
1890? 7 French cards of La Fontaine fables from Chocolat Grondard.  2" x 3½".  No publisher indicated.  $16 from Bertrand Cocq, Calonne-Ricouart, France, March, '01.   3 more from St. Ouen, August, '15. 

These small portrait-formatted cards announce "Chocolat Grondard" at the top in red and run a red framing stripe around a colored illustration.  The stripe also frames a few lines from the fable below and, generally, a reference to La Fontaine and the specific fable.  Small italic print at the top of the illustration gives its French title.  Small numerals in the lower right or left may identify a series or a date ("3 18," :4 v 3 c," "4 10," "5 2," "5 5," "5 9," and "5 17").  There is also a small signature "LV&C" on several cards.  See a similar set of cards under "Léopold Verger & Cie." The fables appearing here are 2P, "Le Labourer et ses Enfants," "Le Lievre et le Perdrix," "Le Chameau et les Batons Flottants," BC, "Le Chat & le Vieux Rat," and "Le Renard et le Bouc."    The backs uniformly advertise Grondard on the Bd. Saint-Germain ("Spécialité pour Baptèmes"!) and the Bd. Malesherbes in Paris--in brown ink.


"Le Labourer et ses Enfants"

"Le Lievre et le Perdrix"

"Le Chameau et les Batons Flottants"


The Cat and the Old Rat

Fox and Goat