2020? Marzipan Set of 5 Dolls of Krylov's Fables
- Book-Related Toys
- Wooden Checkers
- Felt and Flannel Board Materials
- Kidk'nex Story Pals Building Sets
- Lottery Games
- Other Games
- Matryoshkas
- Paper Scenes to Cut Out and Mount
- Picture Puzzles
- Puppets
- Rubber Stamps
- Small Sculptures and Knickknacks
- Shadow Theater
- Soft Sculptures/Plush Figures
- Story Blocks
- Other Wooden Toys
- Other Toys
2020? Set of five handmade matryoshka dolls presenting five of Ivan Krylov's fables. $45 from Marzipan, St. Petersburg, through Livemaster, August, '20.
As the signature on the bottom of the largest doll indicates, this set is handcrafted. A large oval scene in the largest part of the doll presents scenes from FC; WL; "The Ass and the Nightingale"; "The Elephant and the Pug"; and "The Monkey and Spectacles." The stupid ass asks the nightingale to sing, and the bird's song enraptures every creature in the forest. The ass praises his song and then tells he could learn something from the rooster's beautiful singing. The knowing nightingale simply leaves without answering a comment so ludicrous. The little pug barks at the huge elephant with impunity because he knows that the elephant will not bother to retaliate. The elderly monkey is advised that glasses could help her failing vision. She gets several pair and puts them all over her body but finds that they do not help and dashes them against the wall. Here she seems to have them on upside down.
To see a larger presentation of each doll and especially of its fable scene, click on the doll's picture here.