Cultural and Social Studies Programs

Cultural and Social Studies

We are a unique and complex department made up of several disciplines and individual programs. Each discipline and/or program has its own Director under the umbrella of one Department Chair. We work together as an interdisciplinary unit exemplifying what it means to be One Creighton.

Department Leaders:

Chair: Daniel DiLeo, PhD

Office Administrator: Sharon Saniuk

Criminal Justice: Eric Meyer, PhD

Cultural Anthropology: Laura Heinemann, PhD, MSW

Health Administration & Policy: Susan Walsh, MHSA, RM, FACHE

Justice and Peace Studies: Daniel DiLeo, PhD

Medical Anthropology: Laura Heinemann, PhD, MSW

Bachelor of Science in Public Health: Susan Walsh, MHSA, RM, FACHE

Social Work: Monica White, MSW, LCSW

Sociology: Ryan Wishart, PhD

Override Request

When a class override is needed, submit your request here.

Declare Your Major

Commit to a major or minor in Cultural and Social Studies through the College of Arts and Sciences
"[This] department shaped me into the student I am today. I would not be as successful without the support and help from the professors in the department."
— Nora Frigo, Medical Anthropology major (2015), attending Creighton's School for Occupational Therapy in the fall
"I was a Medical Anthropology major and Biology minor. I will be doing an internship with Greek InterVarsity, a college student ministry, at Creighton for 2 years, as well as medical scribing at Think Whole Person Healthcare. I'm planning to attend school to be a Physician's Assistant at the end of my two year commitment."
— Melanie Kim, Class of 2015