Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.
The fully online EMS Instructor course at Creighton University provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to become an entry-level EMS instructor. You will learn what it takes to facilitate quality, student-centered lectures and to do the online research necessary to present relevant and effective EMS courses. The EMS Instructor course was developed using the U.S. Department of Transportation’s most current guidelines for educating EMS instructors.
first attempt pass rate on the 2023 paramedic national registry exam
program retention rate
of 2023 graduates are employed or are continuing their education
When you successfully complete the EMS Instructor course, you will receive a certificate of completion. However, Creighton does not participate in a sanctioned certification process so you cannot declare yourself a certified EMS Instructor. Successful course completion will satisfy current requirements for those seeking EMS Instructor certification in Nebraska. Regulatory requirements vary by state regarding instructor certification. Please check with your state agency for specific EMS Instructor certification requirements.
The EMS Instructor course is offered 100-percent online. Each week you will have an average of about two hours of recorded instruction; an hour of interactive dialogue with your instructor and classmates; and about four hours of reading and written assignments. As part of the course you will be expected to prepare lectures and lab presentations.
The EMS Instructor course is intended to be a collaborative community of online adult learners. Your online community will include EMS professionals from a variety of backgrounds who live all over the country and the world. We invite you to share your EMS professional experiences and training with your classmates and instructor.
An EMS certification or other emergency medical certification/licensure.
You must have access to a computer and a reliable high-speed Internet connection. Learn more about technology requirements for online learning at Creighton.
You will be assigned a Creighton email account for use while you are enrolled in this course. All electronic correspondence will be sent through your Creighton account.
You may take the online EMS Instructor course for credit or noncredit. Here is the cost associated with this online course:
*Students taking this course for college credit are billed at the current credit hour rate. The cost of tuition is subject to change.
The EMS Instructor course is delivered 100% online and is available as either a credit or certificate class. EMS Instructor is a fall semester class beginning each year in late August and concluding in early December.
The next session is: