Feves of Two Characters with Capital Titles
- Fèves
- Vahine Fèves x 12
- Complete Series of 10 Fable Fèves
- DVO 237 Complete Series of 11 Fable Fèves
- DVO304 Set of 8 Fèves
- Faboland Bonjour Maitre de La Fontaine Set of 10 Fèves
- Feves La Fontaine au Fournil
- Faboland Nordia Fèves Set of 5 Pairs
- Five Fabophile Matched Fève Duos
- Nex Set of Five Matching Disk Pairs
- Set of "Ronde des Pains" Fèves
- Set of Six Fèves Ref. T111
- Set of Eight Fèves Casino - Arguydal
- Set of Ten Two-Dimensional Fèves
- Série complète de 12 fèves Vahiné
- Feves of Two Characters with Capital Titles
- Feves of Two Characters with Some Lower Case Titles
- Various Other Fèves
- Matryoshka Dolls
- Glass Blocks with 3-D Engraving
- Large Carvings and Statues
- Small Carvings, Statues, & Figurines
- Anita's "This is a Little Wooden Book"
1980 8 different fables illustrated by fèves. From various vendors online and at French flea markets, through August, '15. One duplicate of TMCM as a cadeau offered with other fèves.
As can happen with such small sculptures, the results are sometimes a little bizarre. The milkmaid is pictured quite differently, for example, from other illustrations of this fable. WL seems to miss the fable quite entirely. WC, by contrast, seems quite successful! Some further investigation reveals that these are eight of the ten feves listed as "Complete Series of 10 Fables Feves" but without FG and LM. These are differently colored: that is where some of the "bizarre" comes into play.
GA | UP |
MM | FC |
TH | WC |