Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Albums of Cards or Stickers  >  Danmarks Serie Dyrefabler

Danmarks Serie Dyrefabler

1953 Danmarks Serie: Dyrefabler.  Vilhelm Grandt?  Illustrations by Frederik Bramming.  Introduction by Kai Friis Moller.  Hardbound.  Kopenhaven: Udgivet af Aktieselskabet Kaffesurrogatfabriken Danmark.  €23 from Bartko-Reher, Berlin, July, '21.

Though our copy is complete with its 32 pages, I will include here only those presenting fables, namely FG; BW; FS; TMCM; DS; WL; FK; "Mice in the Cream"; and OF.  Fuller commentary on the album can be found its listing under books for 1953. The color work seems to me to be of very high quality.  This collection seems somewhat rare on the web.  The scenes are the same as those depicted in individual cards catalogued under "fable cards," where this book and one set of stamps are illustrated.  The booklet seems identical with “Dandy Serie: Dyrefabler,” though the languages there seem to be the Belgian pair rather than the Danish here.  Very engaging artistry throughout, with plenty of humor!  OF may be among the best illustrated.


Album Cover

Two Goats

Hare and Snail



Fox, Lamb, and Mouse


Drunken Mouse




Gardener and Bear

Hedgehog and Hare 1

Hedgehog and Hare 2

Clever Dog and Wolf

Mice and Milk

Wolf and Ham



