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Neuroscience Degree (Bachelor of Science)

With a Creighton neuroscience degree, you will explore the complex world of the brain and nervous system through hands-on research. Here, you will delve into several scientific disciplines to understand how the brain serves as a foundation of the mind, awareness and thought.

Neuroscience explores how the nervous system controls and responds to bodily functions and directs behavior. It also encompasses how nervous system structure and function are determined by genes and environment. At Creighton, you will study neuroscience within the Jesuit framework, learning about ethical and social issues in addition to core scientific concepts.

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Program Goals

With a neuroscience degree, you will explore a variety of scientific disciplines, including biology, physics, cognitive psychology, chemistry and philosophy, using all of them to more fully understand human behavior.

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in neuroscience at Creighton will:

  • Learn concepts and theories in the field of neuroscience
  • Gain a multidisciplinary understanding of brain function as related to cognition and behavior
  • Learn to read, understand and evaluate peer-reviewed scientific research articles in the field of neuroscience
  • Amass technical competence in fundamental research techniques used in the field
  • Gain a foundational understanding of bioethical issues related to the field of neuroscience—for example the ethics of neuroimaging and brain privacy, neurotechnology safety, cognitive enhancement and potential avenues for pharmacological manipulation
  • Learn about and how to communicate your experience and understanding of neuroscience research and/or literature and its relevance to society
  • Learn how to critically assess local and global current events related to neuroscience
  • Find out about career and post-graduate opportunities prior to graduation


There are 71 credits within the neuroscience curriculum. The program requires sophomore standing and completion of a number of prerequisites with a minimum 3.0 GPA. View neuroscience curriculum

Honors Requirement (Optional)

At least three credits and Senior Seminar (minimum of four credits)*      

  • NEU XXX Directed Independent Research (one to three credits)
  • NEU XXX Directed Independent Study (one to three credits)

*Honors status may be associated with membership in the national Neuroscience Honor Society, Nu Rho Psi.

Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Program

If you see graduate school in your future, why not start sooner? Get a head start on your Master of Science in Neuroscience while finishing up your bachelor’s degree.

Learn how to save a year of time and tuition through our Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s programs.

Admissions Requirements

Creighton admissions are based upon:

  • High school GPA
  • ACT or SAT scores*
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Personal statement to demonstrate creative abilities not reflected in your transcripts
  • Recommendation from high school counselor
  • Honors sections and advanced placement courses will enhance a candidate’s application
*For students who are choosing to apply test-optional, ACT/SAT exam scores are not required at the time of application for admission.

Additional Requirements

Acceptance into the neuroscience major requires the following:

  • Completion of General Biology, General Chemistry and Introduction to Psychology courses
  • Minimum of 3.0 GPA in these courses

Current Creighton students who have completed or are completing the requirements can apply for the major online. (See the Neuroscience option under the Biology Department.)

Dates & Deadlines

Applications for the fall semester open on Aug. 1 of the prior year. For scholarship consideration, the earlier you complete your undergraduate application, the better. For up-to-date deadlines, visit our admissions page.

Tuition & Financial Aid

Tuition rates are updated each year. Visit our financial aid site to learn more about the cost of attendance.

Financial Aid

Creighton University’s Financial Aid Office administers over $200,000,000 in student aid each year from federal, state, institutional and private sources.

To help make your undergraduate studies at Creighton University more affordable, we encourage you to file the FAFSA to apply for financial assistance. A variety of scholarships are also available.

Ally Jay Einbeck
“Creighton’s neuroscience program provides hands-on learning in a growing and interdisciplinary field. This unique major is challenging, preparatory for future professional studies and extremely rewarding.”
— Ally Jay Einbeck, Neuroscience Major
Hannnah Mosher
“The neuroscience program has let me take a wide breadth of classes that interest me, while also continuing to pursue other interests, such as travel. The faculty challenge students to think critically and work hard, but do so with care and compassion.”
— Hannah Mosher, Neuroscience Major
Emily Volz
“Our faculty members go above and beyond for their students each day—they work hard to individualize their teaching. I feel more than prepared to take on professional school after graduation. I’m forever thankful I chose this major.”
— Emily Volz, Neuroscience Major

You’ll work directly with professors in Creighton’s College of Arts and Sciences, School of Medicine or School of Pharmacy and Health Professions to conduct research.

The Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience is part of the integrated Career for Neuroscience at Creighton, the goal of which is to provide students with a thorough understanding of neuroscience principles and modern application. Research opportunities for students, in addition to coursework and participation in community outreach, are key to meeting that goal.


Jobs in neuroscience have increased in the past several years as research efforts have intensified into a global effort. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs for medical scientists, including neuroscientists, is expected to grow 17% by 2030. That’s much faster than average.   

A neuroscience major makes excellent preparation for medical or pharmacy school, other graduate programs and the workforce—which may include jobs in neurology, neuroscience or medical sales.

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