Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Individual Postcards  >  La Fontaine Vie Illustree

La Fontaine Vie Illustree

1950?  Black-and-white postcard of "Vie Illustrée" of LaFontaine.  Artists Ch. Leclerc and Léon Garnier.  Editions L.G. & Ch. L.  Série A.  €7.95 from Hip Postcard, April, '24. 

Is this image supposed to represent La Fontaine's life?  It seems to have sparse elements.  People interested in fables will notice the sheep and the crow.  Might there rather be a whole book of La Fontaine's life for which this is but one illustration?  The serrated edge at the top of the card suggests that it once belonged to a series of connected cards.  It is hard for me to date this card.