Reverend Gregory I. Carlson, S.J.
Jesuit Community
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
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Assoc. Prof. of English and Theology, Creighton University
Associate Director of the Deglman Center for Spirituality, Creighton University
Summer Faculty for Intensive Latin, Jesuit School of Theology (formerly Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley), June-July, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017.
Summer Faculty for Intensive Latin, Boston College, June-July, 2016.
Rector (Religious Superior) of the Jesuit Community at the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, 2002-2006
Holder of the Miller Chair, John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio, 1999-2000.
Co-Director, "Greeks and Romans in the Bay of Naples" Study Tour, sponsored by the Vergilian Society, Cuma, Italy, August 3-15, 1998
Department Chair, Department of Classics and Modern Languages, 1993-6
Rector (Religious Superior) of Campion House, 1991-6
Holder of Jesuit Chair, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 1991-92.
Fellow in Academic Administration, Academic Vice-President's Office, Boston College: Jan-May, 1989
Associate Pastor, St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Benin City, Nigeria: Sept-Dec, 1988
Rector (religious superior) of the Jesuit Community at Marquette University: 1983-88
Associate Professor of Classics, Marquette University 1983-88
Creighton University: Director of Jesuit Humanities Program 1979-83, Associate Professor, Department of Classics and Modern Languages and then Department of Classical and Near Eastern Studies, Creighton University 1979-2002, with tenure after 1980, on leave 1983-89, 1991-92, and 1999-2000.
College of the Holy Cross: Assistant Professor 1974-78, Associate Professor with tenure 1978-79; Director of Honors Program 1976-79.
Marquette University, Division of Letters (Jesuit College, St. Bonifacius, Minnesota): Instructor 1966-68.
Date and Place of Birth: November 11, 1941
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Entrance into Society of Jesus: September 1, 1959
Ordination to Priesthood: June 14, 1974
Academic Sabbaticals, Santa Clara University, 1996-97; Creighton and Santa Clara University, 2001-2002.
M. Div. Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, 1974. Area major: Gospel literature.
D. Phil. (summa cum laude) University of Heidelberg, 1972. Major: Latin. Minors: Greek, philosophy. Examiners: Viktor Poeschl (advisor), Herwig Goergemanns, Ernst Tugendhat.
Graduate seminars in Latin and Greek at the University of Minnesota, 1967-68.
M. A. St. Louis University, 1966, in Greek and Latin.
Licentiate in Philosophy, St. Louis University, 1966.
Classical Bachelor of Arts (summa cum laude), St. Louis University, 1965.
Undergraduate work at Marquette University, Division of Letters (Jesuit College, St. Bonifacius, Minnesota), 1960-63.
Honorary Doctor of Divinity, Franklin College, Franklin, Indiana, May 17, 2024
Now You Know Media Teaching Excellence Award, 2013
"Aesop and the Classical Tradition in the U.S.A.," Rettig Lecture, Xavier University, November 5, 2006
Holder of Miller Chair, John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio, 1999-2000.
President of the Vergilian Society, 1999-2001
Baccalaureate Homilist, Creighton University, May 1998.
U.S. West Fellow, Creighton University, August, 1997-May, 1998.
Elected First Vice-President of the Vergilian Society (with automatic succession to President), January, 1997.
Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Creighton College of Arts and Sciences, Feb., 1996.
Students' Honorary Inductee, Alpha Sigma Nu (Jesuit National Honor Society), Dec., 1994.
Holder of Jesuit Chair, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 1991-92. Awarded the Georgetown University President's Medal, November 14, 1991.
Member, Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars, 1991-
Baccalaureate Homilist, Creighton University, December, 1990.
Trustee, Loyola University of Chicago, 1989-95
Trustee, Gonzaga University, 1984-88.
Baccalaureate Homilist, Marquette University, May 1987.
Member, Provincials' Task Force on Higher Education, 1985-86.
Elected Representative of Wisconsin Province to 33rd General Congregation of Society of Jesus, Rome, September-October 1983.
Baccalaureate Homilist, Creighton University, May 1983.
Member, American Assistancy Seminar on Jesuit Spirituality, 1982-85.
Faculty Development Grant, Creighton University, Summer 1983.
Yearbook dedication: The Purple Patcher 1979, College of the Holy Cross.
Batchelor (Ford) Summer Faculty Fellowship, College of the Holy Cross, 1975.
Dissertation and doctoral examination both awarded "Summa cum laude," University of Heidelberg, 1972.
Guest of la Fondation Hardt, Geneva, March-April, 1970.
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst grant for study in Germany, 1968, renewed 1969, 1970.
Classical Bachelor of Arts awarded "Summa cum laude," St. Louis University, 1965.
