- Audio Cassettes
- Bruguière Stereocartes
- Compact Disks
- Cylindrical Audio Recordings
- DVDs
- Film Animation Cells
- Films
- Filmstrips Alone
- Filmstrips with Cassettes
- Filmstrips with Records
- Kenner Give-A-Show
- Laminated Illustrations
- Lantern Slides
- Lestrade Stéréoscopes
- Movie Publicity Stills
- Paper Cartoon Movies
- Records
- Playola Records
- Sheet Music
- Stereopticon Slides
- Teaching Aids
- Tru-Vue Stereo
- V-M Talking Reels
- Video Cassettes
- View-Master
I have found so many CD-ROMs that I need to separate off some groups. The instigation for this separation has come when I find that the same CD-ROM has been published three times with different titles and packaging. So that group -- multilingual -- will be my first group. Others, I am sure, will follow soon. A most general page -- individual CD-ROMs -- still comes first.