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1900? Set of twelve Au Bon Marché La Fontaine cards, 4" x 5 3/8", in oriental style. Printed by J.E. Goossens in Paris and Lille. 60 Francs each from Annick Tilly at the Clignancourt flea market, August, '99.
These are rich in gold with bright colors and make a strong oriental impression. The front of each, framed in gold, has "Au Bon Marché" at the top and a title and one-line moral at the bottom. On the verso we find again "Au Bon Marché" at the top, followed by a title and the verse fable of La Fontaine. At the bottom is a notice of Gossens and a printer's decoration. I have eight extras; the total number for each card, if greater than one, is indicated in the parentheses.
Click on any of the small images for a full rendition of it.
L'Aigle et la Pie (x2) | L'Ane et le Chien | Le Coq et la Perle (x2) |
Le Corbeau et le Renard (x2) | Le Geai Paré des Plumes du Paon | La Grenouille et le Rat (x2) |
La Grenouille et le Boeuf | La Guenon, le Singe & la Noix | Le Héron (x3) |
Le Lièvre et la Tortue (x2) | Le Loup et la Cigogne | Le Renard et la Cigogne (x2) |