Fox Fables Bilingual by Casey and Iago
- ABCMouse Aesop's Fables
- Acme Fabulas de Animales
- Aesop in Rhyme by Sigal Adler
- Aesop Patterns for Young Readers
- Aesop's Awesome Rhymes
- Aesop's Childhood Adventures
- Aesop's Fables Remixed
- Aesop's Foibles by Rabbi Dr. Walter Rothschild
- Aesop's Funny Fables
- Agyra (Agkyra) Paramythia tou Aisopou me Eikones
- Alphabet: L'Imagerie de Paris
- American Book Company New Education Readers
- Arowana Peacock Asian Series
- Auzou Les p'tits classiques
- Ballon: Il était une fois
- Basak Cocuk Turkish Comic Books
- Best in Children's Books
- Bestia
- Bias La Fontaine Pamphlets 1977
- Val Biro: Ginn and Company
- Val Biro: The Wright Group Fables from Aesop
- Val Biro: Award Publications
- Val Biro Award Publications Large Print 2013
- The Book of Knowledge 1941
- Book Trails
- Book World Publishing Bilingual Thai Pamphlets
- BrillKids Little Reader Storybook Series: Aesop's Fables
- Calligraphics' Facsimiles of Felix Lorioux' Illustrations
- Cantata Learning Aesop
- Capstone Far Out Fables
- Capstone Other Side of the Fable
- Carlson Fable Collection Catalogues
- Cassell's Illustrated Book of Fables with Illustrations by Gustave Doré
- Chick-fil-A "Aesop's Sticker Fun"
- Chick-fil-A "Between the Lions"
- Child's Play Flip Up Fairy Tales
- Child's World: Children's Illustrated Classics: Aesop's Fables
- Chinese Mini Kids Cinema
- Fables de La Fontaine
- Classics Illustrated Junior
- Colección "mis fábulas"
- Colección 55
- Collection Tante Laura by Pellerin
- Combel Col-lecció Encunyats Classics
- Contes & Fables
- Contes et Fables d'Animaux
- Coquito Fábulas de Esopo
- Cottage Garside Readers
- Cottage TheatrePhonics Plays
- Creative Approaches to Language
- Denge Resimli La Fontaine Masallari
- Dharma Jataka Tale Series
- Dominie Collection of Aesop's Fables
- Dreamland Aesop's Fables
- Ediciones Toray 6 Fabulas
- Éditions I.P.C. des fables de La Fontaine vues par H. Fox
- Elex Kidz 2 in 1 Read Aloud Think Aloud
- El Gato de Hojalata Coleccion de Fabulas de Esopo
- El Libro de Oro de los Ninos
- Fables From Around the World
- Fables from the Stables
- Fables Illustrated by Stories from Real Life
- Fablio the Magician
- Fábulas de Ayer para Niños de Hoy
- Fábulas de Mayor a menor
- Fábulas de Mi País
- Fabulous Fables by OmKidz
- Forensic Fables by O
- Fox Fables Bilingual by Casey and Iago
- Fraggle Fables
- Gage Educational Publishing: Seven Fables from Aesop
- Gendas La Fontaine Masallari
- Goose Fables by Mantra Lingua
- Günes Hasan Ezop'tan Masallar
- Hachette Dore Subscription 1866 to 1868
- Hachette Les Albums Roses
- Hachette Mini-Livres
- Haddock Hirata Series
- Highlights for Children
- Hirata 2 in 1 Tales by Modern Unisystems
- Hot Dots Jr. Famous Fables
- Human Cultural Enterprise Company
- Imparo a Leggere
- B. Jain Pegasus Aesop's Fables
- Japanese World Masterpiece Anime Picture Books
- John Martin's Big Book
- Joie Hirata Series
- Kelompok Gramedia Fabel Pembentuk Perilaku Baik
- Kompas Gramedia: Aku Bisa Jadi Pintar
- Krylov Miniknigi Miniatures
- L.K. Aesop's Story Korean
- La Fontaine's Cabinet
- LaGalera Fábulas
- Larousse 2014 Les Fables de La Fontaine
- Larousse 2015 Las Fábulas de La Fontaine
- Le Bestiaire du Capucin
- Le Petit Français Illustré
- Leo Fábulas
- Les Éditions Variétés: La Fontaine a Colorier
- Les Fables de la Poubelle
- Les petits secrets des Fables
- L'Illustrateur des Dames
- Lion Fables Bilingual by Jan Ormerod
