Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Postcard Series  >  Märchen-Postkarten zum Ausmalen

Märchen-Postkarten zum Ausmalen

1950?  Märchen-Postkarten zum Ausmalen.  Pamphlet-portfolio with twelve cards, six as patterns and sic to color.  Only both "Tortoise and Hedgehog" cards and the colored version of Cinderella (?) remain.  M. 1017.  Offsetdruck Walter Mainz.  Jos. Scholz Mainz Verlag, Wiesbaden.  €5 in Dresden, July, '24.

Another complete instance on the web of this set of postcards to color has convinced me that it includes fairy tales rather than fables.  I have made an exception for "Tortoise and Hedgehog" and so I include what is left of this publication.  The color work presented is strong.  A former owner of this pamphlet started to color but got only as far as the hedgehog's red pants and the green grass upon which he is sitting.