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Bonnin Hidden Picture Cards

1950?  Four monochrome hidden-picture cards featuring La Fontaine fables from Teinturerie Bonnin in Nantes, France.  Light paper with orange coloring.  4” x 2½”.  Two are signed by an artist with a name something like “Sluston.”  14.99 from place-nette-nantes on Ebay, August, ’21.

The seller identifies these as ”DLG Benjamin Rabier.”  Though they remind one of Rabier’s style, I do not believe they are his work.  Three clearly present fables.  I am not sure what the commerce of the two fish is meant to relate to in La Fontaine.  Two of the puzzle-answers were so easy that I wonder if I am not missing something obvious in the other two, which I find hard.  The opening statement on the verso seems clever, but I sense that they are playing with a verb other than “aller.”







