Series #6
- ABCMouse Aesop's Fables
- Acme Fabulas de Animales
- Aesop in Rhyme by Sigal Adler
- Aesop Patterns for Young Readers
- Aesop's Awesome Rhymes
- Aesop's Childhood Adventures
- Aesop's Fables Remixed
- Aesop's Foibles by Rabbi Dr. Walter Rothschild
- Aesop's Funny Fables
- Agyra (Agkyra) Paramythia tou Aisopou me Eikones
- Alphabet: L'Imagerie de Paris
- American Book Company New Education Readers
- Arowana Peacock Asian Series
- Auzou Les p'tits classiques
- Ballon: Il était une fois
- Basak Cocuk Turkish Comic Books
- Best in Children's Books
- Bestia
- Bias La Fontaine Pamphlets 1977
- Val Biro: Ginn and Company
- Val Biro: The Wright Group Fables from Aesop
- Val Biro: Award Publications
- Val Biro Award Publications Large Print 2013
- The Book of Knowledge 1941
- Book Trails
- Book World Publishing Bilingual Thai Pamphlets
- BrillKids Little Reader Storybook Series: Aesop's Fables
- Calligraphics' Facsimiles of Felix Lorioux' Illustrations
- Cantata Learning Aesop
- Capstone Far Out Fables
- Capstone Other Side of the Fable
- Carlson Fable Collection Catalogues
- Cassell's Illustrated Book of Fables with Illustrations by Gustave Doré
- Chick-fil-A "Aesop's Sticker Fun"
- Chick-fil-A "Between the Lions"
- Child's Play Flip Up Fairy Tales
- Child's World: Children's Illustrated Classics: Aesop's Fables
- Chinese Mini Kids Cinema
- Fables de La Fontaine
- Classics Illustrated Junior
- Colección "mis fábulas"
- Colección 55
- Collection Tante Laura by Pellerin
- Combel Col-lecció Encunyats Classics
- Contes & Fables
- Contes et Fables d'Animaux
- Coquito Fábulas de Esopo
- Cottage Garside Readers
- Cottage TheatrePhonics Plays
- Creative Approaches to Language
- Denge Resimli La Fontaine Masallari
- Dharma Jataka Tale Series
- Dominie Collection of Aesop's Fables
- Dreamland Aesop's Fables
- Ediciones Toray 6 Fabulas
- Éditions I.P.C. des fables de La Fontaine vues par H. Fox
- Elex Kidz 2 in 1 Read Aloud Think Aloud
- El Gato de Hojalata Coleccion de Fabulas de Esopo
- El Libro de Oro de los Ninos
- Fables From Around the World
- Fables from the Stables
- Fables Illustrated by Stories from Real Life
- Fablio the Magician
- Fábulas de Ayer para Niños de Hoy
- Fábulas de Mayor a menor
- Fábulas de Mi País
- Fabulous Fables by OmKidz
- Forensic Fables by O
- Fox Fables Bilingual by Casey and Iago
- Fraggle Fables
- Gage Educational Publishing: Seven Fables from Aesop
- Gendas La Fontaine Masallari
- Goose Fables by Mantra Lingua
- Günes Hasan Ezop'tan Masallar
- Hachette Dore Subscription 1866 to 1868
- Hachette Les Albums Roses
- Hachette Mini-Livres
- Haddock Hirata Series
- Highlights for Children
- Hirata 2 in 1 Tales by Modern Unisystems
- Hot Dots Jr. Famous Fables
- Human Cultural Enterprise Company
- Imparo a Leggere
- B. Jain Pegasus Aesop's Fables
- Japanese World Masterpiece Anime Picture Books
- John Martin's Big Book
- Joie Hirata Series
- Kelompok Gramedia Fabel Pembentuk Perilaku Baik
- Kompas Gramedia: Aku Bisa Jadi Pintar
- Krylov Miniknigi Miniatures
- L.K. Aesop's Story Korean
- La Fontaine's Cabinet
- LaGalera Fábulas
- Larousse 2014 Les Fables de La Fontaine
- Larousse 2015 Las Fábulas de La Fontaine
- Le Bestiaire du Capucin
- Le Petit Français Illustré
- Leo Fábulas
- Les Éditions Variétés: La Fontaine a Colorier
- Les Fables de la Poubelle
- Les petits secrets des Fables
- L'Illustrateur des Dames
- Lion Fables Bilingual by Jan Ormerod
- Lito Collection "Fabliaux"
- Lito 2016/17/21 Les Fables de Jean de La Fontaine
- Contes de Ma Mère-Grand
- Madpac The Aesop's Fables Collection
- Magic Wagon Short Tales
- Mango Aesop's Fables
- McGuffey's Eclectic Reader
- Miles Kelly Aesop's Fables
- Mini Fables a Colorier
- My Book House (1920-28)
