Aesop's Fables > Books of Fables > Series Books > Les Fables de la Poubelle

Les Fables de la Poubelle

2010 Les Fables de la Poubelle, Vol. I.  Jean-Paul Krassinsky.  Coleur: Laetitia Schwendimann.  First edition.  Hardbound.  Paris: Poisson Pilote:  Dargaud.  €5.62 from Medimops, July, '23.

I suppose this BD set  of 12 stories is a contemporary exemplification of the fact that not all that is called "fable" is really a fable.  This is a set of 12 usually gruesome and often ironic stories vividly illustrated.  The French seems highly colloquial, as one would expect.  Apparently Krassinsky has done a number of BD volumes.  The final two stories might be good exemplars.  One is about a long-standing contretemps arising from a top-storey dweller who throws tomatoes down onto a streetfront merchant.  The other is the story of a man given two months to live by a doctor who never gets his prognosis wrong.  I thought I was buying fable parodies.  The joke is on me!

2010 Les Fables de la Poubelle, Vol. II.  Jean-Paul Krassinsky et al.  Laetitia Schwendimann.  First edition, signed with a drawing by Krassinsky.  Hardbound.  Paris: Poisson Pilote: Dargaud.  €6 from a bouquiniste in Paris, July, '23.

This second volume differs from the first in that it features a variety of designers, while the "couleur" person remains Laetitia Schwendimann.  Its special feature is that it includes on its title-page a signature and drawing dedicated to "Philippe" by Krassinsky.  This second volume continues in the style of the first with 11 stories.  The first of two examples here is the first story illustrating "les films catastrophe" on a train.  The conclusion: a disaster film should remain perfectly incomprehensible and should last no longer than two minutes and thirty seconds.  The second is a playful story of A and B in an alphabet soup discussing, I think, how to get to X and Y.  "Moralité: Le potage est un cirque ou marinent deux clowns.  Ou bien: Le cirque est un potage qui….etc."  Again, I thought I was buying fable parodies.  The joke is on me!