Thai Pamphlets Purple 73-84
- ABCMouse Aesop's Fables
- Acme Fabulas de Animales
- Aesop in Rhyme by Sigal Adler
- Aesop Patterns for Young Readers
- Aesop's Awesome Rhymes
- Aesop's Childhood Adventures
- Aesop's Fables Remixed
- Aesop's Foibles by Rabbi Dr. Walter Rothschild
- Aesop's Funny Fables
- Agyra (Agkyra) Paramythia tou Aisopou me Eikones
- Alphabet: L'Imagerie de Paris
- American Book Company New Education Readers
- Arowana Peacock Asian Series
- Auzou Les p'tits classiques
- Ballon: Il était une fois
- Basak Cocuk Turkish Comic Books
- Best in Children's Books
- Bestia
- Bias La Fontaine Pamphlets 1977
- Val Biro: Ginn and Company
- Val Biro: The Wright Group Fables from Aesop
- Val Biro: Award Publications
- Val Biro Award Publications Large Print 2013
- The Book of Knowledge 1941
- Book Trails
- Book World Publishing Bilingual Thai Pamphlets
- BrillKids Little Reader Storybook Series: Aesop's Fables
- Calligraphics' Facsimiles of Felix Lorioux' Illustrations
- Cantata Learning Aesop
- Capstone Far Out Fables
- Capstone Other Side of the Fable
- Carlson Fable Collection Catalogues
- Cassell's Illustrated Book of Fables with Illustrations by Gustave Doré
- Chick-fil-A "Aesop's Sticker Fun"
- Chick-fil-A "Between the Lions"
- Child's Play Flip Up Fairy Tales
- Child's World: Children's Illustrated Classics: Aesop's Fables
- Chinese Mini Kids Cinema
- Fables de La Fontaine
- Classics Illustrated Junior
- Colección "mis fábulas"
- Colección 55
- Collection Tante Laura by Pellerin
- Combel Col-lecció Encunyats Classics
- Contes & Fables
- Contes et Fables d'Animaux
- Coquito Fábulas de Esopo
- Cottage Garside Readers
- Cottage TheatrePhonics Plays
- Creative Approaches to Language
- Denge Resimli La Fontaine Masallari
- Dharma Jataka Tale Series
- Dominie Collection of Aesop's Fables
- Dreamland Aesop's Fables
- Ediciones Toray 6 Fabulas
- Éditions I.P.C. des fables de La Fontaine vues par H. Fox
- Elex Kidz 2 in 1 Read Aloud Think Aloud
- El Gato de Hojalata Coleccion de Fabulas de Esopo
- El Libro de Oro de los Ninos
- Fables From Around the World
- Fables from the Stables
- Fables Illustrated by Stories from Real Life
- Fablio the Magician
- Fábulas de Ayer para Niños de Hoy
- Fábulas de Mayor a menor
- Fábulas de Mi País
- Fabulous Fables by OmKidz
- Forensic Fables by O
- Fox Fables Bilingual by Casey and Iago
- Fraggle Fables
- Gage Educational Publishing: Seven Fables from Aesop
- Gendas La Fontaine Masallari
- Goose Fables by Mantra Lingua
- Günes Hasan Ezop'tan Masallar
- Hachette Dore Subscription 1866 to 1868
- Hachette Les Albums Roses
- Hachette Mini-Livres
- Haddock Hirata Series
- Highlights for Children
- Hirata 2 in 1 Tales by Modern Unisystems
- Hot Dots Jr. Famous Fables
- Human Cultural Enterprise Company
- Imparo a Leggere
- B. Jain Pegasus Aesop's Fables
- Japanese World Masterpiece Anime Picture Books
- John Martin's Big Book
- Joie Hirata Series
- Kelompok Gramedia Fabel Pembentuk Perilaku Baik
- Kompas Gramedia: Aku Bisa Jadi Pintar
- Krylov Miniknigi Miniatures
- L.K. Aesop's Story Korean
- La Fontaine's Cabinet
- LaGalera Fábulas
- Larousse 2014 Les Fables de La Fontaine
- Larousse 2015 Las Fábulas de La Fontaine
- Le Bestiaire du Capucin
- Le Petit Français Illustré
- Leo Fábulas
- Les Éditions Variétés: La Fontaine a Colorier
- Les Fables de la Poubelle
- Les petits secrets des Fables
- L'Illustrateur des Dames
- Lion Fables Bilingual by Jan Ormerod
- Lito Collection "Fabliaux"
- Lito 2016/17/21 Les Fables de Jean de La Fontaine
- Contes de Ma Mère-Grand
- Madpac The Aesop's Fables Collection
- Magic Wagon Short Tales
- Mango Aesop's Fables
- McGuffey's Eclectic Reader
- Miles Kelly Aesop's Fables
- Mini Fables a Colorier
- My Book House (1920-28)
- My Book House (1937-71)
- My Kids World Preschool Moral Stories
- Nagaoka Shoten Square Fable Books
- Nathan Duos Classiques
- Nilsson Fables de La Fontaine racontées
- Onyx Translations
- Pellerin of Épinal
- Philips Livre-Disque Books & Records
- The Picture Treasury of World Fables
- P.M. Productions Aesop's Fables
- Protea Animal Tales (South Africa)
- Publications International Stories to Grow On
- Publications International Larger Stories to Grow On
- Publications International Tales of Virtue
- Raconte-moi…Jean de La Fontaine from Éditions Lito
- Readers Digest Young Families Famous Fables
- Readers Digest Hungary Tanulsagos Tortenetek
- Read-it! Readers
- Reinardus
- Sawan World Famous Aesop's Fables
- School Reading by Grades
- Seis Fabulas by Jacobo Ficher for Piano
- Shanti Large Print Aesop's Fables
- Shanti Large Print Tales from Panchatantra
- Shanti 22 Famous Aesop's Fables
- Shogo Hirata Joie Japanese Aesop Fables 1989
- Shree Book Aesop's Fables for Early Readers
- Sigmar Las Fabulas de Esopo
- Sommer-Time Classic Series
- Song Ngu Viet-Anh
- SVE Book Cassettes
- Tadpoles Tales
- Tales of Karadi the Bear
- Tales of Virtue
- Teacher Created Materials: Reader's Theater Booklets
- Teatro del Lector Booklets
- Thai Bilingual Pamphlets
- Thai Bilingual Reading Support Foundation
- Thai Center for Book Lovers Bilingual Series
- Timeless Fables
- Tormont Great Fairy Tales Treasure Chest
- Tormont Mini Treasure Chest of Great Fairy Tales
- Turkish Tales of Virtue
- Tyranno English (Korea)
- Tyranno English Workbooks
- Uncle Frank's Fables for Children
- Usborne My Reading Library Fables
- Vetaplast Oi Mythoi tou Aisopou
- White Star Kids
- Wonder House Short Stories from Panchatantra
