Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Story Blocks  >  Storyblocks FG

Storyblocks FG

1980? Chinese story-blocks #1, including FS, "The Deer with Beautiful Antlers," CP, DS, TH, FC. The collection has four exemplars of this version of picture cubes.  One found in a small-town Minnesota toy shop with Linda Clader.  Another for $8.95 from Sandi Shaw, Concord, CA, through Ebay, Jan., '03.  The third for $5.50 from Timmy Sisung through Ebay, April, '04.  The last from T. Stanford, Neptune Beach, FL, through Ebay, Dec., '12. 

I first found this set in a small-town toy store somewhere in Minnesota while toy shopping with Linda Clader. Now, years later, I am still impressed with the quality of workmanship and the ingenuity of the designs, which never form a simple rectangle. 

1970? Chinese story-blocks, including FS, "The Deer with Beautiful Antlers," CP, DS, TH, FC. $22.80 from Lipmeister, Los Angeles, through Etsy, Jan., '19.

This is the same set of blocks as in #1 above, but notice the simpler cover, without Chinese characters or a number.  Pick up a rock and you will be amazed at what you find!


