Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Fèves  >  Five Fabophile Matched Fève Duos

Five Fabophile Matched Fève Duos

2015?  Set of five matched pairs of fèves representing fables of Jean de La Fontaine.  Fabophile.  €17.81 from fabofolies through Ebay, Sept., '22.

I am beginning to sense how many sets of fèves must be out there representing La Fontaine's fables.  This set by Fabophile is well executed.  The only description I can get from a vendor -- or perhaps the manufacturer? -- is "Série de fèves représentant les duos célèbres."  These are among the best fable fèves I have seen, and the set seems to be rare.