Aesop's Fables > Aesop's Artifacts > Toys & Games > Soft Sculptures

Soft Sculptures

1980? Tortoise and hare transforming soft sculpture. 6½" x 3" x 2½" high. From an unknown source.

I do not remember any more where I found or from whom I received this little transforming soft sculpture. Twist one animal inside-out and you have the other animal. The green tortoise wears a brown wrap around his/her body--and smiles. The light brown rabbit has a pink nose and wears a red wrap around his/her body. The rabbit even has fine whiskers! Click on either of the images to see it enlarged.

1996? City Mouse & Country Mouse: Everything you need to make these two charming mice. By Alicia Merrett. With a book of the same title. Material, patterns, and step-by-step instructions on how to put together the two mice figures that dominate this story. $2.25 from Caravancass 1 through Ebay, Sept., '01. One extra copy.

The instructions and patterns are done carefully on twelve cards. Even I might be able to make these soft sculptures! The cards and materials come with an accompanying book. Click on the image for an enlargement.


2000?  "Les Fables de la Fontaine: le Rat de ville et le Rat des champs."  Soft sculptures.  Écommoy, France: Jemini.  Made in China.  Unknown source and date of acquisition.

Two cute little fellows, nicely contrasted with each other.  The back of the packaging displays at least three other pairs in the series, and I have seen yet another that was once available on the web.  "Collectione les tous!"