- Lito Collection "Fabliaux"
- Lito 2016/17/21 Les Fables de Jean de La Fontaine
- Contes de Ma Mère-Grand
- Madpac The Aesop's Fables Collection
- Magic Wagon Short Tales
- Mango Aesop's Fables
- McGuffey's Eclectic Reader
- Miles Kelly Aesop's Fables
- Mini Fables a Colorier
- My Book House (1920-28)
- My Book House (1937-71)
- My Kids World Preschool Moral Stories
- Nagaoka Shoten Square Fable Books
- Nathan Duos Classiques
- Nilsson Fables de La Fontaine racontées
- Onyx Translations
- Pellerin of Épinal
- Philips Livre-Disque Books & Records
- The Picture Treasury of World Fables
- P.M. Productions Aesop's Fables
- Protea Animal Tales (South Africa)
- Publications International Stories to Grow On
- Publications International Larger Stories to Grow On
- Publications International Tales of Virtue
- Raconte-moi…Jean de La Fontaine from Éditions Lito
- Readers Digest Young Families Famous Fables
- Readers Digest Hungary Tanulsagos Tortenetek
- Read-it! Readers
- Reinardus
- Sawan World Famous Aesop's Fables
- School Reading by Grades
- Seis Fabulas by Jacobo Ficher for Piano
- Shanti Large Print Aesop's Fables
- Shanti Large Print Tales from Panchatantra
- Shanti 22 Famous Aesop's Fables
- Shogo Hirata Joie Japanese Aesop Fables 1989
- Shree Book Aesop's Fables for Early Readers
- Sigmar Las Fabulas de Esopo
- Sommer-Time Classic Series
- Song Ngu Viet-Anh
- SVE Book Cassettes
- Tadpoles Tales
- Tales of Karadi the Bear
- Tales of Virtue
- Teacher Created Materials: Reader's Theater Booklets
- Teatro del Lector Booklets
- Thai Bilingual Pamphlets
- Thai Bilingual Reading Support Foundation
- Thai Center for Book Lovers Bilingual Series
- Timeless Fables
- Tormont Great Fairy Tales Treasure Chest
- Tormont Mini Treasure Chest of Great Fairy Tales
- Turkish Tales of Virtue
- Tyranno English (Korea)
- Tyranno English Workbooks
- Uncle Frank's Fables for Children
- Usborne My Reading Library Fables
- Vetaplast Oi Mythoi tou Aisopou
- White Star Kids
- Wonder House Short Stories from Panchatantra
- Young Folk's Library
- Young People's Stories
- Zambak Ezop Masallari
- Zeri Fables and Gunter's Fables
- 365 Successful Fables
2006 Basne o lisici/Fox Fables (Croatian & English). Retold by Dawn Casey/Croatian translation by Dubravka Janekovic. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $7.83 from Better World Books through Amazon, Jan., '20.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series, of which I now have thirteen. The series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. This used copy is enclosed in a plastic dust-jacket with its own plastic odor. FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated. My versions now include Arabic, Italian, Bengali, Urdu, Swahili, French, Polish, Arabic, Russian, Tamil, Mandarin, Croatian, and Somali.
2006 Finscéalta Sionnaigh/Fox Fables. Retold by Dawn Casey. Irish translation by Sean O Muimhneachain. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Fox Fables: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $12.64 from Awesome Books, Nov., '23.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series that offers the same two fables in 33 different bilingual translations. While I have hope at some flea market some day to get all thirty-three, I am coming close to that number by finding one after another in various places. I believe that this is our twenty-eighth. FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated.
