Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Non-Stock Trade Card Series  >  Librairie Gedalge Blue and Orange Trade Cards

Librairie Gedalge Blue and Orange Trade Cards

1960? 6 numbered cards from a set of at least 20 by an unknown publisher featuring each one fable of La Fontaine. 2½" x almost 4". Three cards for $18 from Bertrand Cocq, Calonne-Ricouart, France, March, '01. Three cards, one (#20) in poor condition, for $12 from Annick Tilly, Clignancourt, August, '01. Another twelve cards for $60 from Bertrand Cocq, Calonne-Ricouart, France, Sept., '18. Eight more cards, including two non-duplicates, for $1.25 apiece from place-nette-nantes on Ebay, May, '22.  #13 "Les deux Coqs" for €6 from chemin-faisant on Ebay, Nov., '24.

These cards are unusual for their very lively and simple color schemes. OF may make the strongest visual statement. "Le Rat retiré du Monde" typifies the simple, even romantic approach to the fables here.

#1: FC

#2: TH

Blue back LaF OF.jpg (29075 bytes)

#3: FS

#4: OF

#6: Ass and Dog

Blue back LaF retired rat.jpg (26536 bytes)

#7: "Le Rat retiré du Monde"

#8: Fox and Goat

#9: FG

#10: CJ

Blue back LaF rabbit & frogs.jpg (26676 bytes) 

Blue back LaF FM.jpg (28299 bytes)

#11: "Le Lièvre et les Grenouilles"

#12: FM

#13: Les deux Coqs

#14: SS

#16: LM

Blue back LaF elephant & monkey.jpg (28362 bytes)

#17: Eagle and Owl

#18: "L'Éléphant et le Singe"

Blue back LaF cat & old rat.jpg (29644 bytes)

#19: Fox and Cock

#20: "Le Chat et le vieux Rat"