Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

About Arts and Sciences

An outstanding Jesuit liberal arts and sciences education.

Creighton College of Arts and Sciences offers an education that combines the needs of today’s students with the deeply rooted tradition of Ignatian values. We’re educating the next generation of ethical leaders – and have been since 1878.

Our focus on Jesuit values also complements the goals of a liberal arts education, creating an educational experience and a life marked by a love of learning and service to others.

98% Career Outcomes Rate

What our College of Arts and Sciences undergrads are doing within 6 months of graduation:

2023 CAS 98% Outcomes Rate - 49% employed, 4% in a service program, 43% advanced degree, 2% not searching, 2% still searching
39 states, 3 countries

Where Our Graduates Are Going

Creighton graduates are found across the country and the world. In 2023 they went to 39 states and 3 countries (Afghanistan, Chile and Spain).

Stat 76

Participated in experiential learning (internship or research)

Stat 49

Engaged in an internship

Stat 51

Conducted research

Notable Employers

CHI Health, Streck, Boys Town National Research Hospital, Oracle, Fiserv, Merck, UnitedHealth Group, NASA, Epic, Gallup, FDIC, UR Forest Service, Southwest
Creighton is a school filled with passionate people who are dedicated to helping students realize their academic, social, spiritual, and personal potential. Creighton is a place to learn, to achieve, to question, to be inspired, to dream, to be humbled, to worship, to celebrate.
— Samantha Stoupa - Creighton Biochemistry major, 2016 Goldwater scholarship winner

Value of a Liberal Arts and Sciences Education

Whether majoring in theology, history, graphic design or computer science, a liberal arts and sciences education helps build the skills employers need, including:

  • Empathy
  • Creativity
  • Flexibility
  • Communication skills
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Analytical skills

Our students are prepared to consider issues from multiple perspectives, making them well-rounded individuals and valuable members of any team. Our Magis Core Curriculum ensures that all students gain a common set of abilities, in addition to knowledge in their field of study.

A liberal arts and sciences degree provides value by preparing students for careers that may not even exist yet – careers for a world where industries expand and contract quickly as technology develops at a breakneck pace. Creighton College of Arts and Sciences prepares students for a life well lived and full of opportunities, no matter what path they choose.

  • 76 percent of liberal arts graduates rated their college experience highly for preparing them for their first job1
  • One in three Fortune 500 CEOs has a liberal arts degree2
  • 74 percent of CEOs surveyed recommended a liberal arts education for the 21st century3
  • Creighton College of Arts and Sciences graduates report a 99 percent success rate within six months after graduation (working, in graduate school, or volunteering).
  • Employers report that the number one skill they look for in applicants is the ability to communicate, a key part of the liberal arts curriculum.4

1The Annapolis Group, 2011
2Why Businesses Prefer a Liberal Arts Education, Mark Koba,,
3Dan Schawbel, Millennial Group 2012 Survey, "Survey on Millennial Hiring Highlights the Power of Liberal Arts"
4“Why Top Tech CEOs Want Employees With Liberal Arts Degrees”, Fast Company, 2014

Contact Information

College of Arts and Sciences

CCAS Dean’s Office
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, Nebraska, 68178