Boxed Old French Story Blocks 5 x 3
- Book-Related Toys
- Wooden Checkers
- Felt and Flannel Board Materials
- Kidk'nex Story Pals Building Sets
- Lottery Games
- Other Games
- Matryoshkas
- Paper Scenes to Cut Out and Mount
- Picture Puzzles
- Puppets
- Rubber Stamps
- Small Sculptures and Knickknacks
- Shadow Theater
- Soft Sculptures/Plush Figures
- Story Blocks
- Boxed Old French Story Blocks 5 x 4
- Boxed Old French Story Blocks 5 x 3
- Jeujura Old French Story Blocks 5 x 4
- Storyblocks FG
- Storyblocks Swan and Crow
- Chinese Story Blocks with Older Cover
- Storyblocks FS
- Story Blocks Chinese Symmetrical Set
- Jeu de Cubes
- Chinese Tortoise and Hare
- The Stag and His Antlers
- Little Vintage Tale Patricia Scarry Story Blocks
- Other Wooden Toys
- Other Toys
1920? Set of 15 six-sided picture cubes illustrating fables. Slightly larger than 1½" on each cube's side. In the original box? "Wolf in Shepherd's Clothing"; "Horse and Mule"; "The Fox and the Goat"; GA, FS; and an image involving a grasshopper and a rabbit. €35 from choupette-fr through Ebay, March, '24.
This set is particularly fascinating because it is so similar to a set, probably contemporary with it, that features four columns of five blocks, not three columns. The pictures are identical. These sets make use of a common set of chromolithographs from the early 20th century. One of its images, as I mentioned there, raises a question: Which fable presents a grasshopper and rabbit? Shipments from France cost a great deal these days. This was a case in which the shipment cost more than the item.