Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> 1995 French LaF  >  Stamp-Image Notecards

Stamp-Image Notecards

1995 5 notecards, made to match their appropriate envelopes by placing an enlarged image of the fable stamp at the left edge of the landscape paper. Almost 4" x 8¼". The stamps in question are the Fables of La Fontaine stamps issued on June 24, 1995. $15 for the cards and envelopes from Loic Marchat, Villeurbanne, France, through Ebay, Jan., '02.

The five notecards are all inscribed by a young hand, most with warm messages like "Je vous aime" or "Je vous adore." The cards are unusual in having no apparent identifying marks. Other than a title, a picture, and a verse or two, there is nothing printed on either side of these cards.

Click on any notecard to see it full-size.

Le Chat, la Belette et le Petit Lapin