2006 Fox Fables. Retold by Dawn Casey/Guarati translation by Bhadra Patel. Illustrated by Jago. Hardbound. London: Fox Fables: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $4.58 from Thriftbooks through Ebay, Sept., '21.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series, of which we now have 21. I hope at some flea market some day to get all thirty-three! FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated. This copy originally belonged to the public library in Schaumburg, IL The title-page seems to have been lost in binding the library copy.
2006 Fox Fables (English and Gujarati). Retold by Dawn Casey/Gujarati translation by Bhadra Patel. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Fox Fables: Mantra Lingua Ltd. £3.61 from Better World Books through Ebay, Nov., '22.
Here is a paperbound version of a book we already have hardbound. This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. The size of the book's format allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated.
2006 Fox Fables (Arabic and English). Retold by Dawn Casey. Arabic translation by Wafa' Tarnowska. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. AU$27.95 from Asia Bookroom, Macquarie ACT, Australia by mail, July, '08.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series. The back cover's explanations do not make totally clear whether there is one portion of the series that presents many different fables. It does make clear that a portion of the series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. I count thirty-three languages listed on the back cover. Good for them! I hope at some flea market some day to get all thirty-three! FS is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated.
2006 Fox Fables (Bengali and English). Retold by Dawn Casey/Bengali translation by Kanai Datta. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $18.40 from Better World Books, Jan., '14.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series, of which I now have six. The series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. FS is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated. This copy belonged to the Houston Public Library.
2006 Fox Fables (Farsi & English). Retold by Dawn Casey/Farsi translation by Anwar Soltani. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $9.56 from World Books through Ebay, Feb., '20.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series, of which I now have seventeen. The series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. This used copy is enclosed in a plastic dust-jacket. FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated. My versions now include Arabic, Italian, Bengali, Urdu, Swahili, French, Polish, Arabic, Russian, Tamil, Mandarin, Croatian, Farsi, and Somali.
2006 Fox Fables (Kurdish and English). Retold by Dawn Casey/Kurdish translation by Anwar Soltani. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Fox Fables: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $29.81from Thriftbooks through Ebay, Oct., '20.
I come ever closer to finding, one by one, all the versions of this book. Here, having found editions reprinted in 2012 and in 2019, I find one of the original 2006 printings, in its nineteenth bilingual form of the thirty-three printed. As I have written of others, this is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated.
2006 Fox Fables (Swahili and English). Retold by Dawn Casey. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. £7.99 from Awesome Books, Wallingford, UK, June, '12.
This is the third version I have found of this large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. Earlier copies have combined English with Arabic and English with Urdu. Here English is combined with Swahili. The Swahili translator is not acknoweldged for either story. I hope at some flea market some day to get all thirty-three bilingual translations! FS is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "The King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is ruler of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the ruler of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated.
2006 Fox Fables (Urdu and English). Retold by Dawn Casey/Urdu Translation by Qamar Zamani. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. £2.49 from Awesome Books, Wallingford, UK, April, '12
This is the second version I have found of this large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. Whereas the copy I found four years ago was Arabic and English, this copy is Urdu and English. I hope at some flea market some day to get all thirty-three bilingual translations! FS is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "The Ruler of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. It was called "King of the Forest" in my earlier version. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is ruler of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the ruler of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated. I fear this copy is lacking its very first inside page. I am thus unsure of the Urdu translator of the first fable.
2006 Fox Fables/Awon Ahuso Itan Kolokolo. Retold by Dawn Casey/Yoruba translation by Dayo Okunlola. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Fox Fables: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $13.57 from World of Books through eBay, Oct., '22.
I believe that this is the 24th booklet in this series! This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. I count thirty-three languages listed on the back cover. Since I just ordered two more, it looks like we have only seven to go! The size of the book's format allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated.
2006 Fox Fables/Favole sulla volpe. Retold by Dawn Casey/Italian translation by Michela Mashi. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $10.20 from World of Books through eBay, Jan., '18.
