Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Fable Card Series  >  Gamzat Tsadas

Gamzat Tsadas

1977  “Gamzat Tsadas: Fables (Russian).”  Complete set of seventeen colored cards featuring the fables of Gamzat Tsadas.  Artist: C. Asheroorov Ekhepov.  4¼” x 8¾”.  $20.17 from RareSoviet on Etsy, Dec., ’20.

“The first national poet of Dagestan.”  Islam, the Revolution, creativity.  Wrote poems, fairy tales, and fables for children.  I can recognize perhaps five of the fables pictured here.  I put them first here.  The card size is unusual, with title, colored image, and a few lines on the front and a full text in Russian on the verso.  Soon enough, we may be able to use OCR technology to make more sense of the texts.  Till then, I have to be happy to enjoy the pictures and wonder about the story!



Wolf and Goat

Monkey Imitating Carpenter

Lion, Wolf, and Fox

Husband, Wife, and Thief

Fox in Well and Wolf

Bear and Trumpet

Male and Female Foxes

Male, Female, and Bird

Man Leading a Goat

Man Looking in Mirror


Owl and Mouse

Ox and Ass


Elephant and Ant

Two Foxes

Man and Ram