Sarreguemines Brown
- Manufacturers of Themed Tableware
- Brown-Westhead, Moore, and Co
- Copeland Rd Plates and Cake Pedestal
- F & S Ivy Pattern Cups, Bowls, and Saucers
- F & S Plates & Bowls without Ivy Pattern
- Gien Blue and Brown Series
- Keller and Guerin Colored Plates and Bowls
- Sarreguemines Black
- Sarreguemines Brown
- Sarreguemines DV
- Spode
- Circular Cartoon Cake Plate, Serving Plates, and Kitchen Canisters
- Royal Winton
- Specific kinds of Tableware
1930? Apparently there are twelve dishes in this set from Sarreguemines. I lack # 1 and #2. Those that I have have come from the following: Take a Second Look, Inc., Cuddebackville, NY, through Ebay, June, '99; Jewell and Associates, Hazel Park, MI; and Harriet Downing, Williamsburg, VA.
Sarreguemine Brown Plates
1930? 7" white plate from Sarreguemines, France. Inside a 1.5" rim there is a portrayal of FC (X 2). The front carries two inscriptions: "Fables de la Fontaine" and "3. Le Renard et le Corbeau." The back has a smudged "Digoin" stamp. $9 from Take a Second Look, Inc., Cuddebackville, NY, through Ebay, June, '99.
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1930? 7" white plate from Sarreguemines, France. Inside a 1.5" rim there is a representation of Grandville's WL. The front carries two inscriptions: "Fables de la Fontaine" and "4. Le Loup et l'Agneau." The back has a "Digoin" stamp.
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1930? 7" white plate from Sarreguemines, France. Inside a 1.5" rim there is a representation of Grandville's "The Cat and the Monkey" (IX 17). The front carries two inscriptions: "Fables de la Fontaine" and "5. Le Singe et le Chat." The back has a smudged "Digoin" stamp. One extra exemplar.
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1930? 7" white plate from Sarreguemines, France. Inside a 1.5" rim there is a representation of Grandville's FG. The front carries two inscriptions: "Fables de la Fontaine" and "6. Le Renard et les Raisins." The back has a "Digoin" stamp. Two extra exemplars, one of them for $19.95 from my-store-store through Ebay, March, '20.
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1930? 7" white plate from Sarreguemines, France. Inside a 1.5" rim there is a representation of Grandville's "The Two Rats, the Fox and the Egg." The front carries two inscriptions: "Fables de la Fontaine" and "7. Les Deux Rats le Renard et l'Oeuf." The back has a "Digoin" stamp.
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1930? 7" white plate from Sarreguemines, France. Inside a 1.5" rim there is a representation of Grandville's "The Wolf Pleading Against the Fox." The front carries two inscriptions: "Fables de la Fontaine" and "8. Le Loup Plaidant Contre le Renard." The back has a smudged partial stamp. $5 from pjhmah through Ebay, April, '04.
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1930? 7" white plate from Sarreguemines, France. Inside a 1.5" rim there is a representation of Grandville's TH. The front carries two inscriptions: "Fables de la Fontaine" and "9. Le Lievre et la Tortue." The back has a "Digoin" stamp.
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1930? 7" white plate from Sarreguemines, France. Inside a 1.5" rim there is a representation of Grandville's "The Dog Carrying His Master's Dinner." The front carries two inscriptions: "Fables de la Fontaine" and "10. Le Chien Qui Porte a Son Cou le Diner de Son Maitre." The back has a "Digoin" stamp.
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1930? 7" white plate from Sarreguemines, France. Inside a 1.5" rim there is a representation of Grandville's "Lark, Her Children, and the Master of the Field." The front carries two inscriptions: "Fables de la Fontaine" and "11. L'Alouette, les Petits et le Maitre d'un Champ." The back has an indistinct "Digoin" stamp.
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1930? 7" white plate from Sarreguemines, France. Inside a 1.5" rim there is an adaptation of Grandville's LM (II 11). The front carries two inscriptions: "Fables de la Fontaine" and "12. Le Lion et le Rat." The back has a "Digoin/ Sarreguemines/France" stamp. $9 from Take a Second Look, Inc., Cuddebackville, NY, through Ebay, June, '99.
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1930? 7¼" white bowl from Sarreguemines, France. 1.5" deep. Inside the bowl there is a brown adaptation of Grandville's "The Cat and the Fox." The front carries two inscriptions: "Fables de la Fontaine" and "1. Le Chat et le Renard." The back has the usual Digoin stamp. From an unknown source before 2006.