I am getting a number of these Mantra Lingua bilingual "Fox Fables" paperbacks over time. This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series. The back cover's explanations do not make totally clear whether there is one portion of the series that presents many different fables. It does make clear that a portion of the series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. I count thirty-three languages listed on the back cover. Good for them! I hope at some flea market someday to get all thirty-three! FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated. The cover of this copy is bent and peeling.
2006 Fox Fables/Mga Alamat Soro (Tagalog & English). Retold by Dawn Casey/Tagalog translation by Ana Taguba. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $3.99 from Better World Books through Ebay, March, '20.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series, of which I now have eighteen. The series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. This particular copy was formerly in the Helen Plum Library in Lombard, IL. It has covers stiffened by plastic overlays skillfully applied. FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated. My versions now include Arabic, Italian, Bengali, Urdu, Swahili, French, Polish, Arabic, Russian, Tamil, Mandarin, Croatian, Farsi, Japanese, Somali, Turkish, Hindi, Tagalog, and Somali.
2006 Les Fables du Renard/Fox Fables. Retold by Dawn Casey. French translation by Annie Arnold. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $15 from Better World Books, July, '12.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series, of which I now have five, including Arabic, Urdu, Swahili, and Polish. The series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. FS is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy.
2006 Lisie bajki/Fox Fables. Retold by Dawn Casey/Polish translation by Jolanta Starek-Corile. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $14.94 from Better World Books, July, '12.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series, of which I now have four. The series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. FS is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated. This copy apparently belonged to Salford Public Library in greater Manchester, England.
2006 Mythoi Alepoudon/Fox Fables. Retold by Dawn Casey. Greek translation by Zannetos Tofallis. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Fox Fables: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $3.60 from Better World Books through Ebay, May, '22.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series that presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. I count thirty-three languages listed on the back cover. Good for them! I hope at some flea market some day to get all thirty-three! For now this is number 23! FS is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated.
2006 Sheekadii Dawaca/Fox Fables (Somali & English). Retold by Dawn Casey. Somali translation by Adam Jama. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $4.65 from Better World Books, Jan., '20.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series, of which I now have eleven. The series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated. My versions now include Arabic, Italian, Bengali, Urdu, Swahili, French, Polish, Arabic, Russian, Tamil, and Somali.
2006 Tilki Masallari/Fox Fables (Turkish & English). Retold by Dawn Casey/Turkish translation by Talin Altun Suzme. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $3.97 from Better World Books, Jan., '20.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series, of which I now have twelve. The series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated. My versions now include Arabic, Italian, Bengali, Urdu, Swahili, French, Polish, Arabic, Russian, Tamil, Turkish, and Somali.
2006/12 Fabule cu vulpi/Fox Fables (Romanian and English). Retold by Dawn Casey/Romanian translation by Gabriela Herbay. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Fox Fables: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $20.04 from awsomebooksusa through Ebay, Sept., '21.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series, of which we now have 21. I hope at some flea market some day to get all thirty-three! FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated.
2006/12 Fox Fables. Retold by Dawn Casey/Arabic translation by Wafa' Tarnowska. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $18.40 from Better World Books, Jan., '14.
Here is a second good copy of this paperbound book, this one a 2012 edition.. The only changes from the 2006 edition are the date of the edition on the last page and several changes on the back cover. There the first three paragraphs have the same text but are differently formatted. It seems that several languages have been dropped, including Albanian and Croatian. Mandarin seems to have been added. Has the ISBN's last digit changed from a 7 to a 6? I wrote the following then: This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series. The back cover's explanations do not make totally clear whether there is one portion of the series that presents many different fables. It does make clear that a portion of the series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated.
2006/12 Fox Fables. Retold by Dawn Casey. Portuguese translation by Maria Teresa Dangerfield. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Fox Fables: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $9.27 from Better World Books through Ebay, May, '22.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series that presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. I count thirty-three languages listed on the back cover. Good for them! I hope at some flea market some day to get all thirty-three! For now this is number 22! FS is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated. First published in 2006.
2006/12 Fox Fables/Fábulas del Zorro. Retold by Dawn Casey/Spanish translation by Marta Belén Sáez Cabero. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Fox Fables: Mantra Lingua Ltd. £3.56 from Discover Books, August, '23.