- My Book House (1937-71)
- My Kids World Preschool Moral Stories
- Nagaoka Shoten Square Fable Books
- Nathan Duos Classiques
- Nilsson Fables de La Fontaine racontées
- Onyx Translations
- Pellerin of Épinal
- Philips Livre-Disque Books & Records
- The Picture Treasury of World Fables
- P.M. Productions Aesop's Fables
- Protea Animal Tales (South Africa)
- Publications International Stories to Grow On
- Publications International Larger Stories to Grow On
- Publications International Tales of Virtue
- Raconte-moi…Jean de La Fontaine from Éditions Lito
- Readers Digest Young Families Famous Fables
- Readers Digest Hungary Tanulsagos Tortenetek
- Read-it! Readers
- Reinardus
- Sawan World Famous Aesop's Fables
- School Reading by Grades
- Seis Fabulas by Jacobo Ficher for Piano
- Shanti Large Print Aesop's Fables
- Shanti Large Print Tales from Panchatantra
- Shanti 22 Famous Aesop's Fables
- Shogo Hirata Joie Japanese Aesop Fables 1989
- Shree Book Aesop's Fables for Early Readers
- Sigmar Las Fabulas de Esopo
- Sommer-Time Classic Series
- Song Ngu Viet-Anh
- SVE Book Cassettes
- Tadpoles Tales
- Tales of Karadi the Bear
- Tales of Virtue
- Teacher Created Materials: Reader's Theater Booklets
- Teatro del Lector Booklets
- Thai Bilingual Pamphlets
- Thai Bilingual Reading Support Foundation
- Thai Center for Book Lovers Bilingual Series
- Timeless Fables
- Tormont Great Fairy Tales Treasure Chest
- Tormont Mini Treasure Chest of Great Fairy Tales
- Turkish Tales of Virtue
- Tyranno English (Korea)
- Tyranno English Workbooks
- Uncle Frank's Fables for Children
- Usborne My Reading Library Fables
- Vetaplast Oi Mythoi tou Aisopou
- White Star Kids
- Wonder House Short Stories from Panchatantra
- Young Folk's Library
- Young People's Stories
- Zambak Ezop Masallari
- Zeri Fables and Gunter's Fables
- 365 Successful Fables
2018? The Tiger and the Girl. Text by Peter. Illustrated by Sarawut. Paperbound. Bangkok: Series #6.1: Reading Support Foundation: Greenlife Printing. $1 from Nuchanat Rongroang, ThaiRRShop, May, '18.
This fable adapts nicely the classic version, which has a lion asking to marry the young woman. This version specifies that the tiger goes first to the dentist and then to the blacksmith. The stated moral is "Doing something without thinking one may be disappointed." The page devoted to the moral has a standard form of a mouse eating cheese. There are many snapshot photos of the story clothespinned to ropes across this page. The publisher's symbol seems to be two purple heads reading an open red book. There is a page of vocabulary on the inside back cover, with a picture of all six books in the series on the back cover. The pamphlet is twelve pages long, about 7½" x 6¾".
2018? The Big Tree and the Reed. Text by Peter. Illustrated by Sarawut. Paperbound. Bangkok: Series #6.2: Reading Support Foundation: Greenlife Printing. $1 from Nuchanat Rongroang, ThaiRRShop, May, '18.
This version of OR follows the lines of the traditional tale. Surprisingly, it omits the "big tree's" wish that it could protect the weaker reed. Instead, it only has the big tree asking why the reed bends with the wind. The reed answers proudly that the storm cannot damage it. The artist gives the reed a human-like head. The stated moral is "Arrogance will lead to destruction." The page devoted to the moral has a standard form of a mouse eating cheese. There are many snapshot photos of the story clothespinned to ropes across this page. The publisher's symbol seems to be two purple heads reading an open red book. There is a page of vocabulary on the inside back cover, with a picture of all six books in the series on the back cover. The pamphlet is twelve pages long, about 7½" x 6¾".
