Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Medical anthropology encompasses the socio-cultural, physical, historical, political-economic and symbolic dimensions of sickness and healing across cultural contexts. Medical anthropologists conduct research and apply their findings to address health concerns at home and throughout the globe. Grounded in qualitative research and analysis, this knowledge is vital to developing, assessing, and improving healthcare policies, programs, and services. Creighton University's medical anthropology program is informed by Ignatian ideals that distinguish Jesuit education from other institutions of higher learning. Students can declare either a Major or a Minor in Medical Anthropology.

"A-Ha" Moments

Students realize the impact and value of medical anthropology most during engaged research while collecting original research data as they learn just how important it is to listen to communities when we want to improve their health and provide the health services they need. The "a-ha" moment of "Oh, we have to pay attention to the full context of patients' lives and family/community relations OUTSIDE of the clinic or hospital room!" will carry students throughout their future career paths.

Nursing Students – when you declare a minor, select “Medical Anthropology – Nursing”

Medical Anthropology Faculty

Laura Heinemann

Laura L. Heinemann, PhD