature).

Q.: How do you apply for a language Minor?
You simply declare the minor (French, German, Italian or Spanish) through a link on the CCAS website.

Q.: What should I do if I have problems deciding which major or minor, and consequently which courses I should take next semester, in French, German, Italian or Spanish?
Please make an appointment immediately with your language major advisor, or in the case of a minor, with your current language professor.

Events & FLPA Courses

Contact GEO, the Global Engagement Office as well as the professor(s) leading the FLPA trips.

France:  Paris, France, 2016. Contact Dr. Vanderboegh

Germany:  The New Berlin 2016, May 7 - May 28, GER 525. Contact Dr. Bartels. Registration closed. Dr. Maenza or Dr. Bucher. Registration closed.

Spain: 2016

  • SPN 316 and SPN 424: May 9 to June 3, 2016, Encuentro Español, in Madrid; Contact Dr. McClanahan or Dr. Santiago-Stommes.
  • SPN 316: Dates TBD, in Peru; Contact Dr. Spangler.

Links for students interested in FLPA programs abroad:

Study Abroad information - Homepage of GEO

Contact Information

main office: 402.280.2508
fax: 402.280.3703

2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178

Administrative Assistant:
Katherine Cortese 
HCCA 110-L

Dr. José McClanahan
HCCA 111-B