2018? The Bee and the Dove. Text by Peter. Illustrated by Sarawut. Paperbound. Bangkok: Series #6.3: Reading Support Foundation: Greenlife Printing. $1 from Nuchanat Rongroang, ThaiRRShop, May, '18.
This story adapts the Aesopic fable of the ant and the dove. In this case, the bee stings the hunter on the hand, whereas the ant had bitten his foot. The stated moral is "One who dose good will receive good in return." The page devoted to the moral has a standard form of a mouse eating cheese. There are many snapshot photos of the story clothespinned to ropes across this page. The editor struggles in this pamphlet, as the typo in the moral exemplifies. Other problems include "it will get drown" and "became closed friends." The illustrator has fun showing their close friendship by having them make music together, the dove on the guitar and the bee on drums. The publisher's symbol seems to be two purple heads reading an open red book. There is a page of vocabulary on the inside back cover, with a picture of all six books in the series on the back cover. The pamphlet is twelve pages long, about 7½" x 6¾".
2018? The Merchant and His Friend. Text by Peter. Illustrated by Sarawut. Paperbound. Bangkok: Series #6.4: Reading Support Foundation: Greenlife Printing. $1 from Nuchanat Rongroang, ThaiRRShop, May, '18.
This story makes some additions to the Panchatantra story. The merchant becomes a dealer in steel. After his return, he founds a school and kidnaps the daughter of his former associate. There is no mention of the absolute distancing one from another that comes of the case; that separation was particularly poignant in "Kalila and Dimna." The stated moral is "Treat the one who treats you badly in the same way." The page devoted to the moral has a standard form of a mouse eating cheese. There are many snapshot photos of the story clothespinned to ropes across this page. The illustrator places special emphasis on the eyes of the two characters. They become expressive of a wide range of emotions in the course of the story. The publisher's symbol seems to be two purple heads reading an open red book. There is a page of vocabulary on the inside back cover, with a picture of all six books in the series on the back cover. The pamphlet is twelve pages long, about 7½" x 6¾".
2018? Three Mischief Friends. Text by Peter. Illustrated by Sarawut. Paperbound. Bangkok: Series #6.5: Reading Support Foundation: Greenlife Printing. $1 from Nuchanat Rongroang, ThaiRRShop, May, '18.
This story follows a classic pattern. The pig cooks and cleans; the monkey gets fruit; and the bear gets firewood for cooking. Bored with their tasks, they exchange. The pig cuts himself with the axe. The monkey does not know what to do with all the bubbles when he is washing. The bear starts a fire when he tries to cook. The stated moral is "Each person is not master of everything." The page devoted to the moral has a standard form of a mouse eating cheese. There are many snapshot photos of the story clothespinned to ropes across this page. The publisher's symbol seems to be two purple heads reading an open red book. There is a page of vocabulary on the inside back cover, with a picture of all six books in the series on the back cover. The pamphlet is twelve pages long, about 7½" x 6¾".
2018? The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion. Text by Peter. Illustrated by Sarawut. Paperbound. Bangkok: Series #6.6: Reading Support Foundation: Greenlife Printing. $1 from Nuchanat Rongroang, ThaiRRShop, May, '18.
This is a well-told triangle story. The fox and donkey pledge friendship, but when the lion appears, the fox offers to betray the donkey to him. The fox starts this initiative with the proposal to the lion "If you accept me to be your friend." The lion agrees, but once the donkey is secured in a trap, the lion turns on the fox. "You could betray your donkey friend, so why couldn't I betray you?" The stated moral is "Man who lies cannot expect truth from others." The page devoted to the moral has a standard form of a mouse eating cheese. There are many snapshot photos of the story clothespinned to ropes across this page. The publisher's symbol seems to be two purple heads reading an open red book. There is a page of vocabulary on the inside back cover, with a picture of all six books in the series on the back cover. The pamphlet is twelve pages long, about 7½" x 6¾".