I believe that this is the 26th booklet in this series! This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. I count thirty-three languages listed on the back cover. The size of the book's format allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated.
2006/12 Fox Fables (Hindi & English). Retold by Dawn Casey/Hindi translation by Awadhesh Misra. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $7.35 from World Books through Ebay, Feb., '20.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series, of which I now have seventeen. The series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated. My versions now include Arabic, Italian, Bengali, Urdu, Swahili, French, Polish, Arabic, Russian, Tamil, Mandarin, Croatian, Farsi, Japanese, Somali, Turkish, Hindi, and Somali.
2006/12 The Fox and the Crane/Pis I Zheuravry [Cover: Fox Fables/Basni o Pise]. Retold by Dawn Casey/Russian translation by Lydia Buravova. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $18.37 from Moby the Great through eBay, July, '18.
I am getting a number of these Mantra Lingua bilingual "Fox Fables" paperbacks over time. This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series. The back cover's explanations do not make totally clear whether there is one portion of the series that presents many different fables. It does make clear that a portion of the series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. I count thirty-three languages listed on the back cover. Good for them! I hope at some flea market someday to get all thirty-three! FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated.
2006/13 Fox Fables/Fuchs Fabeln. Retold by Dawn Casey/German translation by Friederike Barkow. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Fox Fables: Mantra Lingua Ltd. £3.61 from Better World Books through Ebay, Nov., '22.
I believe that this is the 25th booklet in this series! This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. I count thirty-three languages listed on the back cover. The size of the book's format allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated.
2006/13 The Fox and the Crane [Cover: Fox Fables]. Retold by Dawn Casey/Tamil translation by Siva Pillai. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $18.40 from Moby the Great through eBay, June, '18.
I am getting a number of these Mantra Lingua bilingual "Fox Fables" paperbacks over time. This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series. The back cover's explanations do not make totally clear whether there is one portion of the series that presents many different fables. It does make clear that a portion of the series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. I count thirty-three languages listed on the back cover. Good for them! I hope at some flea market someday to get all thirty-three! FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated.
2006/19 Fox Fables (Japanese & English). Retold by Dawn Casey; Japanese translation by Maiko Osada. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $14.96 from Book Depository, Jan., '20.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series, of which I now have thirteen. The series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated. My versions now include Arabic, Italian, Bengali, Urdu, Swahili, French, Polish, Arabic, Russian, Tamil, Turkish, Japanese, and Somali.
2006/19 Fox Fables (Mandarin & English). Retold by Dawn Casey/Mandarin translation by Sylvia Denham. Illustrated by Jago. Paperbound. London: Mantra Lingua Ltd. $14.81 from Amazon, Jan., '20.
This is a large, handsome, landscape-formatted book of 32 pages presenting two fables bilingually. It belongs to a series, of which I now have twelve. The series presents the two fables of this book by pairing English with a number of different languages, one for each book. FC is visually splendid! The size of the book allows Jago to create impressive illustrations like that of the crane unable to slurp up soup as well as three detailed specific views of her attempts. Casey has the crane thank the fox for his kindness politely and add: "Please let me repay you -- come to dinner at my house." The page after the story lists activities: writing, art, "maths," storytelling, and music. The second story here is "King of the Forest," and it is labelled a Chinese fable. Tiger comes upon fox and frightens him. In desperation, fox claims that he is king of the forest. Tiger roars with laughter. Fox answers that he will show tiger. "This I've got to see," tiger says. Fox gets tiger to walk behind him. Of course, every animal upon whom these two come runs away in respect. Tiger is fooled and pays his respects to the king of the forest. Fox bids him be gone and then, on the way home, has a good laugh over the whole ploy. This story is also strongly illustrated. My versions now include Arabic, Italian, Bengali, Urdu, Swahili, French, Polish, Arabic, Russian, Tamil, Mandarin, and Somali.
I appreciate the translation of this page into Urdu by Ahsan Soomro available here: