French Matchboxes
I have put together four different purchases of Seita matchboxes. Let me describe them first and then present images. Those images will match those that I have listed under French matchbox covers.
1950? Thirty French matchboxes, each giving the title and an illustration for a fable of either Jean de La Fontaine or Florian. From desallumettesenveuxtuenvoila through eBay, August, '15.
Here is a complete set of thirty matchboxes.
1950? Twenty-nine French matchboxes, each giving the title and an illustration for a fable of either Jean de La Fontaine or Florian. $25.90 from from desallumettesenveuxtuenvoila through eBay, August, '
This almost-complete set, missing only "Les Deux Pigeons," replicates the full set of covers in both sets of SEITA illustrations, minus the two larger covers apparently used for packages of ten. Their images are thus the same as that set.
1950? Twenty-nine French matchboxes, each giving the title and an illustration for a fable of either Jean de La Fontaine or Florian. £14 from lifeiselsewhere through eBay, April, '03.
It is comic that I have two sets that are complete except for one matchbox. Luckily, the missing matchbox is not the same in this set as in the other. Here the missing matchbox is "The Lion and the Mosquito." Again, this almost-complete set replicates the full set of covers in both sets of SEITA illustrations, minus the two larger covers apparently used for packages of ten. Their images are thus the same as that set.
1950? Fourteen French matchboxes, each giving the title and an illustration for a fable of either Jean de La Fontaine or Florian. 13 Euros for thirteen matchboxes from Romuald Outrequin, Toulon, France, through Ebay, Jan., '02. These join a set I had bought from Mr. Outrequin earlier.
These are the first that I found, and they are those pictured first below. What a pleasure to see covers I had found in two other places now on their boxes. FG, TMCM, and "La Taupe et les Lapins" repeat from there. Strong new designs here include "La Belette Entrée dans un Grenier," FK, "Le Heron," and "Le Renard et le Bouc." Just below are those first-found fourteen.
Les Deux Pigeons (2) | Le Lion et le Moucheron (2) |
L'Ane et le Petit Chien | La Belette Entrée dans un Grenier (2) |
La Cigale et la Fourmi (2) | Le Cochet, le Chat et le Souriceau |
| |
Le Corbeau et le Renard (2) | Les Grenouilles qui Demandent un Roi |
Le Héron (2) | La Poule aux Oeufs d'Or (2) |
Le Rat de Ville et le Rat des Champs | Le Renard et le Bouc (2) |
Le Renard et les Raisins (2) | La Taupe et les Lapin (2) |
To get an overall sense of the series of matchboxes involved here, I offer a portrait and a landscape view of them together, those that are landscape-formatted. Click on either image to see it expanded.
and those that are portrait-formatted:
Here is the complete set of matchbox covers, giving each of the individual images:
L'Ane Chargé d'Éponges | L'Ane Vetu de la Peu de Lion |
La Belette Entrée dans un Grenier | Les Deux Pigeons |
Les Deux Rats, le Renard et l'Oeuf | Le Lion et le Moucheron |
Les Grenouilles Qui Demandent un Roi | La Jeune Poule et le Renard |
Le Rat et l'Huitre | Le Sanglier et les Rossignols |
La Tortue et les Deux Canards |
L'Ane et le Petit Chien | La Carpe et les Carpillons | Le Chat, la Belette et le Petit Lapin |
La Cigale et la Fourmi | Le Cochet, le Chat et le Souriceau | Le Corbeau et le Renard |
Le Héron | Le Lièvre et la Tortue | Le Lion et le Rat |
Le Loup et l'Agneau | Le Loup et le Chien | Le Loup et la Cicogne |
La Poule aux Oeufs d'Or | Le Rat de Ville et le Rat des Champs | Le Renard et le Bouc |
Le Renard et la Cigogne | Le Renard et les Raisins | Le Singe qui Montre la Lanterne Magique |
La Taupe et les Lapins |