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Full Set of 12 Lottery Cards, with two numbered differently

1880? Complete set of 12 cards with blue backing similar in format to the above two sets, but with two last cards with unusual and repetitive numbering.  By MD Mauclair Ironside, according to the seller.  €60 from Fabrice Carmier, Genay, through Ebay, May, '22.

Four of these cards duplicate those we have by Mauclair and Dacier, namely those beginning with 9, 33, 57, and 73.  Six others fill in around them to form a perfectly numbered set up until the cards beginning 77 and 81.  Those two cards, pictured here, have predictable numbers across the top but unpredictable numbers in either one box (77) or both boxes (81).  Put together the first ten here and the last two from Mauclair and Dacier and we have a full and predictable set!  These boards are somewhat bowed but still lovely.