- Young Folk's Library
- Young People's Stories
- Zambak Ezop Masallari
- Zeri Fables and Gunter's Fables
- 365 Successful Fables
#0660073: The Groaning Volcano
This version is perhaps this series' most extensive (and confused?) transformation of a traditional fable. The volcano groans. Some think it is an earthquake; women think that there is a giant inside the mountain wanting to get out. Not far away, a mouse is looking for food and paying no attention to the groan. Then it sees the people and runs afraid into its hole. Then the volcano turns so quiet that people begin to laugh at the volcano. People say "It just giving the groan but can make anybody fear even a mouse." I challenge readers to come up with the one meaning of that statement! The moral does not help clarify things for me: "The great does not always make others fear."
#0660074: The Oak and the Reed
My favorite sentence in this story is "The reed still leans along the strong wind."
#0660075: The Big Crab and a Little Crab
Note that these two crabs are not (as is traditional for this fable) related to each other. The problem seems to be not whether the crab will walk forward but whether it will walk straight. "Look to yourself before criticism" sounds good in any language!
#0660076: The Prince and the Cat
Note that the beloved here is a prince. The "angle (sic) of love appears at the castle" in response to the cat's crying. Here the transformation has as its explicit condition that the cat change her whole nature, and the cat promises to show no sign that she used to be a cat. Here is a sentence too good to miss: "When the prince meet the twisted princess, he once falls in love and asks her to marry with." The prince later wonders when he finds her scratching a cushion. The next day she climbs on the balcony of the castle. Finally she catches a mouse and is beginning to eat it--when she turns back into being a cat. (Now, there is one surprised prince!)
#0660077: The Cock and the Fox
The Chanticleer story is here in its basic outlines. "This is my cock" is the mouth-opening cry of the fox that lets the cock loose. People arrive in time to beat this fox. The moral may lack grammar but takes an interesting perspective on the story: "Doing the right things at the right time."
#0660078: The Old Man and a Silly Donkey
This donkey has an enlarged and disproportioned head. He looks like one of Bennett's "humans with an animal head." The title does not mention the lap-dog that plays a major part in this fable. The picture attempting to show that the dog has just leapt into the old man's lap seems to suggest other things.... One wonders whether the donkey really gets the point, for his final reflection is "In the futher (sic), I will do just wise and useful things so I will not be punished like this." The moral: "Having carefully think before doing."
#0660079: The man and The lion
Great facial expressions, especially after the quarreling begins. Many illustrations include cute little critters around the central action. The moral takes refuge in the generic: "Judge not according to what we see."
#0660080: The three wishes
This story has migrated into this fable-collection from elsewhere; note the tree fairy and the three magic wishes. A tree tells the woodcutter that it is a woodland fairy and will offer three wishes if uncut. The three wishes end up being "I wish to have a string of black-bread," "I wish this bread to hang on your nose," and "I wish this bread loosed from my nose." The story may suggest how often we say "I want" without reflecting on how much we do or do not want what we mention. Among the illustrations in this series, the style here is perhaps the furthest toward a simple contemporary cartoon style. What lies beyond the focus of an individual scene is left with very rudimentary development.
#0660081: The crow and The snake
Borrowed from The Panchatantra, this story fills key roles with a prince and his two golden bracelets. Mrs. Crow is the mastermind here. There is no chase, but rather a search. The prince's people never know that the crows stole the bracelets.
#0660082: The Jay and the Nightingale
This fable is new to me. It is told, at least generally, in past tenses. The jays' screaming was "very anonymous (sic) because their voice was so ugly." But they thought their song was beautiful. They went to the eagle to have themselves declared "the king of song of the woods," and the eagle agreed. But other animals still laughed at them. So they returned to the eagle, who declared (in some labored English) "Even I name you so but your voice in actually is not beautiful." I see the point--a great one!--along the lines of "I do not care what the authorities say; the facts remain the way they are."
#0660083: The Merchant and His Friend
This is the Panchatantra story of "The Iron-Eating Rat," narrated in the past. It contains another prize-winning clause: "he thought it should be wised to put someone taking a look iron stored in his home." In this version, the former iron merchant became a schoolmaster, and his old friend sent his son to this school.... His story was that an owl took away the son. Not all would ascribe to this moral: "Treat the one who treated you badly in the same way."
#0660084: The Dragon in the Moon
Aesop here borrows from La Fontaine, since this is the story about the telescope with a fly stuck to its lens. Does it help the presentation of this story to show an illustration of a fly from its first description?