Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Scholarships Available to Biology Students

Students majoring in biology can apply for a number of scholarships, both internal and external. Some of these these are listed below, but this is not intended to be a complete list of scholarships available to undergraduate biology students. Please note that dues dates and award amounts may vary from year to year.

Dr. John F. Sheehan

Dr. John F. Sheehan, a distinguished member of the Creighton Faculty from 1930 to 1989, served as Chairman of the Department of Biology from the early 1940’s through the early 1950’s. As chair he was active in student activities, including the Pasteur Club, the forerunner to the present Biology Club.  During his tenure in the department, Dr. Sheehan taught courses in microtechnique, comparative anatomy and histology. In 1964, he joined the Department of Pathology in the School of Medicine. Students often commented on his subtle humor and fairness. Although deaf since the age of 15, Dr. Sheehan effectively and affectionately communicated with students, faculty and friends.  He was known as a gentleman and a gentle man. In the School of Medicine, he specialized in cytology and was an active faculty member until his retirement. He remained active as a researcher and consultant, staying close to his many Creighton friends until his death at the age of 94.

Sheehan scholarships are one-time awards to outstanding juniors majoring in biology. Each award is applied directly to the recipient's tuition in their senior year.  Awards are typically in the $2,000-$4,500 range.


Applicants for the Sheehan scholarship must be junior (i.e., third year) biology majors with both an overall and a science GPA of 3.75 or higher. Each recipient will be selected primarily on the basis of academic standing and an essay on a bioethical issue.  Engagement in community service and academically-related activities may also be included in the selection process.

Faculty contact

Dr. Amy Worthington
418 Hixon-Lied Science


Limited to outstanding sophomore and junior students committed to a pursuit of graduate study (M.S./Ph.D) and a career in science. All candidates for scholarships must be nominated by their college or university.


Payment of academic expenses (including tuition, fees, books, and room & board) to a maximum of $7500 per academic year. Junior-level scholarship recipients are eligible for a maximum of two years of scholarship support, and senior-level scholarship recipients are eligible for a maximum of one year of scholarship support. The award may be used to supplement other scholarships.

Faculty Contact

Dr. Erin Gross


Limited to sophomore and junior women committed to a pursuit of graduate study (M.S./Ph.D) and a career in science.


Full payment of academic expenses (including tuition, fees, books, and on-campus room & board).

Faculty Contact

Dr. Catie Baker, Clare Boothe Luce Chair for Women in Science
Department of Mathematics

Get more information about the Clare Boothe Luce Scholarship here.


The NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program offers competitive scholarships to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral and social science health-related research. The program is designed to improve access to education leading to research careers for those who have had fewer opportunities than others. The program is primarily designed to provide an incentive for exceptional scholars to pursue research careers at the NIH. See for complete details.


NIH Undergraduate Scholarships will pay up to $20,000 per academic year in tuition, educational expenses, and reasonable living expenses. Scholarships are awarded for 1 year; recipients may reapply for additional years (not to exceed 4 scholarship years).


Undergraduate Scholarship Program
National Institutes of Health
2 Center Drive, Room 2E24, MSC 0230
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-0230
Telephone: 888-352-3001

Get more information about NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program here.