Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Admitted Graduate Students

Get ready to start your grad program. 

Congratulations on being admitted to Creighton! You’re one step closer to reaching your goals. Your education here will transform your life—and help you to transform the world.

We know you have questions, and the Creighton community is here to help you through your important next steps. Explore important information for all admitted student below and find information for specific colleges here: 

Accounts to Activate and Access

All Creighton students receive a free BLUE account, which allows them to access essential systems and services at Creighton. To set up your BLUE Account, sign into using the NetID (three letters and five numbers) that was emailed to you and click Activate Account. Enter your assigned NetID, the one-time password (OTP) emailed to you and your date of birth to verify your identity. 

You will be asked to create a security profile that you will use if you should ever need to reset your password. Finally, create the new password, which you will use when logging in to services using your BLUE account.

The NEST is an essential online resource where you can view financial aid information, register for classes, find our course catalog, see your schedule and more. Admitted students also have a Creighton email account. 

Once your BLUE account is activated, you can access the NEST and your Creighton email account by entering your NetID and BLUE password.

Health and Well-Being

To protect your health and the well-being of our campus community, students must meet specific immunization requirements and provide verification that requirements have been met. See up-to-date requirements and details about verification from the Student Health Education and Compliance Office.

All full-time students must have comprehensive health insurance. For graduate students, 8 credits per semester is considered full time. Explore our insurance requirements.

Creighton offers a variety of academic, career and accessibility services. Learn more about our Student Success Center.

Final Tasks

Depending on your program, your academic coach or program director will help you with this process.

Transfer Credits

A graduate student who has taken a graduate-level course at another accredited institution which the student believes will substitute for a required or elective course in the graduate program at Creighton University may request transfer credit for the course. Only courses completed within the last seven (7) years, and courses in which the student earned a grade of A or B may be considered for transfer credit. Ordinarily, not more than six (6) transfer credits can be applied toward a master’s program.

Steps to Transfer Credits

  1. Access and fill out the Request for Transfer Credit.
  2. Submit the transfer form, along with syllabus and transcript for each requested course, to your program director.
  3. The program director will evaluate the transfer request. Upon review, Graduate School will grant or deny the transfer request. Approved transfer credits will be reflected on the student’s transcript, however, the credits will not be calculated in the student’s grade point average.
  4. Graduate School will send an official letter to the student with the transfer decision.

If you plan to park on campus, you’ll need a permit. Make sure to get yours before the start of classes. Apply for your permit.

Student using laptop at table

New Student Portal

The New Student Portal is a personalized website that’s an important part of the admissions process for many of our programs. Use the New Student Portal to track next steps, submit your deposit, complete supplemental applications and much more. Check your portal often to stay up to date.

Information for Admitted International Students

Once you have been admitted to Creighton, make sure to complete the following steps so we can send you the I-20 and immigration paperwork. These documents will allow you to prepare and set a date for your visa interview.

Step 1:

Complete your financial paperwork.

  • Certificate of Available Finances
  • One of the following:
    • Bank statement: Must show bank name and address, currency and bank account information (name of account holder, account number)  
    • Signed and notarized letter from the bank with bank details (name and title of person issuing the letter), bank account information (name of account holder, account number) and amount available in the account in the home currency and in US dollars  
    • Sponsorship/scholarship letter with contact information of company/organization

Step 2:

Upload a scanned copy of your passport.

Step 3:

Once we have reviewed all the items above, we will process and mail your I-20 to your current address. At that time, if you need to, please use the SEVIS number located on your I-20 to pay your SEVIS fee and book a slot for your visa interview.

For more information on what to expect at your visa interview and for practice tips, make a trip to your local EducationUSA branch. They will be able to help you understand what to expect, what to prepare for and what documents to take with you.

Admitted Pharmacy, PT and OT Students

Congratulations on being admitted to the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions! If you’ve received a notification that you have been accepted, the next step is to submit your deposit in the admission portal.  

Submitting your $400 deposit will secure your seat in our pharmacy, PT or OT program.  

Next, keep an eye out for an email notifying you of the date of the Admitted Student Day for your chosen location. In-person events are held in Denver, Anchorage, Omaha and Phoenix. We also host virtual events to share information during the onboarding process.  

Prior to the start of your program in the fall, you will attend a New Student Orientation for your chosen location. Attendance at the entirety of New Student Orientation is required.

Admitted School of Law Students

Welcome to the School of Law! The next step is to reserve your seat by submitting your deposits.  

