Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.
Creighton University Libraries support instruction and research with print and electronic course reserve services. The primary function of these services is to ensure that students and instructors will have timely access to course-related library resources. Our course reserve services provide access to articles, chapters, class notes, and much more. Materials are accessible either online as Electronic Reserves (E-Reserves) or available for check-out at the Service Desk as print reserves.
Your instructor may assign specific chapters, articles or sections to read, or film clips to view for your course. If these are online, you will access them from within your Blueline course in the Library Research/Resources tab. No password is needed when using this method.
If you experience problems accessing the materials, please try a different web browser. If you are trying to use an e-book and can't open it, this may be due to a restriction on the number of simultaneous users. Please try again after 30 minutes.
Continued problems should be reported to Iibraries@creighton.edu.
For non-digital materials, you may check these out at the specific library where they are housed - either the Health Sciences Library or Reinert.
The best method to look up course reserves in JaySearch is by your instructor's name, although you can also use the course name or number. Please bring your CU ID card and be aware that these generally have loan periods of 2-4 hours, and must be used while in the library.
Creighton Libraries can post course materials for online access in our E-Reserves system, which will be linked in your Blueline course in the Library Research/Resources tab. We will upload files or scan copies that adhere to Copyright and Fair Use guidelines, or add stable links for journal articles and other content. Please submit your syllabus or fully cited readings list and any comments to libraries@creighton.edu OR you may submit the web form below once for each item to be posted. Allow up to 4 working days for processing. If obtaining licenses or permissions is required, the processing of those items may take longer. You may wish to review our Streaming Video Policy and Streaming Media Flowchart if you are including requests to use these in your course.
You can also place hard copy materials on reserve for an entire class to take turns checking out, including books, CDs, anatomical models, and DVDs. These materials can be library items or your personal items. Please note that we cannot be responsible for damage or loss. To submit a request for regular Course Reserves, fill out the form below. Library material will be retrieved and placed on Reserve by our staff. Please bring your personal material to the pertinent library's service desk for processing.
For questions regarding hard copy materials, email or call the libraries' Service Desk: libraries@creighton.edu, 402.280.2260.