Ford Honors Program, St. Louis University, 1964-65.
Classical literature in translation
Roman poetry, especially of the Augustan Age: Vergil, Horace, Ovid, Catullus
Greek poetry, especially Homer and the tragedians
Greek philosophy
Gospel literature
Aesop's Fables
Fable Literature
Jesuit History and Spirituality
Die Verwandlung der homerischen Gleichnisse in Vergils Aeneis
"Fable Fascination: Genesis of the Carlson Fable Collection at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska." Invited presentation as part of the Fable Conference "From Aesop to La Fontaine and beyond: Word, Image and Education," University of Leiden, Netherlands. Dec. 2, 2021.
"Verassing! Het fabelachtige verhaal von een versamelaar" ("Surprise! One Collector's Fabulous Adventure"). 13-83 of Tiecelijn, 14th Yearbook of Reynaertgenootschap (The Renard Society). Invited, illustrated lead article. Also available online at
"What John Ogilby Did for Aesop." 23rd Colloquium of the International Renard Society. Prague, The Czech Republic, July 12, 2019.
Homer's Odyssey. Twelve-conference course on DVD, CD, and MP3. Now You Know Media. 2016.
Fables and Faith: Understanding the Gospel with Aesop’s Fables. Twelve-conference course on DVD, CD, and MP3. Now You Know Media. 2013.
A Retreat with the Spiritual Exercises: Images, Poems, and Stories. Twelve-conference course on DVD, CD, and MP3. Now You Know Media. 2012.
"Phaedrus, a Fable, and Fun," in Andreas Heil, Matthias Korn, and Jochen Sauer, editors, Noctes Sinenses: Festschrift für Fritz-Heiner Mutschler zum 65. Geburtstag. 2011. Kalliope – Studien zur griechischen und lateinischen Poesie, Band 11. Heidelberg: Universitaetsverlag Winter.
"The Commonality of Rascality: Bitter Bierce," Tenth International Congress of the Beast Fable Society, Tampa, July 14, 2003
"Animal and Human on Fable Trade Cards and Postcards," Ninth International Congress of the Beast Fable Society, Malta, June 14, 2002
"A Ridiculous Bet?" Bestia, Vol. 8 (2001-2002), 7-26
"From Phaedrus to Caxton, Part II: How Some More Favorite Fables Changed Shape" 14th International Colloquium, International Reynard Society, Hull, England, August 10, 2001
"'Always the Same and Always Different': Variety in the World of Fables," Keynote Address to the Eighth International Congress of the Beast Fable Society, Marrakech, Morocco, July 6, 2001
Review of Francisco Rodríguez Adrados, History of the Graeco-Latin Fable, Volume One: Introduction and from the Origins to the Hellenistic Age. Mnemosyne Supplements 201. Leiden: Brill, 1999. Bryn Mawr Classical Review (online), April 1, 2001
"How Some of Caxton's Fables Got To Be As They Are," 13th International Colloquium, International Renard Society, Poitiers, August 25, 1999
Review of The Complete Fables of Aesop by Olivia Temple and Robert Temple. The Classical Outlook, Vol. 76, Number 3, Spring 1999, p. 122
"Dumb Bunnies and Wise Asses: A Fresh Look at Aesop's Fables Through the Carlson Fable Collection," invited presentation to the Nebraska Library Association and Nebraska Educational Media Association Joint Meeting, Grand Island, NE, October 22, 1998
"Caxton versus Aesop," Panel on Fables and Fabulists, Leeds International Medieval Institute, July 15, 1998
"Nine Great Moments in the History of Published Fable Illustration," Les Actes du Colloque Renardien de Tokyo, The Renard Society, January, 1998
"Four American Aesopic Parodists: Bierce, Thurber, Zimler, and Eichenberg," Reinardus 10, 1997
"More-Than-Surface Meaning in the Biographical Aesop Fables of Phaedrus III," 12th International Colloquium of the Reynard Society, Turin, Italy, September 8, 1997
"My Experience of Collecting Fable Editions," Martha's KidLit Newsletter, Vol. 8, #11, November, 1996
"Nine Great Moments in the History of Published Fable Illustration," Colloque de Tokyo de la Société Internationale Renardienne, July 23, 1996
"A Fabulous Gift," Creighton University Window, Vol. 12, #3, Spring, 1996
"Avianus Makes Fable History by Making Natural History into Fable," Classical Association of the Middle-West and South, Nashville, April 12, 1996
"Four American Aesopic Parodists: Bierce, Thurber, Zimler, and Eichenberg," The Renard Society, Eleventh International Colloquium: Beast Epic, Fable & Fabliau, Düsseldorf, Germany, July 20, 1995