To reserve your spot, you must pay your first ($250) and second ($250) nonrefundable seat deposits by the dates specified on your “Response to Letter of Acceptance.” If we do not receive your deposit on time, we will withdraw your application. Pay your deposit in the application portal.  

You will need to provide your username and PIN to activate your account and pay your deposit. This information is provided in your acceptance packet. You may pay both your seat deposits at once ($500) or pay individually ($250 each) by the two seat deposit deadlines specified in your “Response to Letter of Acceptance.” If you prefer to pay your deposit by check, you may log in to your portal and pay via e-check.  

If you have any questions about seat deposits, please contact or 402.280.2586.

School of Law Admitted Student Checklist

  • Complete the FAFSA by June 1. The Creighton school code is 002542.
  • Activate your Net ID for NEST and CU Mail by June 1. Your Net ID and password were included in your acceptance packet. Through NEST you can:
  • Pay your second $250 seat deposit by June 1 (or the date specified in your acceptance packet)
  • Request accommodations. If you have disabilities and require accommodations, please email Kendra Fershée, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at with the nature of your disability and your requested accommodations. Please send as soon as possible to allow adequate time to process.  
  • Secure housing. If you’re planning a move to Omaha, begin exploring housing options soon so you’re settled by the start of classes. If you move, make sure to change your address with the U.S. Postal Service and on NEST.  
  • Accept your financial aid award by July 15 via NEST.
  • View your course schedule. In late July, the registrar will register you for your classes. You’ll receive an email with your section assignment. Once you’re registered, your class schedule will be available to view via NEST.
  • Attend orientation. Each August, we begin our orientation activities with a cocktail reception. Our mandatory two-day orientation, will help you transition to law school.
  • Request Direct Deposit for student loans. If you plan to receive loan proceeds you must request direct deposit to your bank account. Sign up via NEST by August 1.
  • Pay your tuition. You’ll receive an e-mail in late July from the Business Office, alerting you that your tuition and fees statement is available via NEST. Any scholarships and loans will be applied directly to your account on August 15. Any remaining balance after your financial aid has been applied must be paid by August 25.
  • Update your immunization and insurance information via NEST by August 1. Failure to enter your immunization data will result in a “hold” being placed on your account and you will not be able to register for classes. All full-time students are required to have comprehensive health insurance. You will be automatically enrolled in Creighton’s student health insurance plan unless you submit a waiver request.
  • Request your final undergraduate transcripts by August 22. Even though you had your undergraduate college or university submit your transcripts to the LSAC as part of your law school application, Creighton is still required by the American Bar Association to keep on file an official, undergraduate transcript, verifying the completion of your bachelor’s degree. Please have your undergraduate institution submit your final transcripts to the School of Law Admissions Office, 2500 California Plaza, Omaha, NE, 68178.
  • Purchase your textbooks. You may order your books online through the Creighton University bookstore. You can also obtain textbooks through the student-run Creighton School of Law Book Swap Facebook page

You make take your law school exams either by hand or on your computer. If you choose to use your computer, you’ll need special online testing software. To take tests online, please note:

  • You must provide your own notebook computer, however, it may not be a netbook
  • The testing software does run on Windows and Macintosh with at least Windows XP (Windows) or Mac OS 10.5.8 (Macintosh), but be certain that your computer meets the Minimum System Requirements 
  • Other operating systems are not supported by the online testing software

Curious if your computer is compatible with the law school networks? Questions about software? To learn more, visit the Creighton University Division of Information Technology (DoIT) website or contact (Douglas Reynolds), Technology Coordinator, at 402.280.2256.

No computer? No worries. The law library has several computer labs available for your use. Looking to buy a computer? Make sure it meets the following:


  • Windows 7
  • Intel Core i3, i5, i7 processor or equivalent AMD processor (2ghz minimum)
  • 3 GB RAM
  • CDRW/DVD Combo Drive
  • 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless card (WIFI)
  • 160 GB Hard-drive & 500 GB ext. Hard-drive for backup of data
  • Warranty for the duration of time you are in school 


  • MacOS 10.6.8 or greater
  • Intel Core 2 Duo processor
  • 4 GB RAM 
  • CDRW/DVD Combo Drive
  • 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless card (WIFI)
  • 250GB Hard-Drive & 500GB ext. Hard-Drive for backup of data
  • Most campus resources are focused first on Windows, therefore, you may have some functionality issues