Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Liebig Meat Extract  >  1892 Le Meunier

1892 Le Meunier

1892 Le Meunier, son Fils et l'Âne I. Compagnie Liebig. Six numbered cards. Sanguinetti #338. £40 at Murray Cards International, Cecil Court, London, July, '98.

1892 Die Bauern und der Esel. Liebig Company's Fleisch-Extract. Six numbered cards. $49.95 from Kyle DeRoy, Denver, through eBay, Oct., '06.

Click on any individual image to see it in fuller-than-life size in both the French and German versions.

MSA1892card1mini.jpg (15140 bytes)

MSA1892card2mini.jpg (15910 bytes)

1. Miller & son lead their ass to the fair

2. Son walks while father rides

MSA1892card3mini.jpg (14920 bytes)

MSA1892card4mini.jpg (15178 bytes)

3. Son rides while father walks

4. Both father and son ride

MSA1892card5mini.jpg (16374 bytes)

MSA1892card6mini.jpg (15647 bytes)

5. Father and son support the ass

6. Father and son carry the ass on a pole

See also the second MSA set (II) from Liebig in 1924. The backs of cards 3 and 4 here have a slightly different format with "COMPANIE LIEBIG" in large capitals at the top, while the other four cards have "VÉRITABLE EXTRAIT DE VIANDE LIEBIG" in smaller caps at their tops. See below the verso of cards #1 and #3 as samples. The fable here is presented not in La Fontaine's fashion, as it is in the 1924 set, but in the more traditional fashion, where first both walk, then each rides, and then both ride. Each card's number, below the picture, also has a sentence describing the scene or emanating from one of its players. The surprising card here is #5, where the men support the front legs of the ass. Then in #6 they carry him on a pole, and the scene's sentence says ""Le plus âne des trois n'est pas celui qu'on pense." The moral throughout is "On ne peut contenter tout le monde et son père." The cartoon figures here are the kind that people from Milwaukee see on the walls of their German restaurants. The miller smokes a German pipe throughout. The artist is of course ingenious in positioning a container of Liebig's meat product somewhere in each scene. Now, eight years later, I am happy to have found the German set too. The only difference I notice among the versos of these German cards lies in the degree of bolding given to the top line. These cards are so lovely that I reproduce each in larger-than-life dimensions. Click on a small version to see it.

MSA1892card1verso.jpg (35955 bytes)

Card #1

MSA1892card3verso.jpg (35988 bytes)

Card #3

Card #4

Card #5