"Beautifying the Beast: Disney's Domestication of Aesopic Fable," Beast Fable Society Seventh International Congress, October 14, 1994, Kirksville, Missouri
"Fables Invite Perception," Bestia, Vol. 5 (1993) 7-25
"Jokes, Fables, and Joke Fables," International Beast Fable Congress, Santa Fe, NM, May 17, 1993
With Wendy M. Wright: "Bridges to the Ignatian Isles, Part II," Companions, No. 5, Spring, 1993
"The Art of the Abrupt: Horace's Satire II 6," Classical Association of the Middle-West and South, Iowa City, April 15, 1994
"Horace's and Today's Town and Country Mice," Bestia, Vol. 4 (1992) 87-112
With Wendy M. Wright: "Bridges to the Ignatian Isles," Companions, No. 4, Winter, 1992
"A Definition of Aesopic Fable," International Beast Fable Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, July 14, 1992
"The Last Five Years of Fables," American Classical League Institute, Tufts University, June 28, 1991
"Town Mouse and Country Mouse: Today and in Horace (illustrated)," International Beast Fable Congress, Margarita Island, Venezuela, May 27, 1991
"When Aesop Degenerates," International Beast Fable Society, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, April 22, 1990
"My Proverbs on Praying," in Jesuits Praying: Personal Reflections by Past and Present Seminar Members, edited by John W. Padberg, S.J., Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits, Vol. 21, No. 5 (November, 1989)
"A Faith Lived Out of Doors: Ongoing Formation of Jesuits Today," Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits, Vol. 16, No. 4 (September 1984)
"Aesop's Varied Progeny," American Philological Association, December 28, 1982
"Failure in the Aeneid," University Lecture, Creighton University, November 11, 1982
Seminar on How to Teach Classical Literature in Translation (organizer and moderator), American Philological Association, December 29, 1981
"Horace Ode II 10: More than Mediocre," Classical Association of the Middle West and South, April 2, 1981
"Catullus 72, 75, and 85: The Poetic of Polarity," American Philological Association, December 30, 1979
Review of R.G. Austin, P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Liber Sextus, Classical Folia, Vol. 32, No. 2 (1978) 264-66
"From Numantia to Necking: Horace Ode 2.12," Classical World, Vol. 71, No. 7 (April-May, 1978) 441-48
"Nova et Vetera: Using Modern Plays with Greek Tragedies (Part 1)," Classical Bulletin, Vol. 54, No. 6 (April, 1978) 89-92
"Nova et Vetera: Using Modern Plays with Greek Tragedies (Part 2)," Classical Bulletin, Vol. 55, No. 1 (November, 1978) 9-12
"Nova et Vetera: Using Modern Plays with Greek Tragedies (Part 3)," Classical Bulletin, Vol. 55, No. 2 (December, 1978) 20-23
"The End of the Aeneid," Classical Association of New England, March 31, 1978
"Aeneas in Thirteen, Times Three," Reconciliation Quarterly N.S. 7.4 (December, 1977) 18-20
"Odyssey 9.456-7 and the Ring Polyphemus Did Not Have," American Philological Association, December 28, 1977
"Dido and Fama," Classical Association of New England, March 28, 1976
"Shepherd and Host: A Literary Look at Psalm 23," The Bible Today No. 78 (April, 1975) 400-403
"Spiritual Direction and the Paschal Mystery,: Review for Religious, Vol. 33, No. 3 (May, 1974) 532-41
"The Two Creation Accounts in Schematic Contrast," The Bible Today No. 66 (April, 1973) 1192-94
"Form and Transformation in Vergil's Catalepton," American Journal of Philology, Vol. 92, No. 2 (April, 1971) 252-65 (with Ernst A. Schmidt)
"How Shall I Teach the Classics?," Classical Bulletin, Vol. 41, No. 4 (February, 1965) 55-59
Creighton (1989-2001 )
University Rank and Tenure
College Rank and Tenure
Council of Chairs
Core Development
Educational Policy
Honors Advisory
Collaborative Ministry Office Advisory
Creighton in the Year 2000, "Jesuit Identity & Catholic Character"
(Committee Member, then Implementor)
Academic Council
Executive Council (Curriculum Committee)
Law Dean Search
Academic Senate
Creighton (1979-1983)
Lectures, Concerts, and Films
Faculty Evaluation (Chairman)
Executive Council
Academic Council
Holy Cross
Educational Policy
Nominations and Elections
Academic Standing
Premedical Predental
Phi Beta Delta
American Philological Association
The Classical Association of the Middle-West and South
The American Classical League
The Vergilian Society
The International Beast Fable Society
The Renard Society
Updated September 24, 2017